Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fleet Tournament: Silara Varis vs. Lord Mettallum

[member="Silara Varis"] vs [member="Lord Mettallum"]

The tournament simulation is extremely detailed. Every element of your starship, all the void beyond, each gesture and comment of your crew - it all seems real. Your starfleet is drawn from historical designs, the kind that still see use here and there in the Outer Rim. You command:Your enemy has the exact same starship types. You've given all your ships their own names; naturally, they're better than the names your opponent chose for the enemy fleet.

The scenario is fairly straightforward. You have encountered each other in the atmosphere of a gas giant. Enjoy.

OOC/ The battle will last one week, or until one of you concedes, or longer if both of you agree. If one of you fails to post within the first two days, a new opponent will be subbed in. You can assume that you start within long range of each other. You can also assume that the gas giant obscures sensors and targeting unless you're at close range. Victory/defeat should be pretty straightforward for you to determine between yourselves; I'll pick a winner if both of you feel you've won.


Silara Varis

[member="Lord Mettallum"]


SVS Ripper- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Fighters: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Destroyer- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Capitulator- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Vengeance- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Crusader- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

There was a pause on her Lucrehulk as the crew chimed in. Captain Varis had been a little addled in the brain since the Ison corridor. The loss of her ship, the almost certain destruction of many of her crew. These things took a toll on a junior officer. Still she persisted, and when Alliance High command had offered her another shot, she took it.

Except she was doing this on the side. It was a simulated tournament, but it had all the realism of a real fight. She wanted to see if she still had her edge, her resolve. Trauma could wreck an officer. Especially a Naval one.

Still she was resolute, and held her own so far.

They were in a gas giant, with SVS Ripper shielded by her escort Munificients. So far she had arranged them in a delta formation, even plane around her Lucrehulk. Fleet command was new concept to her. Ship command was not.

"Nothing on scopes Ma'am, this gas giant is blinding us."

"Hold tight and keep trawling. Keep all systems on standbye. Weapons!"

"Aye Ma'am!"

"Keep all guns across the fleet spun up and powered."

"Aye Ma'am."

Silara clutched the railing as she always did. It grounded her, and gave the young Captain a sense of clarity. Something she desperately needed in her turbulent times of late.

"Ma'am you alright?" Her XO asked.

She grimaced. The man had been through more than any person could ask of them. He had replaced a former officer, one whom she had to kill at gun point due to mutiny. He'd endured her mad tactics and hours of tirades. How did he still care? The family of arms ran deep in their blood. That was the only reason.

"Yes. In fact relax XO. Today I swear to to the void, I'll keep it chill."

And keep it chill was what she did, lighting a deathstick and ripping it deep. She let the noxious smoke loose like a dragon and watched the tac screens as they trawled the gaseous atmosphere.


  • SVS Ripper and fleet move in a wedge formation, SVS Ripper Center Middle.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
[member="Silara Varis"]


SS Throne- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Fighters: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Fistuca- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Ineptus
- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Machina- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Navis- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

Lord Mettallum just finished reading the book Leading a fleet for dummies and had zero experience leading a fleet before let alone ship to ship combat

"my fellow droid what is the location of our enemy"

"M'lord our scanners are unable to pinpoint the exact location due to the gas cloud interfering and we need to get closer to see the enemy"

"​very well I Lord Mettallum want a spear head formation"

the 4 frigates went into a wedge formation with the command ship behind them kind of resembling a spear if the command ship wasn't a circle

"​My fellow droid please hail the enemy command ship if possible let us see if I Lord Mettallum can scare our enemy away​"

"Yes M'lord. Hailing now"

"​I Lord Mettallum will offer you this once in a life time deal. You surrender and I Lord Mettallum won't destroy you and your fleet​"

Lord Mettallum hoped that the message to the enemy fleet would make them run away or atleast decrease moral

Silara Varis

[member="Lord Mettallum"]

SVS Ripper- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Fighters: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Destroyer- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Capitulator- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Vengeance- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Crusader- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"Ma'am picking up a signal. Enemy commander giving us a deal to retreat!"

Silara snickered and took another puff. If they were this close in to them, they had to be within scanning range. She nodded to her systems officer, a young Ensign.

"Begin Scanning for enemy ships. Deep scans mind you."

"Aye Ma'am, a few already showed up."

"Awesome. SVS Destroyer and Capitulator, order full burn. Raise one thousand meters above battle space and declination six-point six zero. Vengeance and Crusader to our flanks. All fighters in reserve, prepare to fire all weapons."

