Kurayami Bloodborn
Drunken Savant
Echoy'la. A planet Kurayami had heard quite a bit about since the Crusaders began their expansion. It seemed an interesting place. The only known source of beskar outside of Mandalore itself. The location was not as well known but he had received word from Alkor as to the coordinates. Inputting them carefully and triple checking after doing so, Kurayami turned off he 4x Phantom jammer on his craft. He had to admit for as old as some components were it had worked admirably, though there was the issue of needing to replace it eventually. The engines were long overdue for a complete overhaul and the hyperdrive was getting to be temperamental enough to annoy him. Plus while it was a good mobile home of sorts he was going to need a second ship for missions such as this one. Something that didn't take up quite as much space when landed. From what he had been able to gather of Echoy'la it was a gas giant, though there were places where the atmosphere was breathable without any filtration, he would rather not take the risk. If the intel was right and it was indeed a gas giant that would mean something akin to platform cities would be the norm.
While he was in hyperspace, he decided now would be as good a time as any to do a bit more digging on the world he was going to visit. Mando'a seemed to be the most commonly spoken language there. He knew a bit, but was definitely not fluent in the tongue. It had been necessary to learn the basics as a merc, but it had still taken him a long while to be able to speak and understand what relatively little he did know. All Alkor knew is that this was to be a business meeting, what exactly that entailed he had left vague. Having seen the state of Alkor's Stealth-X however made Kurayami a bit sad. Not that it was in disrepair, but a Corellian deserved to be the owner of at least one ship that was able to function as a home away from home if need be. The thought brought to mind how much time he actually spent in space, jumping from planet to planet, wherever interested him for the most part, with stops at Nubia to check on the company and see how things were going on that front. Slow but steady seemed to be the way it went in the luxury ship business when the galaxy was constantly at war. He wouldn't complain though, it funded his explorations and outings, kept him able to make sure his 'home' was functioning and not a complete deathtrap. When some more information popped up on Echoy'la Kurayami opened the file and projected it on the glasteel cockpit.
He scanned for any mention of cities. It wasn't long as it seemed there were few, but one kept appearing. 'Little Keldabe.' Pulling up data files on the city yielded rather limited results, but it was enough to find that they exported beskar from one of the dwarf moons around the planet and utilized Little Keldabe as a sort of trading hub. His ship should be able to find a pad to land on there. If need be he and Alkor could meet onboard the A-12 transport as it was plenty big enough and was relatively well stocked with all kinds of different drinks and food from across the galaxy. Some of the refreshments were of questionably legal status, but no one needed to know about those, besides it was a good side income to sell a case or two on occasion. As he dropped out of hyperspace at the predetermined coordinates he sent a quick transmission to Alkor to let him know he was simply waiting for clearance and to be directed to a landing site. Nubia StarDrives would soon have an interesting new project to work on, strictly under wraps of course and totally off the books, but sometimes the big advancements came through questionable means.
[member="Alkor Centaris"]
While he was in hyperspace, he decided now would be as good a time as any to do a bit more digging on the world he was going to visit. Mando'a seemed to be the most commonly spoken language there. He knew a bit, but was definitely not fluent in the tongue. It had been necessary to learn the basics as a merc, but it had still taken him a long while to be able to speak and understand what relatively little he did know. All Alkor knew is that this was to be a business meeting, what exactly that entailed he had left vague. Having seen the state of Alkor's Stealth-X however made Kurayami a bit sad. Not that it was in disrepair, but a Corellian deserved to be the owner of at least one ship that was able to function as a home away from home if need be. The thought brought to mind how much time he actually spent in space, jumping from planet to planet, wherever interested him for the most part, with stops at Nubia to check on the company and see how things were going on that front. Slow but steady seemed to be the way it went in the luxury ship business when the galaxy was constantly at war. He wouldn't complain though, it funded his explorations and outings, kept him able to make sure his 'home' was functioning and not a complete deathtrap. When some more information popped up on Echoy'la Kurayami opened the file and projected it on the glasteel cockpit.
He scanned for any mention of cities. It wasn't long as it seemed there were few, but one kept appearing. 'Little Keldabe.' Pulling up data files on the city yielded rather limited results, but it was enough to find that they exported beskar from one of the dwarf moons around the planet and utilized Little Keldabe as a sort of trading hub. His ship should be able to find a pad to land on there. If need be he and Alkor could meet onboard the A-12 transport as it was plenty big enough and was relatively well stocked with all kinds of different drinks and food from across the galaxy. Some of the refreshments were of questionably legal status, but no one needed to know about those, besides it was a good side income to sell a case or two on occasion. As he dropped out of hyperspace at the predetermined coordinates he sent a quick transmission to Alkor to let him know he was simply waiting for clearance and to be directed to a landing site. Nubia StarDrives would soon have an interesting new project to work on, strictly under wraps of course and totally off the books, but sometimes the big advancements came through questionable means.
[member="Alkor Centaris"]