Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Flight school

~A beautiful little planet in the outer rim , filled to brim with life , and Paytons new 'students' .this isn't the flight school you'd expect, no,this isn't ships... rather dragons,loads of them.~

Payton woke to the sun pouring its golden hues over her face.She threw her covers off her body and decided to stretch her legs and take a wake.Dressed in her usual clothing, morning routine completed, she walked out of the door and was met with the warm morning air and beauty of the tall trees on the horizon.Payton needed to do her regular ship maintenance, and clean so she wiped all the grime and dust off her bumblebee and cleaning the already clean cockpit.She cleaned the helmet the lives on the seat when ever her T-70 wasn't being flown.

Next in the day was her... pets? Not really but they behaved that way.She made her way to the large hangar (yes,hangar) and sighed.there was water everywhere.... again ."Neptune... what did you do!?again?" She said scolding her blue reptilian companion.He whined and curled in the corner of his stall."pyro ,dry it up will you?"She said unlatching the stall opposite, home to her 'little' fiery feind

Payton pulled her head up hearing the noise of ship engines "damn,forgot it was today"she hissed.Today is when her flight newbies arrived. She wandered out of the noisy and messy hangar "hello you lot"She greeted kindly

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red landed the shuttle outside of the so-called hangar. He set down the landing gear, and shut off the engines. He stood up, grabbed his helmet, and walked down the cargo ramp and out of the ship. He started walking across the grass. His red hair gleaming in the bright sunlight. The planet was pretty beautiful, he could give it that. He wore his usual armor, but he had brought along other clothes, just in case. He had also brought along minimum weaponry, a blaster pistol and his lightsaber. Of course, he had brought along more, but the rest was in the shuttle.

Why was he here? Well, he was here because he heard of an interesting proposition. He had heard of a flight school unlike other flight schools. So of course, Red was interested, and he came right away.

He approached the hangar, and noticed the woman that came out. He knew this woman, they had meet before, under not so friendly circumstances. "Hello, again!" He greeted her, "It's been a while. I'm here for that flight school." He told her.
She nodded in his direction " hello again"she smiled,trying to be polite, after realising who it is."do you know anything about animal management?" She asked him. After all it was a very important part of learning how to fly around here. She walked over to a work bench still within earshot and picked up some oddly shaped fruit , some leather straps and metal rings. She set the out carefully, liking things neat and tidy.She brought out a small knife for cutting fruit and laid it on the table.Thise were all the things needed for the first part of learning how to fly, well it's more gaining trust but it's still necessary

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red shook his head. "Not really, we weren't taught that in the genetic labs for our supersoldier training. They did, however, teach us animal tracks, how certain animals attack or react, weakpoints to hit or exploit, skills or senses that the animal may possess, or biological weapons that the animal may use, like venom. Does that count?" He told her. Yeah, learning how to manage animals wasn't something that was taught, as it wasn't deemed necessary or important.

"Wait, why?" He asked.
She smirked"well then you're about to find out why" She picked up the mass of leather straps and metal rings , slinging it over her shoulder. She grabbed one of the rarer fruits and tossed is to red "think fast" she said quickly,with a laugh."I suppose somethings you learned may help but certainly not the combat aspect"she said tilting her head.

"Come on"she smiled entering the large building. Reveling the intimidating creatures.She saw Neptune, her water dragon ,playing in a puddle.She dropped all she was carrying"seriously? Again?"She shouted.Payton was expecting this to be slightly more ... dramatic?

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red caught the fruit in his right hand, without flinching, and with looking at the fruit. He held it up and looked at it. Red followed after her. He wondered what he had gotten himself into, and what kind of training he was about to commence. Nothing he had ever done before, that's for sure.

