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Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee Part 2


Came in like a wrecking maul

[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki had come to the world to meet with a business woman, mostly as a Hapen noble this time around. She was still a jedi, still carried her gauntlets and bracers but she didn't need her saber here. She barely needed it ever while moving about in the ship and rolling her shoulders. She had the skullthumper and that was usually more then enough while touching down on the moon. The Vangaurds signature showing a Hapen code for her family and the young jedi master stepped down the ramp taking in the sight of all around her.

"This moon is well it isn't to bad." It actually looked like a nice place to go about training and she could feel the earth, that taste of it she had really gotten learning from datacrons held her interest. The Shapers becoming less important but she was interested in what might be abel to happen with shapers of the earth. The mentality of strong stances and powerful strikes giving her abilities a lovely amount until she had begun practicing. Now she was going about testing her own limits, letting the force work through her like on Empress Teta while she still was able to enjoy a fight here and there.

"This is Saki from Gallinore for the Countess Teramo,"
Countess hadn't built an office here on the moon yet. She had her make shift office, that had been drop for her it was just a metal box. Having all the stuff she would need to use to run this operation from. In one of her royal gowns today as she wouldn't be going out into the field until the land surveyors came back with their reports. Enjoying her nice hot cup of tea she see went over the list of equipment. Walking over to her metal desk again not the high in credit wood she was use to working on.

Looking out on the ridge before she heard her handmaiden also her assist speak. "Mi'Lady the Lady Saki from Gallinore.", waving her hand that would be all for now.

"Yes Ms. Gallinore I hope you travel here was good." holding out her hand to shaking it. "I got your message, we be happy to help you good lady as you can see we are just now getting the mining set up for the Company.", as she smile at this one all in black. [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Looking at the woman as she came in and giving a nod of her head as she shook her hand. There was a great deal happening and she had some ideas, more then that she had some credits from Hapes and her family now that she was getting in touch with them again. The turmoil and annoyances of the order bringing her around to the thoughts of just ignoring the next battle. Her face was getting spit at to many times now while being told to fight for people. "Thank you for having me." The mining set up she could help with. "Though if you need help there are a few things I can do, earth shaping is great for making mines." She had a grin on her face now though moving about a little.
Looking over a set of data pads until she could clearly see the young woman from Hapans. As she let out a long sigh getting herself up as she went over to met the young woman. "Welcome I'm sorry we aren't more long but we been having trouble finding a good vein to mine from," as she let herself smile after which she looked out in the forest she had set up the make sure camp. It would change as soon as she could find the right place to mine from.

"This earth moving you speak of this interested me, I already have the equment that I need to start to drill with but if you have a better way all ears her.", in this business if there was a better cost way after all a credit save is a credit in her pocket, right thinking this to herself. [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Looking at her and then out the window Saki smirked to herself. "Yeah it can be, I have been working at it and using it to find things in the earth is possible. Ore is rock, just a different feel compared to whats around it and your beskar is heavier, denser. If you want I'll help you, I have some credits from home but working out for a few hours woudln't be so bad." She rolled her shoulders and popped her neck in anticipation. She was looking forward to testing herself and actually felt the anticipation as something palpable. "Oh so exciting."
As she was about to speak more there came in one of the land surveyors. "Countess I believe we have found something worth cheeking out more about 2 and half clicks to the south west of here, if you care to come." with a smile at [member="Saki"] she nodded for them to wait outside. "Well, looks like we will not have to wait long. As she make her way over to the her own closest pulling out her armor. With a bit of a smirk to her face as she went into her personal quaters and came back out with it on her. Her helmet was in her hand.

Now that we have a site to try lets use walk there could use the leg stretch. As she looked on to see where the would be going to as she let the surveyors lead the way up winding path that they they had made to one place they had to slid across a rope. This was the wilderness after all but something else was about this place. Just what was it only time would tell. Didn't have to wait for there was another call on her commlink inside of her visor.

"I understand worth cheeking out for sure.", as she looked over to Saki. It was looking to be a busy day.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki gave a nod to the woman and going with her wasn't to bad as she checked herself with a smile. "I don't see why not, come on and we'll see what we can find." Her movements were first to stretch out and relax, taking in the sights while they walked to the site would be good as Condordia had a rich history. Hell she might even get to see if this woman knew any mandalorian hand to hand she could teach. Never knew when beatin someone down with your fists would come in handy ot maybe she had one of those flutes. "I am always up for a walk."
They was half way there just over the rope bridge that they had just crossed. Half way there was all she could think about was how nice it was to be in her other skin as if she missed it more and more to have it taken way. This was after this time couldn't help but having to take a harder path to practice some of her skills. Even so after now and then she took a look at the map to be sure they was still out out about 1/2 click.

After which time she had it any easy as they hit a rock wall with out even thinking about it all. Taking out her gun as she reach to the top and squeeze the trigger there went upward was a cable. After which she went upwards until reaching the top. With out looking back to see if Saki was coming behind her or not. After which time she let out her own little stretch slowing down to where she hearing some of the noises. Coming to see if there wasn't any other around before she came out of the forest to the little spot.

