Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fleet and Army Rebuild

As a disclaimer, I am fully aware that LS is a defensive minded group. Thus, what I am about to say is not with the intent of offence, but defence against rivals.

All that said, our fleet and army tech is limited and in some cases out of date.

The Akbar cruiser and Bel-Iblis command ships are very solid, but most other capital ships are unique or too specialised.
If we have to end up facing Primeval or another enemy we need some support here.

Ground forces we can use my Firemane gear to a point, but we likely should get some sort of extra units submitted and some more military hardware.

I’m happy to help out with this with my former Republic admiral, but I will need assistance to do dev threads and bounce ideas off.
*Is Coren Starchaser*
*has too many Starchasers*

I've built us a patrol/skirmish frigate.

And with this alt I was going to be doing some work to help with our starfighters and combat wings as this character is a combat pilot. So, I'm game to help out.

Probably squeeze some more Silk and Mon Cal ships out?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Jared Starchaser"]
Yeah, I'm looking to make some capital ships to fill in the blanks. I'll try and get in touch with Jorus and get permission to build Silk stuff, else I'll find a builder elsewhere.

But if you're down to help with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] that'll be very helpful.

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