"Aye, relaying."

Two of her vessels climbed up into the fog and disappeared, high above the six dimensional plane of battle. Silara grinned and opened a channel with the enemy vessel just as weapons began to get an automatic firing solution on them. Her crew was learning, adapting after so many battles. This was good.

"Sure We'll surrender. Come on in!"

The bait was set. But not really. Silara was an impatient woman.

"Solutions weapons?"

"Locked in Ma'am, what would ya like?"

"Ripper, Vengeance, Crusader, all weapons fire on the Enemy Lucrehulk. All else hold."

"Aye Ma'am, all weapons away."

Silara watched as her primary turbolasers lit up the gaseous space, ripping through clouds and dust alike. They streamed in like deadly lances, followed by the barrage from her two flanking Munificients. The others waited with bated breath, hidden in the clouds...


  • SVS Ripper fires 42x Turbolasers @ SS Throne
  • SVS Crusader fires 2x Turbolasers-1x Ion Cannon- @SS Throne
  • SVS Vengeance fires 2x Turbolasers-1x Ion Cannon @SS Throne
  • SVS Destroyer ascends plane of battle 1000M, points prow towards enemy formation
  • SVS Capitulator Ascends plane of battle 1000M, points prow towards enemy formation

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Silara Varis


SS Throne- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 90%
  • -Fighters: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Fistuca- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 87%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Ineptus
- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 89%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Machina- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Navis- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"M'lord it appears the enemy is attempting to shoot at our command ship. even at such a distance they're hitting us"

"​Do we have a rough location of where most of the enemy fire is coming from​"

"M'lord it appears around the middle area is where the main fire is coming from"

"​That must be where the Lucrehulk is. All frigates focus fire around there​"

"M'lord would it not be best to scan first before firing"

"​You are right. Scan that area and when we have a better rough location of where the main ship is then focus fire​"

"M'lord location locked. M'lord is there not meant to be 5 enemy ships?"

​"Maybe I Lord Mettallum made what ever ships are missing retreat​"

Lord Mettallum's frigates start firing into the middle of enemy fire

SS Throne takes some hits
SS Fistuca and Ineptus block some of the hits meant for SS Throne due to spear head formation
​SS Throne Scanning enemy location
​All 4 Frigates fire 2x Turbolasters-1x Ion Cannon @ SVS Ripper

Silara Varis

Lord Mettallum

SVS Ripper- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 80%
  • -Fighters: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Destroyer- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Capitulator- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Vengeance- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Crusader- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"Incoming fire Ma'am!"

"SVS Destroyer & Capitulator break away to flanks. Expose us in full."

The other two Munificents rolled away as fire impacted their shields. They were still closing the range, which made it less of a slug fest and more of a shotgun duel. Still she was eager to bring the fight to the enemy, and she still had a few tricks up her sleeves. With such a mass of Vulture droids she had options here.

But which to cripple first?

"All weapons SVS Ripper, shift fire to SS Fistuca. Destroyer and Captiulator dive, declination zero one zero. Full burn!"

"Aye Ma'am!"

"Group five hundred fighters, Flight Alpha. Launch now. All speed towards SS Fistuca. Engage with extreme prejudice. As soon as Destroyer and Capitulator are in place, let me know. Have them fire as they move."

"The other Munificients Ma'am?"

"Hold station, Ion Cannons target SS Fistuca."

Silara watched as her two frigates dove beneath the battle slightly, putting them out to the flanks and away from the major fire. Turbolaser bolts smashed their shields, rippling them with blue electricity. Silara kept a wary eye on the meters. From their outer ring a stream of half a thousand v winged Vulture droids came forth.

"Attack run commencing."

They dashed up high, spiralling and splitting into two wings of 250. Some of the manoeuvre was to confuse enemy AA. And then the dove, right for the command tower of SS Fistuca, unloading a heavy rain of laser cannons...