"Hello, I thought I come see myself what sample.", as she let herself be by herself. [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki followed and was enjoying the view of the planet now it brought a sense of peace. Let her while being tense and ready for a fight. SHe looked at the rope bridge and walked across in silence just stretching until the rock wall. A look as the woman went up had Saki giving a nod of her head to that as she held out her hands. Letting the force flow over her and grabbing at the rock with the force as it molded and cracked in her hand. Making a groove to grab and climb. She followed after th countess as her small groans under her breath of protest was more because she couldn't get the handholds perfect each time. Small cuts and wounds that bothered her but it was all worth it while she climbed. "This is quite a good place to work or live, your lucky."
After reaching the very spot that they need to be at did she speak. "Yes, a good place to work. I like this part of getting way having my freedom to be able to do something for myself." as she look over the landscape. After which time she couldn't help but start to look at the date after which time she had to shake her head. "It seem that the vein we are looking at is very deep will take some times to get to after all I want their to be safety.

"Now would be the time to share if you have a better idea @Saki"


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki gave a nod of agreement and coming to the spot she listened to the woman. This was the place and she reached down deeply finding that place in her mind. Searching for the feeling of the earth between her feet even through the leather. She searched down deeper looking for the heavier elements in the earth. Shaping metal was not possible or easy it seemed but feeling the earth and rooting yourself to it. Letting the heavierness of the ore show her where it was as her body reacted. Leaping up and coming down with a stomp to create a small fissure they could begin from. She was all for not killing people by being wreckless and wanted to have a good impression with the Mandalorians for future dealings. So making a small hole the Countess could bring equipment into was a great start she hoped. "We should proceed carefully and that can be a start."
Watching under very close eyes almost to close. This bothering her for many reason, for more then anything there was force involved not just digging. Wondering if she was going to regret this way of getting her mine build so fast. After all she had more then wanting to get this one up and running but also for the safety of those going to be working this mine day in and day out.

I want nothing but the highest safety to play into this. Watching on to what need to be don't also knowing this would save a few weeks of digging also money also time. As it came time there was more to this then every to take this kind of step forward. As she started to have her doubts only to finally work thorough them to move forward. Okay it seem the rest of the gear is here lets begin, Mi'lady. [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki gave a nod and sat there for a moment so the equipment could be brought in. She had started it off, making the hole for them to get down there but she didn't have the strength as a master shaper. Only bits of skill she would have to work at and down the line possibly... but that would come later. For now she turned over to the Countess and rolled her shoulders. "So while your equipment is getting set up do you have anything to eat or plans? There is plenty we can do as time goes on and they work. Or are you one of those bosses who cares about and stays with her employee's?" Neither was wrong just different. A general who slept on the ground with their men was just as effective as one who was in the background directing the action.
Giving this one the look down before speaking, "I don't know it depends, you have something in mind, as we brought field eats along. There not the best tasting but could keep one going." as she work on a smile on her lips. Only to cause something else a more of a stand she would take. As watch the worker bee's set up all that need to be done it would be hours before reaching the main core vein. Knowing the bits would have to be cool as they went down then came the shifting of the rock out then the bracing part.

With all this work it was what was at the end of this long work that would pay off at the end. She would get her vein and this one would get what need to make her armor a win win situation. [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki looked at her and gave a nod, field rations were not the best thing but they could be useful. "Well we'll eat while they setup and then I want to talk about a few other things, you mandalorians have some skills compared to others and I would like to see about getting some equipment from you if possible as well. I can offer you some teras kasi techniques for brutalizing force users." Her hands went to her hips in a small peter pan pose while popping her neck. "We can get you built to wrecking people in no time."
Throwing him one of the field package looking down hers said chicken and tallgrass with pepper lemon. Looking at this [member="Saki"] with a curious look upon her own eyes. Smirking just a bit, "Oh, really now I think some of them already doing a good job at wrecking things up." as she took a bit out of her cake also to open up some kind of juice pack. "Please do tell you got my attention." [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Saki caught a field ration and opened it up while the men were setting up their equipment. Using the hole she created while she moved towards the countess and popped her neck opening the chicken. "Well first thing we do is teach you how to really fight a force user, all that fancy armor is good but hand to hand when you can feel the strength of their muscles under your fists as you lay into them. Fight for a goo cause and all that. You can get who knows how much good out of it." She took a bite and reached out touching the ground while she kicked bringing up a small section of the earth to sit on. "You also learn how to be rooted and the basics of fighting like an earth shaper."
Listen she was good at with all her high born training. It wasn't until Saki got to the part where she did her trick with the force to build up mount of earth for her to sit. Giving out a stare of dislike of what she done. It wasn't nothing personal just something that her family didn't like because of almost being wiped out by a force user a long time ago. Shaking off this thought for now. Putting on her own face of stone unemotional. Taking a few deep breath after all any training she could get against a force user would be very welcome.

I will not pretend that I am fond of your kind, being force user. I will welcome any advice or training. [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Ah she was one of those and while the men continued to setup Saki spoke sitting there. "Well alright advice for fighting a force user is use their own pride against them or work their nerves. Get the to talk and trade banter it will distract from the moment making their connection to the force." She looked at her and stood back up going closer. "The other trick is teras kasi, made for combatting force users and just upseting them. Jedi often learn how to use it for hand to hand situations but I prefer shaping." She kept looking over over and taking in her mass more for the muscles and nodding. She'd be able to do it and learn some of the techniques. "It is easy enough training and while your men setup more we can do it."
Looking on to Saki as she listen to all that was given to her in the wisdom of fighting a force user. Knowing she would need to take this on the ground of a neture ground for now. In a blink of an eye could turn. Giving her a very slight nod to her head. Liking the sound where this was going. As in many ways she would be the one that go into battle it was time for her to stop hiding and prove to her fellow Mandalorains why she should be by their side in battle and by her sister side to take down those that would stand against what they stood. Honor and glory would be all she need to know to keep her going along with training and taking what was offered.

"Go on my fellow warrior." [member="Saki"]

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