Jorus Merrill
is mek bote
OOC/ This is open to any Jedi, from any good-guy faction.
With the virtual destruction of the Republic over a decade of war, the Jedi had moved out of the Core. In some cases, secret bases and enclaves had been built, many of them by Jorus Merrill, once Master of First Knowledge. The Hoth Enclave was secretive, a last-ditch redoubt -- but now, with the Jedi more scattered than ever, and so many temples lost, places like this could be centres of learning.
The kind of learning that would keep young Jedi alive in a war-torn galaxy.
He opened a big crate full of shockboxing gloves. "Question for the class. How much combat training and experience do you have? I'm separating training and experience for a reason."

With the virtual destruction of the Republic over a decade of war, the Jedi had moved out of the Core. In some cases, secret bases and enclaves had been built, many of them by Jorus Merrill, once Master of First Knowledge. The Hoth Enclave was secretive, a last-ditch redoubt -- but now, with the Jedi more scattered than ever, and so many temples lost, places like this could be centres of learning.
The kind of learning that would keep young Jedi alive in a war-torn galaxy.
"Hi there," said Jorus to the crowd. "I'm Captain Jorus Merrill, and today we'll be talking about hitting things." He tapped the lightsabre on his belt, a simple machine. "But not with these. There's any number of Jedi Masters that can teach you to swing a lightsabre, and I'm not one of them. What I do know about -- no, this isn't another instinctive astrogation class -- is how to not die. If a Sith gets flamboyant, go simple. If a Sith starts gathering power, break his concentration with a quick unimpressive Force push to the face, or a blaster shot, or just about anything. When you've got the choice between a slow attack and a fast attack, use the fast attack. If a Sith wants to sleep with you, karking don't. Basic principles like that give you a slightly better chance of going home at the end of the day."He opened a big crate full of shockboxing gloves. "Question for the class. How much combat training and experience do you have? I'm separating training and experience for a reason."