Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oblivion Flashpoint: Oblivion Ruleset


Note: This flashpoint is not mandatory to participate in to enjoy SWRP: Chaos.

These rules are subject to change.


The realm of Oblivion is a chaotic mixture of life, death and metal as Omni pursues his goals within the Netherworld. Living characters will find the air breathable, the gravity normal, and the environments to be constructed replicas of locations found within our own Galaxy. As part of the Netherworld, there are still rules that Oblivion must obey due to the monumental task of crossing into the realm of the dead.


1. Starships, planes, air-speeders, flight transports and all other space-faring or flying vessels are banned in Oblivion.
2. Hypergates exist in Oblivion but cannot be built, replicated or moved.


1. Omni and his drones can now be detected through the Force, as a human could be.
2. The Force is still chaotic in the Netherworld, due to Akala's draining of a Font of Power in the Netherworld during the SWRP: Netherworld event.


1. Dead characters are permitted and encouraged to return, wandering Oblivion.
2. Role-play threads above 20 posts and using the prefix
are considered open to all Omni drone characters.


1. Any writer may choose to play an Omni drone, or convert an existing character into a temporary Omni drone.
2. If your character crosses into Oblivion, or meets an Omni drone, Omni will likely attempt to "rewrite" you. A writer may determine this successful and convert into an Omni drone, attempting to "rewrite" other characters.
3. Omni drones (character or NPC) can by default use the Force, and are determined to be an equivalent to a Jedi Knight regardless of training prior to Oblivion
4. Omni drones are masters of technopathy (the ability to control technology through the Force) and may be roleplayed as such.


All normal map rules are followed, with the following exceptions and additions that only apply to the Oblivion map.

Major Factions
Major Factions may not currently choose the Oblivion map as their starting hexes, unless using Omni's Blessing.

Major Faction Mandates do not work on the Oblivion map.

1. There is no maximum on Dominions that can be completed per month in Oblivion.
2. An average post count for Dominions in Oblivion is considered to be 30.

1. Rebellions may not occur within the Oblivion map.

1. Invasions may push through Hypergates and onto the next corresponding Island.

1. Annihilations may not occur within Oblivion without Omni's Blessing.
2. Annihilations may only occur on hexes bordering the initiating Major Faction's influence cloud.


You are in Omni's domain, and under his control - regardless of how you fight. He controls the air, the water, the sky - and has conquered the dead. Be wary, even the ground beneath your feet fights against your existence here.

Major Faction Starting Positions

1. Hypergates on the Oblivion map are named after a planet on the SWRP: Galaxy Map. Please see the corresponding planet on the SWRP: Chaos Galaxy Map for which Major Faction controls that hypergate, and may enter through it.
2. Some Major Factions may have two or more starting Hypergates on the Galaxy Map. They may only choose one to enter through into Oblivion.


1. Three hypergates exist - Green, white and red.
2. Major Factions that Dominion a hex with a colored Hypergate in it may Dominion the closest hex with a hypergate of the same color, allowing them to move between islands.
3. Hypergates may be destroyed via Annihilations.

Shifting Islands

1. Within Oblivion exist hundreds of floating islands that Omni has constructed as part of his New Galaxy Rebuilding Plan.
2. If threatened, Omni may "rewrite" or move existing islands.


Omni possesses incredible power within Oblivion, and seeks to redeem his failures of the Clockwork Rebellion by enticing followers with his Blessing. Blessings will be given to writers or characters for incredible and moving events or storylines within Oblivion, and may have varying effects. Nominations may only be made by Omni, converted characters or Omni drones.

List of Blessings Available

Bountiful Hexes
-Dominions in Oblivion in which this character participates in gain may spread influence to an additional hex.

Prodigal Son
-This character may start a Major Faction anywhere in Oblivion and choose three hexes, or elevate a Minor Faction to Major within Oblivion.

-This character may start an Annihilation thread in Oblivion, targeting any location, or gift a Major Faction the ability to do so.

The Shuffler
-This character may at any point request Omni move islands.

Omni's Herald
-This character may lead a Invasion against any Major Faction in Oblivion, choosing both the starting and ending hex regardless of Influence or distance. If victorious, Omni reclaims the hexes.

-This character may choose a Major Faction. Any time in the next 90 days, were that Major Faction to be able to submit a Super Start Destroyer to the Factory, it may submit three instead.

Hive Protector
-This character may choose a hex on the Oblivion map that has Major Faction influence covering it. That influence spreads to all bordering hexes.

Chosen Hero
-This character may start an Annihilation targeting Omni.


Defeating a God is not as easy as just shooting the right spot with a fair weather sniper rifle. Is it even possible?

1. If all Hypergates on the central island are destroyed, Omni will be unable to escape.
2. If Omni is unable to defend himself against a targeted Annihilation by the Chosen Hero blessing, Omni is defeated.
3. If the community deems this event too boring, votes to cancel the event, or boos loudly enough - Omni and the Galaxy will peaceably part ways.


Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
With the limitation on flight vessels, does this include forms of gliding tech? Essentially stuff that can't propel, or gain atmosphere, etc. Just purely distance under gliding circumstances.
So, one question that this brings to mind, you say that the Hypergates are all named after planets, yet the map still has them all as Hypergate 1, 2, etc. Will you be updating the hypergate names on launch day, is this a bug, etc?

Second, is there any way to travel between islands without hypergates? (I see there's only 2 pairs of inter-island gates on the map rn) If yes, will more hypergates be added?
1. Starships, planes, air-speeders, flight transports and all other space-faring or flying vessels are banned in Oblivion.

I think this is a very interesting caveat that can add a lot to the unfolding stories as writers explore how their characters deal with this sudden and unexpected limitation. My question is, how does that work IC? As in, what is the in-character mechanism? Do flying vehicles just crash? Do they get zapped by something and explode? And how would that extend to other things such as speeder bikes, or weapons such as guided missiles and artillery? If a character would try to fly a fighter in there, what would happen from an in-character perspective and what would he see?
I think this is a very interesting caveat that can add a lot to the unfolding stories as writers explore how their characters deal with this sudden and unexpected limitation. My question is, how does that work IC? As in, what is the in-character mechanism? Do flying vehicles just crash? Do they get zapped by something and explode? And how would that extend to other things such as speeder bikes, or weapons such as guided missiles and artillery? If a character would try to fly a fighter in there, what would happen from an in-character perspective and what would he see?

Tefka Tefka

This is something I am curious about as well.

Also, is there anything preventing a ship from flying through a hypergate, or can ships just zoom on through and face the consequences on the other side?

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