Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flamethrowers and Worldshapers [OS Dominion of Selvaris]


Objective: Destroy Life.
Location: Camp.

That was the last that he saw of the woman for what was probably the rest of the day.

In a moment he had rushed off towards the camp's centre, to where he figured it's headquarters were. From there, he would destroy everything and everyone who stood in his way. He doubted the chances of a Jedi being present, and so his lightsabre remained upon his hip while he swung the Hydrastaff with a practiced grace and sliced through the republic forces that stopped him.

Soon, the Sith Knight had entered the main building, once he had finished burning plant life outside, since that was one of his orders from the higher ups, and he may as well help out the Yuuzhan Vong as well. They were part of the reason why he was still alive as a Sith Knight.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Location: Camp
Objective: Steal data, blow things up
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"] sort of, everyone else
Forces: One remaining sith trooper still fending off enemies... he goes by Han Rambo.

Khan made his way quickly into the building. He had no time to waste, every second was another second others had to get closer. He heard distant explosions in the camps. Other Sith were coming. He did not have long to steal the data. However, the republic troopers inside the building were a delay... Luckily, few expected a single Sith to come alone with no troopers through a back enterance. The element of surprise was a powerful thing. Khan wasn't well trained with his vibroblade, but it wasn't hard to jab it into the face of a trooper, just before stepping aside so that his friends would miss. He didn't want to waste his thermal detonators here, and he didn't have time to waste. THough it hadnt been the most reliable thing lately, Khan called upon the force, trying to summon it into his free hand while triying to hold up the last trooper's boy as a kind of meat shield so he wouldn't be rupped to bits by balster fire. Though he was untrained, Khan had a gifted connection to the force- it wasn't long before he had summoned enough into his hand...

The acolyte attempted to release a powerful push, hopefully enough to send the troopers flying back. Of course that was way to much to ask, stumbling woul've been more relaistic, but the froce wasn't even going to cooperate for that. Rather then a powerful push in one direction, the Force exploded out in all directions from Khan's palm, sending everything and everyone in the room flying in all directions- Ecspecially Khan.

The Bruised Felactian quickly got to his feet, trying to recover before the Pubs had a chance to. Rather then sticking around until the troopers managed to fill him with laser fire, Khan flung one of the nine thermal detonators from the belt he was carrying. Not a good idea in close quarters, but he'd been flung back enough... Well not quite enough.

A good thing happened and a bad thing happened. Good: the troopers wer eblown to bits. Bad: Khan was all but flung throuhg a wall by the force of the explosion. He'd underestimated Baradium explosives. And to pay for that, he'd probably gotten a concussion, some bruised ribs, and worse of all: A delay.

(Tl;dr: Tried to use the force, that ended badly. Then threw a thermal detonator in a long hallway. Killed some troopers, probably caused structural damage, and managed to fling myself into a wall.)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
They flew forward, the bombers did. When within range of the convoy, the AA guns of the various vehicles opened up on them - but their shielding was strong, and for now, they absorbed the hits like a most sturdy wall of durasteel. There were no fighters yet, and as such, Eta and Gamma wings moved forward, drawing the fire away from the bombers. Already, Eta 3 had suffered serious damage to his port solar panel, and smoke was issuing from the rear of the ship. As such, he pulled up, trying his best to get away before his systems failed catastrophically.

The bombers reached the fifteen hundred meter mark and began to offload their concussion missiles. Four missiles per second would fly towards the hostile vehicles in question, along with the combined firepower(between them all) of twelve heavy laser cannons and eight ion cannons - the firepower of a small corvette. Once they were near the ground, the ships would swiftly pull up in order to avoid a collision.

Explosions would be seen by the turret gunners as they pulled away, the mass of concussion missiles impacting against a wide stretch of the vehicles - including the first in the column, blocking the way for any others to move forward. There would be no escape as the Dominuses and and Caridas would resume their strafing, damaging and destroying more that were there.

It was turning into quite the bloodbath.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Location: Descending to the world below
Objective: Shape the world
Allies: [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Melori sat in the corner and didn't quite sulk but she clearly was unimpressed by the lack of attention. But she was intrigued by what was going on, so pulled out a datapad and started to research her sister's next goal.

She'd never heard of York-et but the term coralskipper was one she'd at least seen somewhere before. So she did the only thing she could under the circumstances - she read and learned. And she was truly impressed. It seems the star fighters created were not only beautiful but were also fast, manoeuvrable, and packed more firepower than most things of the same size.

It seemed it was essentially a bioship made from yorik coral and so no two ships ever looked alike. Although they shared some basic features, such as a dark canopy, and a triangular body. And the coralskipper's pilot would communicate with the craft via a special mask called a cognition hood.

