The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister
Image Source:
Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus
Manufacturer: Hikage's Shadowyard
Model: Swarm Fighter
Modularity: No
Materials: Duranium, with a light coating of Alusteel
Production: Mass Produced
Classification: Interceptor
Length: 3 meters
Height: 10 meters
Width: 3 meters
Armament: 2 (very light)
X1 Light Laser Canon
X1 Conner Net Launcher (one shot in each launcher)
Defenses: 2 (very light)
Squadron Count: 28 Flies in one Squadron
Special Features:
- Target Tracker
- Self Destruction
- Turbothrust Converter Coil
- Auto Tracking Fire Controller
- Docking Clamp
- Blackout Lights
Speed Rating: 2
Hyperdrive Class: No Hyperdrive
- Super Fast
- Great Numbers
- Connects with the Brotherhoods' targeting systems for the best accuracy
- Ability to attach to other ship hulls.
- Very Light Shieling
- Easily Destroyed
- One Offensive Weapon
- If the Brotherhood is disabled that they are connected to, they loose nearly 80% of their functionality, and become nothing more but metal flying blind.
Development Thread: If Needed
Intent: To create a unique swarmer fighter for the Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus
Who Can Use This: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus
Primary Source: N/A