He followed her into the building. Once inside, he looked around. Inside, there were these huge winged creatures. There were many colors of all hues, and multiple varying sizes. "What the..." He said.
"Dragons" she huffed "pesky little buggers, but theyre worth your time" She walked past most of the stalls before stopping at one.She looked at the bebeat then back at red, then back to the Dragons again."i think he will suit you just fine"Payton smiled. She picked up one of the bundles of leather and unteid it, it was a bridle like figure. She un latched the large stalls and brought the Dragons out,one think is for sure ,he was a pretty one.(image it has wings,as the image doesnt) White with light green accents and dark horns.He had a long bbody and large wings.
"Dont worry,he isnt just about the looks, one bite from him and you're going to hospital" she said,as a sort of warning.ingnoring the worrying statment she had just come out with, she said"here [handing a knife] cut the fruit in half and let him eat it from your hand, you my good sir are lucky to have an untrained one, hell bond to you better"

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red watched her open one of the stalls and brought out one of the dragons. It was pretty big. And kind of terrifying. "Wait, why do you think that one will suit me just fine?" He asked. Then, she gave him the warning and the knife and told him what to do. "Listen, animals... don't really like me. Like, we don't really get along. I've never had a pet, and they don't really seem to like me. And I would probably rather keep my arms." He told her. It was true, Red and animals didn't really get along that well.

"Wait, untrained?! Why does it have to be untrained?! If it's untrained, it's probably likely to try and kill me. And does it have to be so big? Can't it be an easier one?"
She laughed at his reaction"stop being such a wuss" she looked at the (to her ,small)dragon and put her hand simply sniffed her and brought its snout away "well these arent just any animals" she said"theyre special" she glanced back at them "anyway ,he wont bite you, i have antidotes for its venom just in case" Payton stood infront of red and put her hands on his shoulders "hey,its okay , im sure a big brave boy like you can feed a peice of fruit to a big stupid lizard"she smiled,pulling him toward the 'big stupid lizard' and held his hand up for him. She stroked the side of the dragon's face to calm it further,scratching under its chin.She brought her hand away slowly "no sudden moves"

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red grumbled. "Sure look like animals to me." He muttered under his breath. "Besides, you don't know if it would bite me or not. It's still a non-sentient animal." He said while, grudgingly, cutting the fruit in half. Then, she mentioned venom. "Wait, venom?" He said, finishing cutting the fruit. Then, she grabbed his shoulders. This might honestly be the most contact Red had ever received from a normal female. Hmm, weird. She teased him, and he rolled his eyes. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." He replied. Then, she started pulling him towards the dragon and lifted his hand. When she brought it away, he still held it up. "Okay, what now." He asked quietly.

Why did he have to get a wild one? Just Red's luck.
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She glared at him"you'd be surprised just how sentient they really are" Most people tend to think that these creatures arent sentient, which technically they arent, theyre semi sentient."just make the kind of noise you would to get any animals attention " She waited maybe a few seconds before the dragon stared at and red. It sniffed the fruit and licked It, picking It up with its tounge. It may have taken less than 3 seconds to eat

Apparently that wasnt enough so he eddged forward, sniffing red thoroughly, pushing him slightly. Payton put a hand on the dragons chest and pushed It back,shaking her head."im not going to lie to you, he's. ... acctually pretty small,i have much larger than him and much more dangerous"

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

"Usually, I wouldn't want to get an animal's attention! I usually want to either avoid them or sneak up on them to... well, you know. Kill and eat?" Red told her. He really wasn't good with animals.

Red watched the dragon eat the fruit. Once he ate it, he pulled his hand back. Then, the dragon moved towards him and started sniffing him.
"Hey! No! I'm not food!" He said. Thankfully, Payton pushed it back. Then, she told him about larger and more dangerous dragons. "I like dangerous, obviously. It's fun, and exciting." Red admitted.
"Yet youre scared of a little one?"She snorted,giving him a sceptical look.She put the dragon back into its stall "have it youre way"she huffed, dragging him to the back of the Hanger" you asked for this,so you wont complain,dont go near their head unless i tell you other wise,got it?"She said opening the back door to the ooutside.

There were two wyverns at the back of the hangar,tethered (with large chains) to the ground ."Leptoliopteryx ,big enough?" She asked,both were 3 or 4 times red's height,and he was taller than Payton."theyre about uhh 25 ft taller ,45 ft wingspan can outfly most vehichles".She walked to the first one ,and orange and white one,She dipped her head down to Payton ,who scritchy scratched her nose

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red shrugged. "This is the first time I've been this close to an animal like this without me fighting it or grappling to the death with it. So of course I'll be a little antsy around it when you've had to train against things like this." He explained to her.

