Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Flashpoint idea: Competitive Dominions

Tl;dr: The current invasion process has two factions fighting over already owned territory. What if we could fight over unclaimed/neutral territory too? Let's smush dominions and invasions together!

More: Ok yeah, we've seen dominion races in the past. Two factions who want the same spot post at blistering speed until one reaches the goal first. The race concept used to be really clear when reaching 50 or 100 posts was all you needed to gain territory. But that isn't quite how dominions work anymore, so even races are a little more difficult to accurately judge with our current ruleset. And honestly, I've never been big on quantity > quality. I would rather do something that was more likely to produce a good story, good content, and all the better to have two factions collaborating to reach a goal.

On top of all of that, there is no way currently for two factions to compete over neutral territory. Yet there are tons of examples of disputed territory throughout history, so this really isn't much of a jump. Function/rule-wise, this wouldn't be all that different from an invasion. The only difference would be that, instead of the threat of losing territory, the only result would be to gain an adjacent hex. The basic rules would all be exactly the same as a typical dominion and/or invasions. The additional rules would be something along the lines of:

  • At any time, two factions neighboring the same hex may agree to target the same hex for dominion.
  • The thread must have a minimum of 50 posts total for both factions.
  • The post count minimum must be met within two weeks. If not, the faction(s) that doesn't reach the minimum forfeits.
  • The result is determined by a Roleplay Judge or by agreement from involved faction staff.

There's also potential for additional variations here, but I figured we start simple and go from there.

Ariel Yvarro

When two factions speed-dom and finish within twenty-four hours, I recall of each other. It sets off a rebellion and that's how the territory is given out. An aside from that someone's already mentioned something like this, Junctions.

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