Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flagship Naming 101

Many blessings everyone,

I come bearing a most serious message. As I'm sure you are all aware, the Galactic Alliance is holding a charity gala for disadvantaged Flagships here.

Every year, many Flagships have no water, food or a home to call their own. Some don't even have a name ... so I generously took it upon myself to host a fundraiser for one such Flagship. So far we've come a long way towards achieving our goal but we need your continued support. If everyone who sees this lends just three posts to the cause we'll be able to raise the additional 267 posts required in no time!

Please donate generously!

As a sidenote, we are also trying to give this young Flagship a name. As you can see above, I have included three fair, well-considered, poignant and regal names for you generous people to choose from. Together we can give this Flagship a place of belonging in this cruel, harsh galaxy.

Peace be upon you,

xoxo gossip gurl

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