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Open Market Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild




It was created primarily to help Valkyrja's trade and keep in touch with other peoples/nations, both within the Netherworld and beyond in Realspace. Thanks to Greystone Mercantile, they can take orders from others as well. There are many craftsmen and artists among the members of the valkyrja, so they make many such products, which they are happy to exchange.

The FSG is primarily loyal to its own people and also has a close relationship with Greystone, to whom they owe much. They’re primarily bartered and don’t really accept real money, they wouldn’t benefit much in Nether from it, so they’d rather exchange their products for the things they need.

And, of course, they also exchange their services for needed products or services, or just some promises, which are then kept and adhere to through the Shadows, with the help of Empyrean Contracts. They usually trade in anything, but the company avoids the inherently evil things, objects, and stuff that are certainly intended to use against vulnerable and the weak ones.

At Netherworld, FSG has a good reputation, everyone knows they are reliable and always abide by what they undertake. They have less of a reputation in Realspace for now, but they are also doing their best to gain a good reputation there.


The company is not actually owned by Eina, although she is the one entrusted with supervision and liaison, as she was the first to work for/to Greystone Mercantile. The idea of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild already arose in the woman at that time, that it would be good to work for them as a so-called independent subcontractor. Eventually he dealt with his own people for quite some time, but once the clans were formed it was necessary to keep in touch with others as well outside of her people.

This was the reason why the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild was finally founded. In order to make their products accessible to everyone and make it easier to trade, FSG has eventually become a subsidiary of Greystone. This was done through a completely friendly arrangement, and since Eina knew them, she became the contactor.

The relationship between Greystone and FSG is fairly loose, although formally a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary. The FSG is mainly concerned with the interests of Valkyrja, as it is one of the central commercial centres within their people.

And if something is needed between the two companies, so far they have always been able to agree on everything and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships.

Later, when Valkyrja had grown into a complete civilization and FSG had countless individual orders, they became independent and now continue to operate as independent, separate company.

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