Then there was a lot of technical stuff that would no doubt appeal to her eldest sister - but Melori was only interested in how it would help her. So she skipped to the bit where it talked about the coralskipper's weapon - which was called a Yaret-Kor, a small appendage at the front of the vehicle which released a searing magma rock. It also possessed two plasma projectors at the front of the ship, called 'rock spitters'. And the most interesting aspect was that the coralskipper refueled and rearmed by eating rocks, small asteroids, and stellar debris. But, and although this was logical, it hadn't occurred to her until now, like any living organism, coralskippers aged and died.

She also read how hidden beneath the front of a yorik-et was a small creature that resembled a heart called the dovin basal. Because it was living, it pulsed and shuddered constantly, similar to a Human heart. The dovin basal was the most important part of the bioship because it functioned like a miniature black hole, creating a powerful supergravity field when activated. This field could be used to overload the shields of an enemy starfighter and could also act as the coralskipper's own shield by drawing laser fire and missiles into the yawning maw of the miniature singularity.

She skipped the part about its weaknesses - but read enough to understand it was less well shielded when moving and couldn't operate well in planetary atmospheres.

Stretching out, she looked up. Boredom was setting in. Was there anything she could actually do?


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Ravage the camp
Location: That same fething camp.
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Khan Ra"] | [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Nui Akona"] | [member="Darth Acarus"]

One moment, Vrag was alone, torching the Republic soldiers, and in the next, agonized gurgling completely atypical of a fiery death filled her ears. Hot blood splattered across her armor, accompanied by the wet sounds of a throat being ripped out, and her grin widened as she recognized it as the handiwork of one particular beast. The melodious voice that rang out over the explosions and blaster fire, sounding absurdly out of place in the fiery battlefield, did away with any lingering doubt.

"By what, exactly?" the Knight called back, chancing a glance at the twitching body on the ground. "A new manicure plan?"

She kept the defenders of the camp at bay with the scorching heat of her flamethrower while they moved to the nearest structure, and the demo experts got to work again. Preparing herself for the moment when her precious ran out of fuel, Vrag already had the rest of her troops forming a firing squad behind the blazing wall she'd created. When that moment finally came and the flames died out, their whole group started the circling maneuver, aiming to put the advancing Republic soldiers between themselves and the blast. It was doubtful that the enemy knew her men had rigged the bombs to the building behind them, and she could hardly wait to see how it would go down.

With the progress the other teams were making as well, the camp would soon be nothing but a smoking shell of its former self.
Objective: Steal Data
Location: Inside Building
NPCs: Nightshade Squadron (75 Strong)
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"] ... [member="Vrag"] ... [member="Reverance"] ... [member="Matsu Xiangu"]​
Again another explosive occurred, this time coming from inside the building that shook the walls on either side of the Sith Knight causing her to take pause from advancing. Stretching out her senses the best she could through the shakiness of the Force, she caught a glimpse of a familiar Force signature, [member="Khan Ra"]. She smirked and continued down the corridor, investigating each room she passed along the way. As she rounded a corner that wound to the right, she saw a massive hole in a wall and the body of the Felacatian laying just outside of it. She shook her head and knelt down next to him taking a glance into the hole seeing bits and pieces of Republic soldiers.

"The objective of using explosive devices is to make sure you're not in the same vicinity when they go boom," she said mocking him. Her attention was torn away from the Sith Acolyte to a couple of Republic soldiers that entered from the back entrance. She patted his head and stood up. "You rest...we'll show you how it's done," she said again with another mocking tone. Timing the Force's fluctuation and with the assistance of Force Push, she flung the two soldiers back outside and grabbed one of her thermal grenades from her bag of tricks.

"Pay attention...we'll only show you this once." She erupted into laughter as she threw the grenade at the two recovering soldiers and watched as they exploded into bits and pieces. "Poof...and they are no more." She walked away from him without sparing him a glance and ducked into one of the last three rooms to look for this data.
Location: Planting field for amphistaff polyps
Objective: Vong-form the world, figure out a way to stave off sister's boredom
Allies: [member="Melori Raaf"]

As the amphistaff polyps were brought out, the adolescent amphistaffs hanging from them, Taeli could tell her sister was getting extremely bored. Well, she would have to think of something for her to do then.

"Melori, I have a task for you to work on while I help the Shapers," she said, beckoning her sister over. "Until we figure out a way for you to gain Vongsense, I'm going to have you do something else equally useful. The Vong are complaining about some local wildlife nearby that are disrupting some of their vonduun crab marshes and they've sent a hunting party out to find them and kill them. I want you to go with that group, study the Vong as they fight, even kill a few things yourself if you want. I'll let you borrow this for now, but expect it back."

