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Fixx Kearney

Connor Harrison



Fixx Kearney
"Take a deep breath. You only need one shot. Make it count."


Name: Fixx Kearney
Profession: Intelligence and Espionage
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
Faction: None as yet
Force Sensitive: No
Voice Sample: Daniel Craig as James Bond in ‘Casino Royale’


~ PAC20 Visual Wrist Comlink A hands free communication device on the left wrist capable of video and audio transmission.

~ Republic Blaster A handheld medium-power blaster pistol with 15 shots per clip.


+ A great shot with hand-held weaponry; small or large. Trained in a variety of weaponry from snub pistols to sniper rifles, and is comfortable behind a trigger or looking through a scope. Has approximately 12 years of weapons training of varying power, stealth and tactics.

+ Trained in a number of offensive and defensive melee combat styles across a variety of geographical terrains in order to learn how to depend on number one; his own body. Has approximately 12 years of combat training of varying styles, endurance and aggression.

+ A strong believer of the line between right and wrong, and so will be loyal to the cause he signs up for in defending a planet, a peoples or a single target from the sights of evil no matter the cost.

~ A pleasant person to be around who is willing to get to know anyone that he meets up against, but sees each person as a stepping stone to get to the end goal. This dampens his relationships and can make him appear un-caring and cold and reckless with others emotions.

- Puts himself in danger in the line of duty, often without others being aware, and so can easily get into deep water due to his ego as he tries to be a one man army. He prefers to operate alone to reduce collateral damage, to reduce emotional ties and to enable his actions to affect only two people – himself and the target.

- Not good with numbers and math and this hampers his ability to crack codes or work on any encryption that requires a numerical and methodical approach. This also means he gets easily aggravated and frustrated with expectations of others.

- His physical strength is that amounting to a normal man and so he is not realistically favourable to combat the stronger tyrants and warriors of the galaxy.


Fixx was born in 802ABY in sprawling Galactic City, Coruscant. He never knew his mother as she died in childbirth, but his father, Tan Kearney, sacrificed his career as an officer in the Coruscant Security Force to bring up his son.

Enjoying a strict but rewarding childhood with good education and few friends, Fixx made sure to study the society and people surrounding him as he never left Coruscant in all of his years as a young boy and teenager. He broke some hearts and had his broken a few times (as well as a few bones), but used his independence to work hard in a few jobs here and there to bring in a small income. This was used to live a steady life with his father who found work as a Metrocab driver when Fixx was old enough to be trusted and left alone whilst he worked long shifts. In these alone times, the young man would read books, build intricate models and go for runs to keep his mind and body active.[/center]


On his 18th birthday, Fixx wanted to continue a career his father sacrificed for him and enrolled with the Coruscant Security Force. He learnt as much as he could about criminal factions and the history of the CSF from their origins, their role as military enforcers under Emperor Sheev Palpatine, their part in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and their current reformation after the Gulag virus.

Fixx took to wanting to be active as much as he could, not depending on droids or gadgets as he didn’t trust something that had no heart or brain to make judgment over his own mind. He participated in regular patrols on graduation to the CSF and escalated to surveillance operations, diplomatic protection and crime scene investigations. He trained hard and lived a solitary life with few friends and had a cheeky respect for his superiors, but his dedication was overall undeniable.


Turning 26 and with a steady career ahead of him, Fixx received the opportunity to segregate from the CSF to the Special Ops division of the Republic Alliance, a top secret military intelligence unit who oversaw the security of the galaxy against the continuous threat of evil. He accepted at once. The Chief of Intelligence saw potential in Fixx, admiring his emotional detachment from others and his drive to succeed. He was initiated into the team where he would work to obtain and analyze top secret military, diplomatic and economic information and report such information to the relevant branches of the Alliance. He travelled on assignments to planets such as the Endor moon, Hoth, Velusia and Ord Mantell.


He was a fully-fledged operative as he turned 30 after 4 years of training and field work, with assignments deeply involved in the affairs of the Republic and the on-going battle between the warriors of the Jedi and Sith. It continued to open his eyes to what was out there beyond the stars. He worked closely with his Commander-in-Chief, proving that the more heat was applied to his assignments across many sectors, the more he would risk life and limb to serve the Republic, helping protect millions of good, innocent people out there; good, innocent people like his father who passed away when Fixx was 28, never really knowing the work his son was doing or how much of an inspiration he was.

