Lira stood inside of one of the Hangars of the Jedi Academy on Ossus. In front of her sat twelve brand new J-1 Light Interceptors, designed, built, and tested by Lira herself. She stared at the vehicles with a certain hint of pride that come only come from someone who had accomplished something great. Each of these fighters was custom made by Jedi, for Jedi and would be flown across the galaxy to help in the War with the One Sith.
This was her contribution.
This was what Lira had given back to the Order for Rescuing her.
These two squadrons were only the first of many. The Jedi Order had created a contract with Kuat Drive Yards in order to produce these on a mass scale for the Jedi, keeping the plans limited to the Order of Course. These six were the only ones custom built and constructed by the Order and Lira herself. They were the prototypes, and in a way they were far more special than any other ships would be, though they were exactly the same.
She smiled slightly, and then looked around the hangar bay.
Lira had invited some of the Order to the hangar to test some of the new Ships. They were all ready to be flown, and Lira had already flown every one of them, but it was time to see how others did.
This was her contribution.
This was what Lira had given back to the Order for Rescuing her.
These two squadrons were only the first of many. The Jedi Order had created a contract with Kuat Drive Yards in order to produce these on a mass scale for the Jedi, keeping the plans limited to the Order of Course. These six were the only ones custom built and constructed by the Order and Lira herself. They were the prototypes, and in a way they were far more special than any other ships would be, though they were exactly the same.
She smiled slightly, and then looked around the hangar bay.
Lira had invited some of the Order to the hangar to test some of the new Ships. They were all ready to be flown, and Lira had already flown every one of them, but it was time to see how others did.