Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flaming People in the Land of Lekku (Lexa)

So, here I was, in a ship with a woman who'd tried to kill me and flying towards Ryloth. Lying in my bed, I couldn't shake the feeling that Lexa and I had somehow saved each other from... something. But what the hell was it?

Whatever. The proximity alarm next to my bed was flashing, and it was time for me to actually land this boat. Sure, I could have left it to the ship's computer, but it wasn't like I was sleeping, anyway. As I walked past the guest room the other Fire Shaper was in, I contemplated waking her up, and then decided not to.

Who knew what she'd do if I did?

[member='Lexa Imura']
Sleep was an alien word for Lexa. For hours, all she had been doing was lying there in the dark. Sleep only brought nightmares. She didn't need it. Instead, she spent her time meditating. She focused on her darkest impulses and desires, letting herself get lost in a deep black fog. Amidst every terror she lived and re-lived it made her feel better. She was so focused that she didn't even sense Malachite as he walked past her door. She wouldn't be able to sense anyone in the room either.
[member="Malachite Avachei"]
I landed slowly, watching canyons and cities go past, under the ship. My little corvette slinked past airspeeders and farms, and all sorts of other buildings before we finally landed in a spaceport. Finally relaxing, and allowing my senses in the Force to extend out, I brushed against somebody's consciousness, and my mind recoiled as if burned by it, before I realized that it was Lexa, already awake.

I tapped a finger on the intercom, and talked into it.

"All ashore that's going ashore, Miss Volcano. You missed the view."

[member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa felt the tendrils of another try to invade her space. Malachite. She opened her eyes, returning to the present as he told her they had landed. She rose from her place on the floor. She donned a black leather jacket over a dark gray shirt and black jeans tucked into her combat boots. On her belt, she carried her husband's Magmasaber along with her own lightsaber, a little portable comlink, and a pouch of credit chips. She walked out of her room and made her way to the cockpit.
[member="Malachite Avachei"]
I leaned over the back of my pilot's chair to look at Lexa, and grinned brightly at her. Of course, I was apparently doing everything brightly, since my nose seemed to have suddenly caught fire. Oh, well. My arms spread out as I put my feet on the dashboard, and I had to blow my hair out of my eyes.

"Well, then, welcome to Ryloth. I'm sure you'll be happy to get away from me and my stuffy little ship for a while."

[member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa walked up to the window and looked out. It was dark, but absolutely breathtaking. Stars were visible all the time in the Nightlands. The plants were bioluminescent, bathing the cold surface in soft hues of purple and blue and green. "It's wonderous..." She breathed. Though it sounded as if she might, she didn't smile.
She turned her attention to Malachite. "I could use some fresh air. Especially with how often you smoke up the place." Her tone was teasing, though her face conveyed little expression.
[member="Malachite Avachei"]
My grin grew even wider as I leapt up from my chair, pulling my gold-furred jacket on over my normal clothes. My tail wagged excitedly as I scanned around the room, to see if I forgot anything. Seeing that I didn't, I got up and walked towards the door to the cockpit.

"Shall we go, then?"

[member="Lexa Imura"]
It was weird, but somehow, when Malachite wagged his tail like that he looked kind of cute. Lexa blinked. "Right. Let's go." She nodded once and headed to the door. The ground was covered with a thin layer of permanent frost, making it shimmer slightly. She took a moment to bend down and touch it. She couldn't feel the coolness of it, as it melted as soon as her hand came near.
[member="Malachite Avachei"]
I watched as the frost melted away from Lexa's hand a bit sadly. I didn't know whether to bring it up or not, but the thing I remembered the most vividly from the two times I'd met Nicholas was that he'd said that I wouldn't measure up because of my lack of control. But here was somebody somehow related to him who had less control than me... Was it because her emotions were uncertain, or simply because she hadn't learned?

I stepped out onto the frost with a smile, and my sparks skated across it, not seeming to give off any heat. Several of them lit up to provide light, and I grabbed one.

"Well, let's have us an adventure."

[member="Lexa Imura"]
"I haven't the slightest idea. But, I don't like to know where I'm going. It's no fun."

I smiled even wider, tapping a large piece of ice with my boot. It was probably freezing in this place, but it wasn't like that'd affect either of us. My thoughts turned to the idea of actually planning out a course of action, but I shook those away. Better to wander around and have fun, than plan something and be disappointed.

"You know this place well? I've been to the cities often enough, but never here."

[member="Lexa Imura"]

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