Even though I am an FJ, I will list all things I think I am good at, in which I would consider myself as a mediocre judge, and the ones I know only a little. I don't have a degree on any of these fields, though.
Good - Especially the descriptive fields: major locations, culture, history. Knowledge in politics and society.
Medium - Astronomy, astrophysics, etc. The Force and its powers. Leaning towards good, though. I also believe I am getting better at these things.
Bad - ?
Good - Just like with planets - culture, history, society, politics.
Medium - The Force and its powers.
Bad - Biology.
Good - Descriptive stuff, as usual: rationale, description, etc.
Medium - Economy, marketing, etc.
Bad - ?
Good - ?
Medium - Descriptive things, items' history, etc.
Bad - Especially weapons. Basically the whole section, to be honest.
Good - ?
Medium - ?
Bad - Everything, most likely.
Good - Descriptive stuff.
Medium - ?
Bad - ?
So I would consider myself good with planets' society, culture, history, politics, and I'm a bit weaker at astronomy. Species is quite the same about descriptions, but my biological skills are quite bad. I believe I could manage companies, but I would be a lot worse than I am at the planet section. Technology and starships are the fields I know only a little about. I would say my requirements are met as my only job is to judge planets.
EDIT: I seek to improve my knowledge in all fields, although especially in planetary stuff, both because I would like to be better in them, I would like to use all of them, and I'm knowledgehungry...