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Flagship Thread

Okay Ladies and gents we are away:

Silver Jedi Flagship thread

To build us a very big ship.

This will be a series of missions that if they stall, any leader or council member can move on to the next mission ;), just post here what it is and start mission two up, don't worry, we'll just try and keep things interesting for people and moving.

This is a big thread, but even one single post by you will help, don't worry just stop by whenever and make one, don't worry how long we have to go, and don't worry about losing track. We all will in this thread. Post 2 here will keep us updated with where we are. (Admins can edit post 2 please)

Everyone is welcome, allies or full members.

Mission One is simple

Find rare minerals. What rare minerals/metals? Doesn't matter, initially just look:

Anything of this list can be used, as remember this is a massive ship:

Avoid these:

Mission One - Roles: Scouting, Surveying, Mining, Transporting, Escorting, Trading, Diplomacy with Natives, Patrolling, Security. Every post helps, even one.

Take any role you like, or any NPC unit or Ship you need.

This post will catalog what will still require for the flagship to be finished.
Any faction admin feel free to edit it. More detail and ideas would be appreciated.

Stage 1 - Obtain Minerals
Stage 2 - Construct Hull | Components
Stage 3 - Fit Systems | Fit Weapons
Stage 4 - Test Design
This Template is being filled in by the discussion below, hence the gaps
*Discussions over skype also

Thoughts, ideas or suggestions welcome:

Image Source: Pending
Affiliation: Silver Jedi Order
Manufacturer: Pending
Model: Pending.
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Pending
Classification: Flagship
Length: 4,900 Meters
Width: 3,000 Meters
Height: 2,800 Meters

Armament: Rating 18
(Weapon Design Pending as part of the thread)
Large Capital Ship Weapons

Hangar: 0
Special Features: Pending
Maneuverability: 15
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: Class 1

+Massive Tractor Beams to Slow Enemy Ships | Gravity Wells
+Heavy Armor
+Great vs Cruisers or Bigger

-No Hanger Bay
-No PD Weapons – Requires fighter and small craft escort at all times.
-Poor vs frigates or smaller.

Description: Pending
Development Thread: Pending
Intent: Pending
Who Can Use This: Silver Jedi Faction Leaders or Nominations.
Primary Source: N/A
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The Will of the Force should not be there. It is hard to have a ship in a secret location that can coordinate when you show it off. Its purpose is to use the stations we have throughout silver jedi space to coordinate ships and keep people apprised of situations.

Also a single post will go towards post count but it will not go towards the flagship that will require seven dedicated writers posting many times. Yes getting people to participate is great but showing up and staying is what is needed.

As much as I like this idea, there is not enough planning. e don't even have a base design of a flagship we are planning to construct which would determine the materials to acquire, the types of weapons and the systems.

I'll help but show something more then just "make a ship faster then the will" because you're already treating the Will less as it is designed and like a frontline destroyer. Anyone can report it for abuse.
​[member="Matsu Ike"]

First off I am using it as a coordination vessel screened by a lot of other ships.

But i'll ditch the ship if you prefer, I thought it'd be the perfect vessel to coordinate myself ;)

But feel free to scout and begin anyway :). A ship this size will need a heck of a lot of different materials, so pull a few by all means.

It was more a way to launch things and get the ball rolling as requested.

I'll get working on a template here to get us going, but there is nothing wrong at all IC in designing it in the thread either, we have 400 posts to fill! :D
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kei Amadis"] yes ditch it please, it can be used from anywhere in silver jedi space to get information we need.

The type of ship would determine the materials. If you want a faster flagship which seems to be the only goal from reading the previous thread. You wouldn't use a heavier and stronger hull plating like alusteel. You'd use durasteel. If you wanted a lot of guns on it you would need reactors, of which there are many and they all serve different purposes. The Will of the force has three different reactors for its different systems. The ship and weapons are run off 8 rendili b reactors, the shielding is run off an iso 5 reactor and the main cannons are run off solar ionization cannons. The design of the ship should have came first, then an idea what to get to make it.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Moved the will of the force out of the thread.

