Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FJ/RPJ/Admin specialties and competencies

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Please list your competencies and the Factory subforum to which they apply.
Me - Sociopolitical structures (Planets), space station engineering (Starships), orbital mechanics (Planets)
For SW stuff, I know the EU inside and out, can double-check gun counts -- I know ships.

I am bad with guns and horrible with tanks.
Don't forget your weaknesses too!

Medicine - Tech, Species
Biology - Tech, Species, Planets
Chemistry/Physics - Tech
RL Military Tech/Science - Tech


Application and Relationship between SW ships/tech, i.e. Equivalency of 1 turbolaser = X missile tubes.
Planets and species, technology with realistic groundings.
- Degree in history and politics, interest in astrophysics and biology.

Force and Star Wars specific technology, starships.
- Not a Star Wars EU expert. Hates doing gun calculations.
Even though I am an FJ, I will list all things I think I am good at, in which I would consider myself as a mediocre judge, and the ones I know only a little. I don't have a degree on any of these fields, though.

Good - Especially the descriptive fields: major locations, culture, history. Knowledge in politics and society.
Medium - Astronomy, astrophysics, etc. The Force and its powers. Leaning towards good, though. I also believe I am getting better at these things.
Bad - ?

Good - Just like with planets - culture, history, society, politics.
Medium - The Force and its powers.
Bad - Biology.

Good - Descriptive stuff, as usual: rationale, description, etc.
Medium - Economy, marketing, etc.
Bad - ?

Good - ?
Medium - Descriptive things, items' history, etc.
Bad - Especially weapons. Basically the whole section, to be honest.

Good - ?
Medium - ?
Bad - Everything, most likely.

Good - Descriptive stuff.
Medium - ?
Bad - ?

So I would consider myself good with planets' society, culture, history, politics, and I'm a bit weaker at astronomy. Species is quite the same about descriptions, but my biological skills are quite bad. I believe I could manage companies, but I would be a lot worse than I am at the planet section. Technology and starships are the fields I know only a little about. I would say my requirements are met as my only job is to judge planets.

EDIT: I seek to improve my knowledge in all fields, although especially in planetary stuff, both because I would like to be better in them, I would like to use all of them, and I'm knowledgehungry...
Not alot of people know my background but I'd say I'm versatile and now you guys know something about me! Yay!

I am able to deal with the following, rather well I might add:
  • Technology - In all forms.
  • Shipwright/Engineering - I have quite a few designs I've neglected to submit.
  • Weaponry - Again, in all forms. I have experienced alot in this field...both conventional and unconventional.
  • Companies - I don't have a degree in this, however, I have experience from learning under CEOs and COOs of companies both big and small.

So I'd say real world experience, immense knowledge of Star Wars, and general common sense can apply in those categories.

Now, that being said...

I can answer and have a feel for basic Planetary and Species items, but overall I suck. So...if it isn't like a trivia based question like "What is the other moon around Yavin?" (Answer is Yavin 13) then yeah...

Banking, Finance, Business practices, Business Processes Management. (Companies and Market)

Military Ordnance: Depot and O-Level (Tech)


Ships: They confuse me to no end. Don't get me started on having to count guns.
Tech, especially in regards to computer science
ships (when they don't have weird guns)
good at getting other FJ's/others input on things I judge
Miss some things when I read them
trusts the member

Stephanie Swail

Good idea.

As a newbie, I can confess my strengths probably, for Factory, come in fewer than weaknesses which is a shame to admit, but I'm hoping to learn more about the intricate workings of what makes the Factory so good.

I would say I could be useful with Species with my extensive knowledge of the SW universe and lots of reading and playing across the SW and EU to understand what makes a good "species" for a creation.

I suppose hence I am an RPJ, which is far better to suit, with my degree in Media, Marketing & Performance I have a passion for creative writing but also understand what goes into making writing fluid, coherent and engaging.

As I say, hopefully the more I hang around the Factory, the more I can improve my knowledge of what makes each sub-category work and the realistic system it follows.

Strengths: Armor and Personal Weapons. I'm ok with most things, and I know enough of the EU to get by on almost anything. I can give a basic understanding in most categories that fall into the Technology area. Oh, and I have a habit of doing research.
Weaknesses: Vehicles, Starships, and and Starship weapons. I only have a passing understanding of these, and while I can write up subs, I'm not very good at dealing with them. Also, as [member="Popo"] pointed out, I can be too technical.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
  • I'm an avid tank nut and know the things inside, outside, forward, backward, sideways, and upside down.
  • I can do gun math on ships and know how to do the ship thing.
  • I'm a quick learner and avidly research the sub if I don't fully understand what it is.
  • I'm a gun nut. I know guns almost as well as I know tanks. This applies to bullets and guns of all sizes, calibers, and types.
  • I'm a military historian (amateur, no degrees there) and know a lot of obscure history stuff, mainly ancient warfare and WWI-WWII stuff.
  • I'm a Poli-Sci Major so I can do politics and stuffs.
  • I sometimes do tend to overlook things. I'm human. I miss stuff on occasion.
  • Ships take me a while as my mild OCD makes me check -everything-.
  • As much as I'm an amateur military historian, I don't know everything there is on the subject.
  • Jon and probably a fair amount of others know far more on Political Science than I ever will lol
  • Math isn't... my strong suit. At least, complex math isn't.
  • I go through spurts in the factory. I'll crank out subs for days on end, then get uber distracted for a week lol
I'm a fan of the history of warfare, particularly anything from before the modern era. I also served my country in the army, so there's that.

Other than that, I'll say that I put a lot of trust in our fine Factory Judges and their judgement. Everyone makes mistakes, however, and I am no different. I also trust members to not abuse what we approve for them. Call it blue-eyed naïvité if you will, but that's how I function. Unless the sub includes a restricted item, or appears sketchy in any way, I usually go with what the more knowledgable Factory Judges before me called it out on. If the writer submitting it is a good sport about changes and works alongside the FJ in improving the sub, then 9/10 I'll approve it.
Wretched Vampire
Information Technology
Information Security
Procurement Frameworks and Options Analysis
Signal processing/analysis/simulations
More recent Star Wars EU material: Clone wars, Post-Vong books
Things which aren't science
I'm damn busy with work and family, though that is hardly unique!


Professor of Alchemy
Tech- I'm an EE major and just enjoy tech.

Ships- I've never put a ton of effort into learning gun numbers or that sort of thing. I -can- do it, but fleeting on a whole doesn't interest me greatly.
Companies- I know basics, but other than instincts I don't have a lot to go on here.

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