Summary of Actions:

  • SVS Destroyer & Capitulator move to flanks, dive then move forwards under the battle
  • SVS Destroyer & Capitulator fire 2x Turbolaser 1x Ion cannon each @ SS Fistuca
  • SVS Ripper shifts fire. 42x Turbolaser @ SS Fistuca
  • SVS Vengeance & Crusader fire 1x Ion cannon each @ SS Fistuca
  • 500x Vulture Droids launch, engage tower of SS Fistuca

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Silara Varis


SS Throne- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 87%
  • -Fighters: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Fistuca- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 49%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Ineptus
- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 89%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Machina- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Navis- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"M'lord Fistuca is taking heavy fire and has engaged fighters"

"​Hmmm I Lord Mettallum doubt Fistuca can handle this much longer. have Fistuca and Ineptus prepare to jump into hyper space and make sure they are both pointing towards the middle of the enemies command ship​"

"I do not understand how this could help but I shall inform them M'lord"

"​I Lord Mettallum also want 500 fighters split into 2 groups defending both frigates. Also have the rest of our ships attempt to take out the enemy Starfighters ​"

"very well M'lord sending out the fighters now"

vulture droids exit the hangers of SS Throne to attempt to take out the enemy star fighters

SS Fistuca goes into phase one of preparing to jump
SS Ineptus goes into phase one of preparing to jump
SS Fistuca and Ineptus turn pointing towards SVS Ripper's core ship
SS Throne provides supporting fire to take out star the fighters attacking Fistuca
SS Machina provides supporting fire to take out the star fighters attacking Fistuca
SS Navis provides supporting fire to take out the star fighters attacking Fistuca
SS Throne Launches 500 star fighters split into 2 groups of 250 to defend SS Fistuca and SS Ineptus
SS Throne's Star fighters engage SVS Ripper's star fighters

Silara Varis

SVS Ripper- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 80%
  • -Fighters: 1250 Fighters left (Can't do accurate percentage, maths skills suck)
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Destroyer- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Capitulator- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Vengeance- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Crusader- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

The enemy opened fire with what they had, and Silara watched with nerves of steel as their cannons shredded half her attack force. The dying fighters did kamikaze runs if they could, impacting on the shields of SS Fistuca whenever they could. It was not much but every bit helped. That's when her sensors and alarms began to blare.

The Helmsman whirled in his chair.

"Ma'am, sensors indicate massive spin up of hyperdrive cores in the enemy fleet."

"Any trajectories?"

"I'm guessing but at us? They wouldn't leave would they?"

"No. No they wouldn't."

She knew this tactic. It was one she'd seen [member="Cathul Thuku"] use to varying effects. She had used it herself as well, to wedge her dying vessel between two artillery frigates and scuttle her in a last ditch effort. The Micro Jump ram manoeuvre, which was all good. If that's how he wanted to play it, she'd oblige.

"SVS Destroyer, dive, dive, dive! Full burn on intercept course! SVS Capitulator, set Microjump course for the heart of the enemy Lucrehulk! Alternate course Microjump behind enemy Lucrehulk, five hundred meters. Time now!"

Commands were furiously relayed and SVS Destroyer sank hard and fast, it's Captain rotating to cover the maximum distance. If they were lucky they could adsorb the collision of both the enemy vessels and stop the attack all together.

Now that she had them distracted, she grinned. The enemy had poured out an equal number of fighters. It was time to increase the pressure.

"All weapons, shift fire to SS Throne. Launch 200 Fighters. Attack course for SS Throne. Orders, Fly straight for the hangars, get in and unload maximum fire power internally. 200 Fighters to standbye. Launch second wave on my mark! SVS Ripper; us, are to dive on my Mark!"

"Aye Ma'am!"

Things were hairy now. Depending on how the enemy moved, was how she would move now, though she had some initiative which was good.


  • SVS Destroyer dives on intercept course for the the ram.
  • SVS Capitulator Spins up Hyperdrive, plots two Jumps. One a Microjump Ram into SS Throne, One a microjump behind SS Throne
  • All Vessels Fire upon SS Throne: 48x Turbolasers- 8X Ion Cannons
  • Remaining Fighters Suicide Run SS Throne Shields
  • 200 Fighters Launch, heading straight for hangars in SS Throne, Firing to get in. Orders to fire internally on vessel once in.
  • 200 Fighters Standbye
  • SVS Capitualtor Stands bye for Jump, Either of Options.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Silara Varis


SS Throne- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 51%
  • -Fighters: 1200 some lost in dogfights others lost in the hangers
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 95%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Fistuca- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 49%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Ineptus
- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 89%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Machina- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Navis- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"M'lord we have enemy star fighters suicide bombing us and some attacking the inside of our hangers"

"​I Lord Mettallum doubt we can fight like this. Fistuca and Ineptus commence hyperspace ram now​"

"M'lord what do we do now"

"​Send out all our fighters and landing ships we shall use them to defend our 2 remaining frigates. Also please turn off the gravity wells and turn this ship to the side we are going to hyper space ram with this ship​"

"M'lord turning off gravity wells now"

Fighters and landing craft exit the hangers. some are lost due to the enemy vulture droids in the hanger

