Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fixing Character Profile Links

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
So, apparently no one, from what I can tell, can go to someone's character profile link by clicking on what they've posted in their profile. I was wondering if there was some was to fix that, so we could click on the links properly instead of needing to copy/paste them.
Well-Known Member
[member="Braith Achlys"] Ah, I see. My mistake! I agree, that would be nice, though I'm not sure how possible that is. Guess we'll see! :p
Vitor Imperieuse said:
So, apparently no one, from what I can tell, can go to someone's character profile link by clicking on what they've posted in their profile. I was wondering if there was some was to fix that, so we could click on the links properly instead of needing to copy/paste them.
I still don't understand.

Go get gyazo and show me what you mean, or provide a more detailed description.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
I believe he's saying we're all lazy chums and would looooooove if we could click on "Character bio" link in people's profile pages to go to their biography thread instead of selecting text, copying and pasting it to the url bar to get there. Like we have the option in people's post.


Gotta say, I agree. >_>
Ah. No, sorry, not a bug - it's just how the software is intended to work, which I haxed to my own needs for the community.


I sincerely apologize for making you highlight, copying and paste so much and I will take the weight of your carpel tunnel to my grave.

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
The link at the bottom of a user's board profile creates this handy dandy link beneath a charactar's avatar in their posts, which will take you directly to their character profile if you click it. No need to go to their board profile at all.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

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