I understand what you are saying but that's what we are doing, surveying at the minute, there is no hull being made, yet and I was asked to put the thread up so its up.

So let's hammer it out. Coci wants a faster ship than the will of the force. It doesn't have to be a speed demon. We need a large ship that can take a pounding in a fight. So we don't want a lightening fast ship, I can put one of those up myself, but we need something fairly mobile and heavy.

That means we sacrifice firepower, or other roles like hangerbays. I am in favor of ditching hangbays completely as the big weakness, and having it as a ship of the line. In essence its designed just vs capital ships and requires a fighter escort at all times.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Kei Amadis said:
This Template is being filled in by the discussion below, hence the gaps
*Discussions over skype also

Thoughts, ideas or suggestions welcome:

Image Source: Pending
Affiliation: Silver Jedi Order
Manufacturer: Pending
Model: Pending.
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Pending
Classification: Flagship
Length: 4,900 Meters
Width: 3,000 Meters
Height: 2,800 Meters

Armament: Rating 18
(Weapon Design Pending as part of the thread)
Large Capital Ship Weapons

Hangar: 0
Special Features: Pending
Maneuverability: 5
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: Class 1

+Massive Tractor Beams to Slow Enemy Ships | Gravity Wells
+Heavy Armor
+Great vs Cruisers or Bigger

-No Hanger Bay
-No PD Weapons – Requires fighter and small craft escort at all times.
-Poor vs frigates or smaller.

Description: Pending
Development Thread: Pending
Intent: Pending
Who Can Use This: Silver Jedi Faction Leaders or Nominations.
Primary Source: N/A
This thing wouldn't be able to turn almost on a dime a 5 rating for maneuverability is what bombers and heavy fighters would be able to get away with. Its speed would be slower as we were talking about on skype. The Will of the force is 2,800m and made to sit around this is 4,900 meters. A whole 2km larger and heavier with greater power required to runs it gravity well, larger tractor beams and thick heavy armor. We haven't even gone into what type of shielding the ship will have or need which would need more power and take up space for its generators. It is a great start but if the main reason is to make a ship just a little bit faster this is a lot of work for 2 points off the speed. Yes we made blast and make the ship ten times faster with the hyperdrive compared to the will but hyperdrive speed isn't what we made a thread for.
5 was meant to read 15 ;)
I get that you are against the idea that's fine :)

And if you do feel this strongly we can ditch the thread mate its fine by me, and not use a flagship its cool, we'll just struggle if we face one that's all.

Degrees of scale make bigger ships far more than twice as powerful as their smaller counterparts, but it was also to have an ongoing project to work on. Anyway I do have a lot of dev threads on so with various characters, so i'm easy honestly.

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kei Amadis"]

Oh I am not against the idea I am against the lack of planning or work that went into it. Yes we could use a flagship, yes having one is great but the only reason it was set to be made was to be faster by one or two points. That can be solved with a less involved ship that uses several dev threads instead of one large one. We jumped to making a thread to gather materials without knowing what kind of materials we wanted or needed. We could have had seven writers each gathering different metals and then someone decides we're going with an eighth type. That wouldn't waste the post counts from them but it would make the work they did on the ship seem ignored or not helpful. I will gladly help out and I was more then happy to jump in once I knew what we needed or wanted to have. There is a reason flagship threads are usually talked about for a couple weeks before they are made or even like the mandalorians did near a month of planning it. From the design of the ship to what different groups would be looking for to gather and bring to the table to location it was being constructed and name. The silver jedi have maintained for a long time that voss is a hard to find temple of the order where only allies know to look. We had a large ooc debate and argument with sith who just showed up and knew where everything was for this very point. A flagship thread is open to everyone of the board to come and try to sabotage or help it and we had none really lined up either way.

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