The gravity wells are turned off to prevent damage caused by the SS Throne turning to the side

SS Fistuca and SS Ineptus hyperspace ram SVS Ripper
SS Throne turns to the side with gravity wells offline
SS Throne Charges up Hyperdrive Phase 1
SS Throne points towards SVS Ripper
SS Navis and SS Machina still providing supporting fire to get rid of enemy fighters
Fighters and landing craft exit SS Throne and split between SS Machina and SS Navis

Silara Varis

[member="Lord Mettallum"]

SVS Ripper- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 0%
  • -Fighters: 1000Fighters left (Can't do accurate percentage, maths skills suck) (Loss of 250)
  • -Weapons:75%
  • -Hull: 75%
  • -Systems: 80%
SVS Destroyer- Munificent-class Frigates

  • Destroyed
SVS Capitulator- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Vengeance- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SVS Crusader- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"Confirmed, enemy ships jumping Ma'am!"

"Kark, where's our cover!"

"In line, hold on!"

There was a flash as the two enemy vessels jumped out out and then into reality. A Hyperspace ram was real finicky thing One had to be absolutely certain of their target, and she had a few tricks she had employed. She wished now she'd had her own Command ship jump to the side, but it was too late for that.

Next time

They reappeared. One clipped the SVS Ripper, smashing into her shields and destroying them whole sale. They dropped to zero as half her ring was ripped off by the huge impact. Pieces of plate drifted away. She cursed and roared above the din and sparks, her memories of the Ison Corridor triggered all over again.

The other frigate smashed into her intercept the SVS Destroyer. It felt the impact and broke apart immediately under the unfathomable velocity. No doubt their adversaries ship had done the same.

"What the feth! Capitulator, execute option one now!"

It flashed and then micro jumped on it's own. It's course was direct ram into the enemy command carrier. Silara guessed she had about half a weapons compliment left. Once the enemy command ship went down, that was it. Her other Frigates were essentially useless.

"Remaining Munificent's plot suicide jump into SS Throne! Launch second wave, repeat last orders!"

A second wave of two hundred fighters roared forth, again moving towards the hangars to destroy the SS Throne from within. She snarled, as systems sparked and acrid smoke filled the bridge. She had to win. She needed to win.

"Hold remaining fighters on standbye. Prepare to launch! All weapons on SS Throne, Fire! Helm Dive, Dive, Dive! Full burn!"

"Weapons away Ma'am!"

If he wanted a ramming fight, he'd get it.


  • SVS Destroyer Sacrificed on Intercept of Ramming
  • SVS Capitulator Hyper Space Rams into SS Throne
  • SVS Ripper and others open fire 46x Turbolaser- 6x Ion Cannons
  • SVS Ripper Dives hard, toe break jump calculation of enemy.
  • All other vessels plot jump into SS Throne
  • 200 Additional Fighters are released to fly into enemy hangars and attack from inside.
OOC: Been drinking. No lie so PM for edits if my post is messed up or what not.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Silara Varis


SS Throne- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 0%
  • -Fighters: 1050
  • -Landing Craft: 35 (decided to add this since I am using them)
  • -Weapons: 62%
  • -Hull: 59%
  • -Systems: 75%
SS Fistuca- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed
SS Ineptus
- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed
SS Machina- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%
SS Navis- Munificent-class Frigates
  • -Shields: 100%
  • -Weapons:100%
  • -Hull: 100%
  • -Systems: 100%

"M'lord we have just been hyperspace rammed and reports show the last remaining enemy frigates are going to hyperspace ram into us"

"​Is our hyperdrive ready to commence hyperspace ramming​"

"yes M'lord but the enemy's main ship has dived hard so we must repot our course"

"​Dam It!. Have our 2 remaining frigates intercept the 2 enemy frigate's hyperspace courses. We must not let them hit us. Have our remaining fighters and landing craft attack the enemy's main ship and try to target the engines. If we can do this correctly this fight should at least end up in a draw also have some of our landing craft enter the remaining enemy hanger ​deploy troops into that hanger with some AAT support"

"Understood M'lord. Editing hyperspace course and having our frigates intercept enemy frigates"

"​How are we dealing with the vulture droids in our hangers​"

"Most of them destroyed. The crew in the hanger has been efficiently dealing with them M'lord but more enemy fighters have entered our hanger"

"​As long as we keep their frigates from hyperspace ramming us we should be fine​"

