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FN-2826 "Tempest"


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(<>* Accessing First Order Stormtrooper Database *<>)
<>< Input Administrative Passcode: ***** ><>
>:< Opening Stormtrooper File: FN-2826 >:<
Designation: FN-2826
Alias: "Tempest"
Allegiance: The Glorious First Order
First Order Branch: Military
Military Branch: Armor Division
Military Rank: Sergeant
Current Occupation:
Species: Human
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 156 LBS
Skin Color: Caucasian
Eye Color: Steel Grey
Hair Color: Light Red
Status: Alive
Years of Service: Classified
Force Sensitivity: FN-2826 had shown no ability to use the force as of this recording. Though what he has shown is a distaste for force users, specifically Knights of Ren. FN-2826's physiological therapist suggests this could be a result of his first encounter with a force user during the invasion of [declassified]. Ever since his platoon had been destroyed and him injured in the ensuing battle with the unnamed force user, FN-2826 has had a certain distaste for most force users. The therapist also suggested it could be that FN was jealous of the force users and Knights of Ren due to them having the force. Though all cards are on the table at the moment as to why FN-2826 doesn't like force users. Further testing will ensue as to determine why FN-2826 has a distaste for Force Users and further testing will ensue to determine if FN-2826 had a connection to the force. If he does, his classification may change from a stormtrooper to something else depending on what the Supreme Leader deems absolutely necessary.


FN-8888 "Eights" - FN-2826 has developed a 'friendship' with the trooper classified as FN-8888, or known to his fellow troopers as, Eights. The two of them have known each other since the academy and they are often paired up together in combat situations due to how well the two of them work together in the field of battle.
Identified Strengths:

Marksman - FN-2826 has been noted as having a good eye for accuracy in tense firefights. Often times being noted to take out a dangerous target with no civilian causalities in which a civilian casualty would've happened otherwise. FN-2826 also knows his way around a gun, being rather well versed in them due to being trained from birth from when he could take his first steps.
Identified Weaknesses:

Prone to Anger - FN-2826 had been identified as getting angry easily and quite often. Multiple therapy sessions haven't been able to quell this problem with an otherwise exemplary soldier. When FN-2826 does have outbursts of anger they can often be violent and uncontrollable, making him lash out at friend and enemy alike. Though, this trait does make him especially deadly in combat scenarios.
Pyrophobia - FN-2826 had shown in multiple physiological evaluations of housing a fear of fire within his mind. This development must've happened from multiple deployments to the field in which his life was in mortal peril. The most noteworthy time being when he had gotten stuck under a tank that he was in command of after it had exploded from a stray enemy missile. His back had burned as he cried helplessly for someone to help him on that wretched field of death and decay. Ever since then, fire had become something FN-2826 absolutely fears, though he is able to cope with it in barrack life relatively easy knowing that he isn't in harm's way.
Imperial Medical Record:

Lightsaber Scar going Diagonally across Face
Burn Scars across Lower Back
Confirmed Notable Kills:

None as of this Moment

Voice: Domaheel Gleeson - General Hux



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History of FN-2826:

~Academy Days

~The Kaeshana Rebellion - (GA & FO Incident ~ Catastrophic Loss)

​~Recovery & Mindless Thoughts

​~Defense of Hoth - (GA & FO Incident ~ Victory)

I am a simple person. I see a fellow red-head, and I want to thread.

What sort of storyline do you have planned for Tempest? I'm curious to see if there's any way I could inject Asha into it.


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[member="Asha Hex"]
Ay, fellow redheads unite!

Ok so my storyline for Tempest. I'll be honest, I haven't planned that far ahead yet. Currently I've just planned him out at a stormtrooper, eventually (hopefully) working his way towards higher rank in the future like sergeant, commander, or have him become an officer one day.

Maybe we could meet at opposite ends of a dispute? Or more, Asha getting caught up in the middle of a dispute since she don't like that fighting life.


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[member="Asha Hex"]
Sure. Kind of like let's say Tempest is on patrol duty, find's Asha on his lifeform scanner and goes to investigate?

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