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Approved Ranged Weapon Flashpoint Laser Missile Defense Grid

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Manufacturer: Imperial Military Protective Services
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
Flashpoint Laser Missile Defense Grid

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Advanced Fire Control System and Sensors.

Powerful, Short-Range Rapid Fire Lasers.


Total Missile Destruction Part I:
Due to being the absolute last line of defense in a multilayered point defense system, the lasers in the Flashpoint system are specifically designed to be both especially powerful in short-range use and capable of rapid firing against most types of "reinforced" or "hardened" missiles and torpedoes as they are called, e.g. those given extra armor or shields.

Total Missile Destruction Part II: Thanks to its advanced fire control system, it is capable of effectively targeting on its own all but explicitly stealth missiles and torpedoes. These include cluster or swarmer missiles, "low profile" missiles that while not explicitly stealth are harder to detect than usual and require advanced fire control and sensor systems to detect, especially fast missiles, et cetera.


Overheating and Burnout:
Although exceptionally effective when active and turned on, it is not a panacea nor is it a miracle worker. The system is intended to be used as part of a multilayered whole and catch those missiles which slip through all the other layers or if the other layers are overwhelmed. It has the noticeable drawbacks of becoming susceptible to overheating during prolonged use as the heat cannot dissipate fast enough and the focusing crystals and systems can suffer burnout that cannot easily be repaired during the course of a battle. The wise commander will understand the limitations above, and if finding themselves dealing with being attacked with so many missiles that penetrate all the other layers of defense and burn out the Flashpoint, to consider retreat.

Not Effective Against Strikecraft:
Due to its fire control and laser design being specifically designed to handle missiles and torpedoes as a last resort, it is not effective against strikecraft, and it is suggested that one rely on other systems to handle them or preferably dedicated screening vessels or strikecraft of one's own.


IC Description:
Developed in the aftermath of the Battle of Lothal and Mon Calamari where the Empire of the Lost had significant difficulty dealing with the overwhelming amount of advanced, reinforced, and swarming missiles being fired at them by the nascent Tingle Arm Coalition, the Flashpoint Laser Missile Defense Grid is one part of a redesigned multilayered point defense system rumored to be called "Clipeus" after the rumored ancient Coruscanti word for shield. It is comprised of two parts, an advanced fire control and sensor system to detect and assist with targeting the vast majority of missiles that are not expressly stealthy in design, and numerous powerful short-range, rapid fire lasers capable of punching through most reinforced or hardened missiles deployed today. It also has various configuration modes, such as being configured to fire only when the shields are breached or directly outside the shields if the captain of the vessel wishes to attempt to preserve such shielding or to target only specific types of missiles that make it through the other layers of Clipeus's defenses that are particularly threatening.

The design, while initially intended classified as top secret, was leaked on the open market, likely due to the continuing disarray the intelligence branch of the Empire, the NISB, has faced following the sudden death of its influential director Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , this hitting the counterintelligence division particularly hard. Studied by various scientists across the galaxy, the consensus has been that while effective at its role as part of a whole, it is not without weaknesses. Its fire control and sensor systems seem specifically designed to handle missiles and torpedoes, not being particularly effective against Strikecraft, and tests of the system seem to indicate that it is susceptible to burnout and overheating in prolonged use, suggesting that it is meant more as a last line of defense than a primary one.

OOC Description: This is part of a larger effort to make fleet roleplaying more accessible and open-market on my part, and taking advantage of the new Factory 7.0 system which is much more flexible with ratings regarding Mass Produced production levels than before. This will be the first part in an eventual open-market multilayered point defense system against missiles and strikecraft which is designed to be a bit "plug and play" for newer fleet roleplayers so they do not have to reinvent the wheel on things when they want effective point defense and can focus on tactics and storytelling instead.

A note for the factory judge here, namely that this is not effective against true stealth missiles which are SU in production and require SU technology to counter, merely against those which are considered as one would put it more "low-profile" and require advanced sensors and fire control, but not anti-stealth, systems to counter which are becoming more prolific and can be confusing for new fleet roleplayers to understand how to counter, hence an open-market solution being developed for them. Maybe one day an upgraded SU variant might appear to handle true stealth missiles.​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To be used as one part of an open market, multilayered point defense system technology post for capital ships in the future. Ideally, this will reduce the problem of reinventing the wheel somewhat and allowing fleet RP to be more accessible. This will be the “last line of defense” in such a system as it were.
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Military Protective Services [Original Designers], Open Market [Leaked].
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Various metals, focusing crystal arrays, composites, none particularly special.
Ammunition Type: Energy, typically directed from a ship's reactor.
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Other
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