SS Navis and SS Machina intercept SVS Vengeance and SVS Crusader
​SS Throne replots hyperspace jump
Fighters and Landing craft Protecting SS Navis ann SS Machina go to attack SVS Ripper
Some Landing craft enter the SVS Ripper and deploy droids and AATs
Fighters attack SVS Ripper's engines
Remaining Landing Craft attack SVS Ripper with frontal weaponry

Silara Varis

[member="Lord Mettallum"]

SVS Ripper- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 0%
  • -Fighters: 800 Fighters left (Can't do accurate percentage, maths skills suck) (Loss of 200)
  • -Weapons:70%
  • -Hull: 55%
  • -Systems: 65%
SVS Destroyer- Munificent-class Frigates

  • Destroyed
SVS Capitulator- Munificent-class Frigates

  • Destroyed

SVS Vengeance- Munificent-class Frigates

  • Destroyed
SVS Crusader- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed

It was a bloody day in space. As drives spun up and shisp collided it was all she could do to just hold on to her temper. All of their cruisers were now gone, scuttled into nothing. No it was Captial ship combat now. She reckoned it was time to go all in.

"Ma'am we have boarding parties in the hangar."

"Deploy Droideka's. Order all landing craft to deploy their garrison from within the hangars and crush them."

"Aye Ma'am, spinning up all battalions."

In the hangar they had less troops than she had total in her vessel. It was a cunning move, but for the fact that her landing craft were packed to the gills in the hangar, and not a single one had deployed. Droidecka's, B1 Battledroids and AAT's all began to make their way down there.

As the two sides ripped into each other, she burdened them in bodies.

"Plot three jumps. One behind enemy, two out of system. Three above enemy."


"Launch all remaining fighters, orders to go straight into their engines."

The remaining eight hundred fighters had a clear path now, since they were tangled up with the remnants of her remaining fighter screen. Most of them perished in flame and fireballs.

"Ma'am, we're gonna be rammed!"

"Continue diving, Helm put us in spin on our axis. All repulsors."

If they couldn't get a fixed postilion on them, they couldn't ram them ass effectively. After all during jump plots things like drift charts for asteroids are taken into account among other things. The spin served a different purpose. It was tuning them into a whiling disk essentially. Droid brains on Vulture were dumb, and they'd have a hard time matching speed and bearing to get inside the hangars or keep pace with targeting the engines now.

If they got too close, they'd just be whipped by the hull... and shredded.


  • All Cruisers destroyed during ram manuever.
  • SVS Ripper takes damage, deploys all Landing Craft troops to stop enemy in hangars
  • SVS ripper launches 800 remaining fighters on attack run for SS Throne Engines
  • SVS Ripper Plots a Multitude of Jumps (None Executed yet.)
  • SVS Ripper continues to dive, to throw off jump plot, now spinning to throw off fighters.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Silara Varis


SS Throne- Lucrehulk-class Battleship
  • -Shields: 0%
  • -Fighters: 700
  • -Landing Craft: 30
  • -Weapons: 50%
  • -Hull: 49%
  • -Systems: 60%
SS Fistuca- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed
SS Ineptus
- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed
SS Machina- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed
SS Navis- Munificent-class Frigates
  • Destroyed

"M'lord enemy fighters heading this way and all frigates on this battlefield have been destoryed"

"​Have all our fighters retreat and defend us anyway are we ready to ram​"

"M'lord the enemy is now spinning and diving. Reports show the enemy is getting ready to jump"

"​I Lord Mettallum don't understand how the enemy will be able to plot a jump while spinning like that but one thing is for sure due to all the spinning sending troops into the enemy hangers would be a waste of resources due to everything being crushed​"

"M'lord what do we do about the landing craft that have not entered the enemy hanger"

"​Well send our remaining landing craft to suicide bomb the enemy core ship​. The enemy may be spinning but right In the middle is a gap that can be exploited by our landing craft to suicide bomb them​"

"Yes M'lord informing fighters to defend SS Throne while also getting our landing craft to suicide bomb the SVS Ripper"

"​Also replot the hyperspace ram, have our point defense batteries take out enemy Starfighters and fire any available weapons at the enemy's ship"

Lord Mettallum was going to make sure his enemy couldn't beat him. This fight was nearly over and it was going to be a close call


Landing craft suicide bomb SVS Ripper's core ship
Fighters head to SS Throne to provide support against enemy fighters
SS Throne uses 40 of its remaining point defense battaries to try and take out enemy fighters
SS Throne fires 14 Turbo Lasers @ SVS Ripper
SS Throne replots hyperspace jump

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