Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fleet Purchase


Darth Banshee after recently pledging her allegiance to The Black Empire, came across one of the others who pledge there allegiance to [member="Darth Carnifex"]. They arranged to meet up for discussion, so he could create his personal fleet. As far as she could ascertain he was high up in the order of things, and had some sort conection to dark lord. Though what she was not sure of, though kaine did have many children, so that was a possibility. She was dressed in her standard light armour, as she did not expect combat. She brought with her a diagrams and schematics of each of her ships, so he could read them and see the holo projected versions of them.

She was also willing to talk about making him a personal ship, if he had the funds.

I.M.D Brachypelma MkI (Artillery Cruiser 600m)
I.M.D Tarantula MkI (Tactical Cruiser 600m)

I.M.D. Boa MkI (Assault Frigate 400m)
I.M.D Trojan MkI (Carrier Frigate 500m) pending

I.M.D. Cobra MkI (Assault Corvette 150m)
I.M.D. Fang MkI (Anti Fighter Corvette 80m)

I.M.D. Vulture MkI (Escort Gunship)

Star fighters
I.M.D. Hell Cat MkI (Bomber)
I.M.D. Hawk MkI (Fighter)
I.M.D. Eagle MkI (Interceptor)
Vaulkhar strode through the halls of the palace upon Panatha, his father's palace. Considering his return from the recent battles being waged against the dying One Sith, it was rare for him not to be out on the front line, spreading death and destruction in the name of his father and the Zambrano monarchy. After the betrayal of a woman he once held dear, he had buried himself in the blood of his foes, bathing within their despair as he brought ruin to a once great empire. But here he was now, called to meet Darth Banshee, a woman once held as a foe, now turned ally as she swore herself to his father. Being a Prince of the Zambrano Monarchy brought little more than deep pockets and small amounts of respect from lesser nobles on the planet. It was at least something.

As he turned a corner and strode into a meeting room, one he usually used within the Palace upon the planet, he noticed Darth Banshee was already there. With a nod of respect, he motioned towards a table and took a seat across from her. Here the young man was more regal in nature, wearing a circlet upon his forehead, his hair pulled back and kept in a neat ponytail. His robes were still a dark gray and crimson, but a black cape hung from his shoulders.

"Greetings Darth Banshee. I assume you have something to show me, considering you've agreed to meet here."

[member="Darth Banshee"]

She smiled politely as she was greeted by him, and he asked her what she had to show him. She looked at him, as to ask could she sit down. She was going put her briefcase on a table, so she could take out the holo projector. So she could show him her various ships, so he could decide what he was going to purchase if anything.
She started with a slight holo video her personal command ship, a Tranatular Class ship.
This is my personal ship in action, obviously there are others.

Now this does come with room for fighters, or gunships as well. There are other ships to look at, she then let him browse her wares.
As she did one of slaves or servants, offered her glass of water, which she graciously accepted.
Vaulkhar began to scroll lazily through the various schematics and diagrams of the ships on the holo projector. He wouldn't lie to her or himself, he was genuinely interested in getting a larger cruiser for himself. The corvette he currently roamed the galaxy in was nice and roomy, but considering he recent activities, leading forces against the enemies of the Black Empire, a larger cruiser for himself was in order. It would allow for a stronger fighting force along with a base of operations for himself when launching raids and attacks against his enemies. Especially now that he'd likely take up the assault against the Knight-Priests of Lannai.

Eventually his scrolling stopped as he looked upon one ship, the I.M.D. Tarantula MkI. His gaze looked over it momentarily, but considering it was a projection he couldn't quite make out all the details through his force sight. Pointing to it, his attention turned to Darth Banshee.

"I'd like details on this one, please. It looks like a good purchase for myself as the center of my soon to be growing fleet."

As the slave brought Banshee water, he motioned towards her to bring himself some as well.

[member="Darth Banshee"]

She nodded as he asked for more details, on the tarantula class. She then pulled up a file on it, and then began with her sale speal.
It's all round ship, sporting heavy weapons. No point defence persay, but does have hangar bay with room for two full squadrons.
These can protect the ship from any particular stunt fighters, though if you do go down that route, I would suggest stocking the hangar bay with eagles or vultures.
The down side is does not have long range weapons, but it does pack a punch a normal ranges.
As it does have some shield crippling heavy ion torpedoes, that combined with heavy photon torpedoes, and heavy turbo lasers, means you taking down the hull fairly quickly.

She then handed him, the data file with all it's relevant stats on it, so he could have read of it himself.
She leaned back in her chair, and drank some more water, waiting for him to finish looking over its details.
"How much would something of this caliber cost, Banshee?"

Vaulkhar took a sip of his own beverage before continuing to scroll through the contents of the ship. It interested him, as it was a well rounded ship. He wasn't necessarily looking to put together a ship of battle ships stronger than the galaxy had ever seen, but in order to get the Black Empire's navy started up, he likely would need his own fleet to aid in it. He began to scroll along through the other ships as well, taking a look at the smaller fighters.