Reaching behind her, she pulled out her shoto blade from the holster on the back of her belt and handed it to her sister. She might not have training in the lightsaber beyond what she had learned under a few Jedi Form I sessions, but she would still be able to wield it effectively against beasts.

Sending her sister on her way, Taeli switched to her Vongsense and began helping the Shapers by influencing the polyps to accept certain spots to plant themselves. It was going to be some tedious work, but necessary.
Nyrrea brought her ship down low and buzzed the small village she saw, the inhabitants were just dimple farmers but she wasn't supposed to care. She brought the small ship around again and triggered the laser cannons, the building were little more than mud huts and they blew apart easily. She was careful to miss the villagers, she wanted to help the Sith win the planet, but not at the expense of her morals. They weren't even combatants, so she would destroy their homes but someone else would have to take their lives. There was no shortage of monsters withing the Sith ranks for that. She would follow orders, but within reason. She toggled her comms on and spoke to the ground forces that were close. " Another village destroyed. Some of the population escaped on foot. Heading for the next grid square."
Vongforming the planet...
[member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Pillars of organic composite began to build in immense towers as the Vong's grip upon the planet strengthened to the very core. Freshwater wetlands were compressed and harden into floating bogs, immersed with vonduun skerr kyrric in their native habitat. Amphistaffs roamed the open fields, battling with the vonduun crabs, as they prowled the land in large slithers, looking for open terrain to bake in the sun. Spark bee honey hives were carved out from earthen hills, swarming with the insects that would later be shaped into the destructive thud and blast bugs. From the combs, delicious honey would seep. A delicacy and powerful allergic component to the vonduun skerr kyrric.

The burned fields began to move with the shimmer of voluminous light of the lambent trees, fruits throbbing behind the shade of the leaf and flower. Chazrach walked along the line, tending to the grooves, at whips end of vong shaper caretakers. Wild vong beasts were roaming the land, just dropped from the The Conquerors Ring, hanging low upon the horizon. They took to their natural habitat, the firebreathers and nuhlrokka taking to swarms as they laid fire to the land. Salted, the vong beast would grow anew as the lambent fields continued. Everything was going extremely well, the planet easily shaped over due to the historical and ancient grip that the vong had upon the land. Vaghrokka crested the hills in their own way, isolated beasts of seemingly ferocious appetites. Quednack and Vrrip casted shadows lazily upon their grazing, taken to lackadaisical tempos as most beast of burden would. Sliviliths, the few that remained from Kashyyyk invasion, flew upon the zephyr of stale winds, picking up small beast and flinging them across open plains - for the fun. Around vernal pools and lakes, Grokata rested in majestic tempers, eating and vomiting, as they are often to do. The sounds of their belching could be heard across the land, though it was a rare sight to see such vast congregations. Soon enough, they would disperse into isolation. Beneath the cool glass of water, Vangaak and Dora-mu claimed the native specimens within their gaping maws. In the clearest sense and capacity, the vong had taken the role of invasive species and were claiming the world for their own. This would be one of many, the shapers promised, a land to breed and repopulate and claim a deep foot hold in the galaxy. As deep as they needed, anyway.

Soon enough, the land would breed it's own habitual beasts and inhabitants. Modified and shaped, they would serve the Hrosha-Gul, and they would endeavor to assist the vong in their conquest and appeasement of their god, The Dark Lord of the Sith. For his own parts, Gabriel continued to support the endeavors, ash and salt mixed to form the perfect template.
Objective: Rummaging Through Republic Trash
Location: Inside HQ Building
NPC: Nightshade Squadron (65 strong)
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"] ... [member="Vrag"] ... [member="Matsu Xiangu"] ... [member="Reverance"]​
The room was a parent's nightmare. Clutter, half-eaten food, and unmatched socks and clothes lay strewn about. She even thought she caught a glimpse of someone's undergarments but she was not going to be that thorough in her search. Besides, who would hide valuable data in dirty undergarments? She thought about it, and decided it was not worth it looking in to. Instead, she began poking around the lone terminal that sat in the far corner. Computer knowledge was her enemy, however she managed to get a crash course in slicing before heading to the planet in the off chance she would be the one to find the data.

After poking and prodding for twenty minutes, she figured out how to turn the terminal on. Then recalling her lessons, she found the side port and stuck the male piece into the female piece. She looked up for a moment and shook her head. Coincidence. With the slicer kit in place, she began to run the program until she found what she was looking for. Bingo!