One example of his later work was his involvement on the Outer Rim planet of Kintan. After months of surveillance, it was reported that a squad of mercenaries had sabotaged and taken over a remote communication station that was in use by the Republic, jamming all signals and leaving a large area of space blind. Fixx was sent in with two other Republic agents via dropship and they landed, ready to scale the cliff face the station was on and neutralize the enemy. With only one Republic agent killed and a speeder destroyed, the station was eventually retaken by Fixx and all the mercs were removed from the situation.


Now the chance was there to be a more recognised member of the unit and to openly be a face of the wider Republic, still operating in a top secret division known only to a few. However, Fixx would be a face that would be known to the enemy only by the destruction, dead bodies and liberated ladies he left behind.

Upon arriving at Republic Headquarters on Corsucant, Fixx was immediately taken by Republic pilot and engineer Kayliegh Tyven who helped him find his way. The two found a spark, and spent the evening together sharing stories over drinks. But the pleasure didn't last long. Coruscant fell to the One Sith.

Thrown into chaos, the Republic saw their enemy, and Fixx was on assignment on Khubeaie in the Arkanis system.. Intel reported that smugglers were selling Republic secrets to those passing by on the Corellian Run, but it seemed useless once he was pulled back to the Core as his home world fell to the Sith. Evacuating the planet, Fixx was based with a fleet to await the signal to move out, and he was swept up in the evacuation and relocation of the Republic. In the aftermath, Fixx sought out Kayleigh on the newly established THI HQ on Tython where he confirmed his feelings for her.

Fixx worked a number of high profile assignments for the Republic from basic intelligence gathering to bodyguard of the Chief of State and assassinations. But when Kayleigh was implemented in selling secrets to the Sith forces and betraying the Republic, Fixx was tasked to bring her in for arrest. However they never made it back before their ship crashed as Fixx discovered they were both targeted to be killed for their work in bringing down Sith spies - it was all a set up.


Fixx survived the crash, but Kayleigh nearly died and fell into a coma. Weeks passed, and finally she came too but had suffered memory loss, and wasn't the same pilot Fixx knew. It affected their relationship, and they drifted apart when he was called away back into service and Kayleigh was sent for private medical rehabilitation to recover and re-build her life. There was little motivation left in him or months after.

But this wasn't the end for Fixx. Hardening his shell, closing his heart and focusing his mind to train and develop his skillset, he made a return to service for the Republic as a colder, harder agent and one who wouldn't be taken advantage of ever again...


Assorted criminal types and a few power-crazed doctors / corrupt industrialists / rogue agents etc


'From Coruscant, With Love'
Fixx Kearney makes himself known and seeks out the Galactic Republic to start his new career...

'The Property Of A Lady'
Established with the Galactic Republic, Fixx makes good on his word to rendezvous with pilot Kayleigh Tyven...

'Win, Lose or Die'
After the fall of Corsucant, Fixx vows to find Kayleigh Tyven and establish what they both mean to each other, and the Republic...

'Rally Of Resolve'
One of the first real assignments in his new position with the Republic, Fixx monitors the Chief of State during a rally...

'Tonight We're Going To Party Like It's 999ABY'
With a ball held for Republic Defence Forces, Fixx dons his dinner jacket and makes an appearance to build new bridges...

'Everything Or Nothing'
The latest assignment for Fixx brings him face to face with one of his own in a matter dealing with treason; Kayleigh Tyven...

'The Spy Who Came In From The Cantina'
Fixx is called by Republic bod Mark Crassis. The reason? The future of the Intelligence Unit resting on their shoulders...

'On His Minister's Secret Service'
Fixx returns to Republic duty and straight away is called to investigate a possible corrupt Senator...

'A Tangled Web'
Assigned to Senator Kay of Commenor to monitor her actions, Fixx begins to investigate Republic relations with the Sith...

'Webs Of Deception'
Fixx and Senator Kay, with the help of Minister Balor-Organa and Jedi Mantic Dorn, continue to delve into the dark heart of politics...

Connor Harrison

[member="Jack Rand"] You don't KNOW how long I was deliberating over if I could avoid that. And you just said it. The first interaction and you said it. :p

[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] About time we had a bit of Bond in the SW galaxy. More imagery to come with the sig and avs soon. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] I'm sure we may, Miss Tyven.

Just need to get myself with a Faction, and I'm aiming for making headway in the Republic.

Connor Harrison

[member="Jack Rand"] Oh come on, not Connery!

<-------- Not Connery!

Roger Moore, maybe.

Anyway, I'm not affiliated with James Bond. I'm Kearney. Fixx K...damn.

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