He followed after her towards the back. Then, they went through the door, and Red's mouth opened slightly in amazement. They were huge, way bigger than Red, but looked amazing and awesome despite those intimidating sizes.
"Incredible." He said in amazement. "They're absolutely incredible. Amazing." He said. "What did you say they were? Leptoliopteryx? That's a weird name."

"How did you even get all of these dragons here in the first place. I mean, these ones right here are absolutely huge! How did you even manage to get them here and manage to contain them?"
He asked.
"I breed dragons, I travel to their home planet and find eggs,but I always make sure there is more than 1 in a nest"she explained"i bring them back here and raise the. straight out of the egg"she smiled looklooking at her 'babies'"Leptolionpteryx means slender smooth wing" She stroked the female and rested her head on its nose.nose.She felt the warm breath on her face,making her attampted to wrap her arms round the gargantuan beasts smout,however her arms couldnt reach the whole way round
" This Vulpine ,get your self familiar , if you want i can physically prove she's not going to chomp on you-she pointed to the second Leptoliopteryx-this is my girl Kyper shes a bit more fussy so ill take care of her for today"

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red nodded. That made sense on how she got them all here. "Sounds like a dangerous profession." He said. It definitely sounded dangerous, as a parent one of these things could probably eat you if you tried to mess with it's young.

Then, she got even closer. Red was impressed on how well she had managed to keep these things under control. She was definitely adapt at it. She seemed to care for each and every single one of them. Well, she was caring, Red could give her that.
"Right, Vulpine and Kyper. How would you prove that she isn't going to eat me?" He asked.

"Wait, why should I get myself familiar?" He asked.
"You came here for flight school didnt You?" she smirked."Vulpine, open your mouth darling"Payton said sweetly to the wyvern,who obeyed and opened her large jaw,filled with teeth large than daggers. She grabbed a large peice of fruit and placed it in her hand,she then placed it on Vulpine's tounge but kept her arm there.The second Payton removed her arm,Vulpine swallowed the food"thats how you know she isnt going to hurt you " she winked. "Im going to check her saddle ,so feel free to stroke her,hug her, whatever"she told him.

Payton tugged and pulled on an assortment of different straps and pads,making sure thethey were fitted correctly,doing the same with kyper's tack

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

"I guess I did sign up for flight school, I just wasn't expecting this. I was more expecting a more traditional flight school." Red told her. Then, Red raised his eyebrows as he watched her stick her arm inside the thing's mouth, with those large, sharp teeth. Then she placed the fruit down and pulled it out. He lightly applauded. "Consider me impressed." He admitted. Even he couldn't do something like that. That took skill, trust, and guts.

"You sure do have a bond with all of these things, huh?" Red said.

Then, she started checking the saddles.
"I don't think I'm at the point where I can hug her or stroke her, just yet." Red said. He did, however, step closer to the large animal. He looked up at it.
"I guess my last job kind of helps me with this,having the guts to do it,I used to work as a pilot for the rebel alliance,I-i still have my T-70 X wing..." she said with a forced smile,distancing slightly while thinking about her past "I had to leave I picked up working with these rascals" Payton didnt often talk about her past ,and for good reason.We've all done things We didnt want to.
"But yeah,I do have a bond with this band of idiots" Payton giggled.she watched red stepping closer to them"what do you do to calm down and ease yourself?"she asked,which like most of her comments,seemed very random

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
LadyBird LadyBird

Red decided to not press her about her past. It seemed like a sore topic, so he decided to not press her into talking about something she didn't want to do. A lot of people didn't like to talk about it, as they all had things that hurt them in some way in their past. So, Red wouldn't press her about that. Then, she asked him a question. "What do I do?"Red repeated. What did he do to calm himself down? "Well, I guess I like to train. I like to spar. I like to see what I can make with what's just lying around. And I guess working some more. I also like helping people, I like to help others, yeah."

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