The files were downloaded to the datapad she was given at the start of mission. She pocketed it, destroyed the terminal since she had the data, and left the building. As she walked through the camp's exit toward the shuttle, she began to whistle and hum.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Ravage the camp
Location: That same fething camp.
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Khan Ra"] | [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Nui Akona"] | [member="Darth Acarus"]
There really wasn't much more left of the Republic troopers, and those that were still miraculously alive would soon meet their end. She didn't envy them the death they would receive; to be buried beneath the weight of metal and concrete, crushed by the very thing they had sought to build. The courageous soldiers that had stayed behind when their beloved Republic had left would be remembered not by the brave way they lived, but only by the irony of their demise.

A dry smile tugged at her lips as she watched the defenders fall back, and she wondered how it must feel to know about the day and the hour.

The Knight moved into cover, her forces following as well, and spoke briefly into her comlink. The demolitions experts reported back one by one, all affirmative. It was time. Her blue eyes found the flickering red silhouettes of the Republic soldiers, and they never left the figures even as she gave the order. The woman never blinked as their creations came down upon them, watching unflinchingly even when her vision was engulfed by the white-hot explosions going off all over the camp.

It was a small mercy, knowing how and when you'd go. Vrag, in the end, would admit that she'd kill to be afforded that comfort.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Location: Camp
Objective: Try to suppress the urge to kill Venefica
Allies: [member="Vrag"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Darth Venefica"] (Sort of)
Forces: One heavily injured troopers trying to crawl away from a squad of pubs

The world was still a bit blurry when he saw the form of Venefica appearing in front of him, mocking, treating him as if she was speaking to a child... The Felactian had managed to slowly get to his feet, however by then Venefica was already busy dispatching troopers. By the time Khan's head was finally clear, Venefica was nowhere to be seen. No doubt finding the information he'd come for... Stealing his glory. As she'd done before... The Acolyte growled. She hadd treated him like a child.... Khan's fists clenched briefly, before he slowly exhaled, a smile forming. He could still sense Venefica nearby, inside the building. What was taking her so long...? Didn't matter- it would work to his advantage. He had two objectsi here; gather information, and destroy any technology. The entire building was artificial- not Vongtech. So he could still complete his second objective... possibly while removing a second problem fro the picture in the process.

By the time Venefica had uploaded the information, Khan had planted the powerful baradium thermal detonators aroound the small command building, taking careto place them near what appeare to be load bearing walls. Though his ribs hurt with every step, and his head still swam when he moved too quickly, twenty minutes was more than enough time to plant a few detonators. By the time Venefica was leaving the terminal room, Khan was leaving the building after having placed the last detonator on a quick timer. Hopefully he'd placed the first detonator close enough to activate the others... If so, he still would've destroye the camps command center- though he couldn't retrieve the informatio- and hopefully at least maimed a rival in the process.

(Tl;dr: Blew up the command building with thermal detonators. May have attempted to catch Venefica in the explosion. >.> Sorry [member="Darth Venefica"]. :p )
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Coming around, the bombers gave a second pass over the convoy, exhausting their remaining ordnance in order to more properly annihilate whatever sort of target looked to be still a threat. Once their ordnance was exhausted, they would pull away. The Dominuses would provide them with the necessary escort out of the combat area, while the somewhat expendable Caridas would continue attacking the few lighter targets still alive. Eventually, they would leave the combat area as well, ending their mission with a mass of twisted and shattered wreckage being all that was left of the former Republic craft.

Perhaps they would be sparsely noticed.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Location: Planting field for amphistaff polyps
Objective: Study the Vong and be less of a pain to her sister
Allies: [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Melori readily agreed to move planet-side. She wasn't sure if this was a useful task, a way to keep her busy or just a way of keeping her out of the 'grown-up's' feet, but she didn't care. She almost snatched the shoto from Taeli and clipped it to her own belt.

So she gainfully spent the next few hours observing the local wildlife that were disrupting the crab marshes. And she was cut from the same cloth as her sisters. Knowledge to her was vitally important - but perhaps where she differed was where they considered knowledge important for its own sake - Melori simply saw it as a means to an end. If it helped her, she was voracious in learning. If it didn't she had no time for it.

So she quickly understood the value in learning all about the Vong and in particular the warrior caste. The second largest caste in Yuuzhan Vong society, the warriors were conditioned from birth to be brave, fierce, and merciless in battle. They were outwardly aggressive and full of self-importance - and she found this trait admirable - even compelling.

She was amazed that even though they were attacked and bitten by some of the creatures they killed, none ever cried out in pain - and it appeared that death meant nothing to them. Their entire focus was about performing the maximum amount of damage to their enemies - to the point where they would accept a slash or a bite just to manoeuvre themselves as close to their target as possible in order to engage in melee based combat.

Even when outnumbered, retreat was clearly not an option and this fascinated her. it seemed their mindset was one of victory or death. There was no middle ground.

Within a few hours, they had slain everything that needed killing and she admired them for it. They were truly focused and for as much as she had learned, she knew there was more to discover.

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