"Also, how much would each individual fighter cost to purchase? I would consider buying a squadron of fighters and a squadron of bombers most likely for the cruiser. Likely begin training pilots as well."

[member="Darth Banshee"]

She listened to him asking how much would it cost, she had just took a sip of water. She raised her hand, as to wait a second. She then swallowed the water, and then leant forward to pass him a datapad with all ship prices. The prices where reasonable, also a little was knocked off the price, as she wanted to future custom. She knew he may be a route for that future custom from black empire, and that would be very advantageous to her.

As you can see I have discounted the prices, for bulk purchase as I hope to do future business with you, and the black empire.
Also if you do use the ship in combat any feedback, would be used in mark two version.

She then leaned back to her chair, it was very comfortable.
"As I'm sure you've realized by some of our excursions out into the Galaxy, the Black Empire requires a navy. I would like to purchase the Tarantula, along with a squadron of bombers and a squadron of fighters."

Vaulkhar noted the prices and nodded to himself before turning towards the slaves. He motioned towards the two Blackblade Guardsmen, his father's personal guards, two of which he lent to his now accepted son. The two nodded to him and moved to grab the slaves and take them from the room.

"We are going to discuss a deal between your ship yards and my father's empire. I will be the first to purchase, as I myself will require an acceptable fleet in order not to be caught unawares whilst traveling. But our Empire too will require a proper navy and I'd like to negotiate a deal with you now. You will supply the Empire what we desire for the proper funds. Well, let me rephrase that. I am not ordering you to do so, but it would be greatly appreciated if you would. The start of a navy is the first step to our domination of the galaxy and I'd like for your industry to be our first true supplier. I will make my purchase and go to my father with what I've purchased. When he sees what you have to offer, I'm sure he'll agree to sponsor your organization."

A smile came to his face as they spoke. This was a great opportunity to increase his standing with his father and the empire, solidifying that he is indeed useful. On top of that, bringing Darth Banshee further into the Black Empire's fold would further increase her dependence on the Black Empire, while also strengthening them. But on the flip side, she would gain great power and standing with his father if a deal such as this were to go forward.

[member="Darth Banshee"]

She listened intently as he spoke, and took it all in, he wanted her to provide the black empire with a fleet. Her shipyard was very far away on serenno, to supply them properly, she need to make one closer to the empire. She then remembered when she was with the one sith, she made an orbital space station to produce ships. She could do the same again, that way if anyone came to raid her yards, would only be able to cause limited damage. As she could have more than one, and have them hidden until he revealed his hand.

Well my shipyard is long distance away, would your father allow me to make shipyard in orbit around your planet?
I only ask, as it means it can't be attacked as easily that way.
​As if someone did com to destroy it, it could jump away and come back once the fighting is over.
The ships would have no issues of being brought to you, as they be made in space above you.
As well I would be more than happy to let you provide security for the station.

She waited for his reply, she hoped for yes as this would be a major boost for her company.
"I cannot guarantee that my father will allow you to create this orbital ship yard. But I'm sure others within the faction will be willing to purchase from you. If you'd like, I can call for my father. I'm sure this is something that would interest him."

Vaulkhar leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. His orange gaze looked over Banshee, studying her every movement and reaction. His single desire in this meeting was to strengthen the Black Empire. To strengthen himself would aid in the strengthening the Empire, but considering it was not his place to make these sorts of agreements without his father's permission, it was best not to push.

"I can agree with the decided number of credits for my personal fleet. You have a deal on that end."

[member="Darth Banshee"]

Thank you for the payment, and if your father allows it, I shall start work on it straight away. So if you ask him, I am will be happy to wait for answer. It's not conditional to supplying the empire with ships, it just make the supply chain shorter. Thus have less problems, for us both in long term. Me on delivering your order on time, and you having control over a shipyard.
She saw it as win win situation, though she could understand the point of reservations on that. Though the station would be in reality owned and secured by them, she would just run it as like she did for the one sith.

She took a sip of her water, and waited for him to make the call to his father. Though he may have to do that another day.
Vaulkhar nodded and stood up.

"I will speak to my father on the matter and give you an answer as soon as possible. I appreciate your business and do hope we can continue this into a partnership between your ship yards and the Black Empire."

He turned away and moved towards the exit. The situation somewhat annoyed him, as he would of preferred to of handled the deal right then and there. But considering the situation, it may not of been the best decision to create an orbital ship yard above the planet for the sake of making ships faster. Considering the sort of damage that could do to the planet if things didn't necessarily go as planned, it would be best to speak to his father.

[member="Darth Banshee"]

She nodded him and said, ​I will supply you with ships, either way. Though yes let me know when I can or can not build an orbital shipyard in your territory, as I will start work on it straight away. Though if not I will try and look for safe harbour nearby. As he walked away she finished her glass of water, and handed it to the slave. The meeting was over for time being, and she had made a sale, and had someone to supply ships to. She then had the slave she her to the door, and made her way out she had things to do back at serenno, which was on the other side of the galaxy.

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