Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fleeters Conclave


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
So talking with Rick got me thinking and the small sharing of links for some ship tech on discord.

The fleeters, admirals from the different fleets should meet. A sort of exchange as we have a fairly varied team and mindsets. Also a good way to organize and know what fleets use which things as Rick had ideas for fleet specific and exclusive ships that will compliment each ship.

Also gives a chance to bring out what will be the Second Fleets main achievement Windsor Station

Rick Kaloo

Continuing off of the point [member="Sala'dine"] brought up, fleshing out the fleets of the Silver Jedi Order would be a really great project.

Each admiral could have their own special warships entirely exclusive to their fleets, reflecting their own takes on naval combat. Everything from starfighters to your own unique flagship could be entirely set up for you.

For example, Pickle Rick and its shipyard Centurion Station are both very large Sixth Fleet products.
Additionally, the NL-07 laser cannons can only be equipped on my company's own vessels, which make up 90% of my fleet.

A collection of all these different naval minds could lead to a great flurry of ideas. Possibly there could even be joint projects combining the strengths of each involved fleet into one product and distributing them between each admiral.
I've been meaning to do this for myself and construct a specialised fleet for 1st Fleet so I'd very much be down for this.

I've built a shipyard, and plan to build a fleeting centre and then expand out into the ships from there, though I probably need to do more work on the weapons too.

Something I've been thinking about is the possibility of a over shield, or some ability to allow a ship to expand it's shields to tank for other ships. My combat style primarily consists of using a surfeit of long range weapons initially to wear down an enemy who is unable to effectively answer the fire, forcing them to close into the rain of fire where short ranged killers can finish them off.

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