Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Focone Oceanlast

Name: Focone Oceanlast
Age: 38
Species: Human
Faction: None
Rank/occupation: Politician/diplomat (sometimes warrior)
Home Planet: Kalee/Onderon
Armor: kaleeg dresses
Weapons: A blaster built from scratch by himself, lightsaber
Ship: Diplomat ship
Apparance: Heavy,strong, 223cm, Black short Beard, Black halflong hair ,Orange eyes
Biography: Grown up on Kalee from a immigrated Human familly Focone found out early that he was force sensetive, but he maneged to mot get taken up by eather the Sith or Jedi, He learened the way of the force by himself, By 20 years he leaved the planet and found a job in the Courusant Docks. He left the docks at 27 years age to studie politics. He was done at 33 years of age and moved to Onderon (OOC:I guess that is the republics capital) He started then training in the force for himself and build a lightsaber.

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