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Fjorra the Huntress

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Fjorra the Huntress

Fjorra the Huntress


NAME: Fjorra the Huntress
OCCUPATION: Bounty Hunter
SPECIES: Bpfasshi
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 140lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Soft peach colorization


  • While still unexplained by those physicians that she has come across, it would appear that her years of mental scaring and the possible mental regression have had a odd side effect. Somehow she has become immune to force based powers that would otherwise seek to dominate the mind. Thus she is able to amazingly resist such attacks as the mind trick or other mentally focused attacks.
  • Hours spent honing her figure have led to a slender and lithe form capable of standing toe to toe with others when it comes to brawls. Her lithe and physically fit figure allow her to contort and move in different ways that others would think impossible or improbable for her to accomplish.
  • Ever since imposing a restriction upon herself; in the years that followed she has come to an understanding with the use of stun based weaponry. Capable of masterful shots and using them effectively in close quarters as well as at moderate distances.

  • Sleep does not come easy; every night she awakes soaked in sweat from night terrors. The cause is a traumatic event; during one of her first hunts she cornered a bounty. The target grabbed a child as a shield, and through a freak discharge of her weapon, the child was injured and later passed. This event has haunted Fjorra for the rest of her life; tearing at her being day in and day out. It was the reason that she switched to exclusively use stun based weaponry.
  • Children; her background is plagued with abuse and events that she feels she is to blame for. Ever since her childhood she made her own vow to protect children. Thus it is easy for others that she tracks to get her into a compromising position. There have been many times when she's gone out of her way to let a target escape if it meant saving a child in danger.
  • Mental abuse at the hands of her neglectful mother has left her scared and unable to form close connections with others. Some specialist she has seen have even thought that her mental capacity was stunted and remained at a younger age than that of her current age. Although if this is true, it is not show or seen much; with it likely being hidden behind closed doors.


A stunning woman by many definitions; tall and slender form with shapely curves. Her hair is worn long, letting it cascade down over her shoulders and flowing like a river down her back. Though it is often kept tied up and out of the way during a hunt. As a means to further her own vane appearance, she takes to the use of cosmetics. Eyeliner and eyeshadow are used as a means to bring out her eerily stunning brown eyes. Her lips coated with a deep red lipstick; which she has allowed to be rumored as being blood. An oddity remains, that being the white face paint that she uses on the right side of her face. Be this to make her more unique or to make others take notice of her is information beheld only to herself.

Clothing for Fjorra is something more of a necessity to not insult others sense of decency, though it is still often tattered or skimpy. This is more of a product of her background and upbringing, though it is by no means a measurement of her worth as a being. The fabric of the clothing she wears is often reinforced, with concussive padding in the corset style top and an environmental underlay in her over coat. Simple fishnet style clothing and pants cover the majority of her lower half; while a set of heavy, sturdy combat style boots are worn for practicality and comfort.



Her birth was not one that was celebrated, nor did she ever have a true birthday party; which she still seems to desire. Her mother was a spice addicted abusive woman that sold herself to feed her habit rather than feed her daughter. Her father was never known, most likely a client of her mother that got off their jolly and left. From a young age she was subjected to mental abuse, forced to act or aid her mother in ways that are best left unspoken of and forgotten. It is likely that these events inspired and pushed her into her actions in her later life.

When she was old enough; at least in the terms and standards to take care of herself and leave her mother, she did so. While not having a formal education, she did have her understanding of how the seedy side worked; which aided her when she decided to become a bounty hunter. It was during one of the first hunts that a tragic event happened. A child lost their life in a freak discharge when she attempted to apprehend a target. Since that day she has dedicated herself to the use of only stun based weaponry.

Fjorra the Huntress




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