Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Fix-it
FACTION: Independant
RANK: Destroyer of Worlds
SPECIES: SC Precision Maintenance Droid
AGE: 2​
SEX: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 6 cm. 10cm with legs extended
WEIGHT: .5 kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Durasteel
SKIN: Durasteel
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yeah sure whatever you say man. (no)

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :​
+Repulsor, also retractable bipedal legs.​
+Is a droid​
-Is a droid​
- is very small​
- thinks he is the ruler of a small solar system.

Avreage for a droid that is only 6cm tall​
Due to the tight spaces on ships and stations the researchers a KRD&S began developing a droid that would be able to enter bulkheads and engine areas to work on repairs with out the need for dismantling whole sections of ships to make repairs. A need was also seen for it to be able to make small precision repairs to everything from engines to onboard computers.

To this effect it was fitted with small manipulator arms, fusion welder, electric pike and mini buzz saw. Taking from ancient salvaged buzz droids and using advances in robotics many of the parts were made smaller and better suited for precision work. The droid can be fitted with either male or female personality programing but no vocabulator and must communicate via text display or binary code.

One of the last useful qualities is the droid is shielded from minor EMP pulses caused by ship or stations system failure or naturally occurring pulses in and around nebulae. This allows limited ability to function in the face of military grade EMP weapons depending on the proximity to the pulse epicenter. The processor is also designed in such away as to not be damaged by ion blast this means while the droid will shut down and cease to operate as per usual the processor can be removed and added to another casing thus keeping the droid from losing stored data and programming.

not really​
He will try.​

You likely


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