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Approved NPC FO/SS-84 Shrike Squadron

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Vernon Hectis


  • Intent: To serve as a First Order starfighter squadron
  • Image Credit: Some clipart I threw together.
  • Role: Starfighter squadron
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: FO/SS-84 Shrike Squadron
  • Affiliation: First Order
  • Classification: Fighter pilots
  • Description: First Order Starfighter Squadron 84, or Shrike Squadron, is a starfighter squadron in the First Order Navy Starfighter Corps. Shrike Squadron, who get their namesake from the Nightshrike of Monastery, are a relatively new starfighter squadron under the command of MAJ Vernon Hectis. They have flown over 10 combat missions since their inception and have proven they are a formidable force in the Starfighter Corps.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: Shrike Squadron serve as anti-starfighter complement to whichever capital ship they are stationed upon, protecting it from enemy fighters and bombers attempting to strike at key points of the capital ship.
  • Mighty Fast: Shrike Squadron utilize the Firestrike TIE Interceptors for their speed and lethality in their mission to great effect.
  • Determined: With a precise mission of defending objectives and capital ships from enemy starfighters, Shrike Squadron are hyper focused on their mission, making them very effective at it.
  • Lightweight: Shrike Squadron's interceptors are very lightly armored, making them a fragile unit if caught out.
  • Headquarters: Shrike Squadron require a capital ship with a hangar capable of holding the squadron. Without one, they are stranded in whatever system they find themselves in.

Shrike Squadron was once a relic of the old era of the First Order. Since the resurgence of the nation, Shrike Squadron had returned alongside the entirety of the First Order Navy. They were seen in open combat at the First Order retaking of Victoria from the Ssi-ruu menace. Flying high above the battlefields, Shrike Squadron fought valiantly against the invaders and won the day. However, Shrike Squadron did suffer casualties. Their squadron lead, Jelen Maddox, was shot down in combat and declared missing in action.

Shrike squadron was soon deployed to Mephout, but just before they were deployed, a new squadron lead was assigned to them: MAJ Vernon Hectis. Before being assigned to Shrike Squadron, MAJ Hectis was serving as an operations officer upon a destroyer. MAJ Hectis lead Shrike Squadron towards a sound victory at Mephout for the First Order. Shrike Squadron was recognized for ensuring the protection of transport ships and for their assistance in the defense of key locations to cordon off certain quarantine zones.

Recently, Shrike Squadron had been assigned to a new fleet in preparation for further expansion of First Order territory.
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