The Techno Muun

- Intent: To provide the galaxy with top of the line, Foerost built starships
- Image Credit: [x]
- Canon:
- Foerost Shipyards (Legends)
- Foerost Shipyards (Cannon)
- Permissions: [x], [x]
- Links:
- Shipyards Name: Foerost Planetary Shipyards
- Classification: Twin Interconndcted Orbital Ring Shipyards
- Location: Foerost
- Affiliation:
- The Techno Union
- Foerosti Planetary Goverment
- Galactic Alliance
- Population: Heavily Staffed
- Accessibility: Private Access - Despite the contracts and agreements the Shipyard has with various Galactic Alliance affiliated organizations, the Shipyard maintains a Private Access Only stance, only allowing senior Governmental officials and consumers with prior arrangements on board the station. This of course, excludes workers and Techno Union Staff.
- Description: At first glance, the Foerost Planetary Shipyards are quite an impressive site, appearing to a double Orbital Ring. However, the Shipyards are actually two interconnected Orbital Shipyards which are capable of producing both Military and Civilian Starships.
- Production: Various Military and Civilian Starships
- Specialty:
- Bulwark MK1 Class Star Battlecruiser
- Bulwark MK II Class Star Battlecruiser
- Output:
- Fighters [2-4 Days]
- Gunships [3-5 Days]
- Corvettes [1-2 Weeks]
- Frigates [2-4 Weeks]
- Cruisers [1 Month]
- Star Destroyers [1-3 Months)
- Battlecruisers [4-6 Months]
- Market: Any Non Sith-Imperial Affiliated Organization - Due to Agreements made with the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order and because of the ongoing war, the Foerost Shipyards are not allowed by either governmental body or the Techno Union at large to create any Warships for the the Sith Empire or any Sith-Imperial Affiliated Organizations. However, Civilian ships may be sold to Sith-Imperial Worlds.
Primary Dockyard
One of the largest areas within the FPS Orbital Ring, the Primary Dockyards are where most ship construction and repair are done. The Dockyard also serves as an impromptu command center for all of the Secondary Dockyards and Depots.
Primary Vehicle Engi[ What areas within the station are significant? Give a description of each point listed. You may link factory-approved add-ons here as well, for instance if your shipyard consists of multiple smaller components. ]
To Be Added
Nicknamed as the Little Sister of Kuat, the Foerost Planetary Shipyards have always been the second largest Shipyard within the Core, rivaling worlds like Kuat, Fondor and Xa Fel in terms of starship construction capacity.
Divided into two, interconnecting Orbital Rings, the Shipyards have exponentially since thier beginning days under the High Republic, Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire and latter the Galactic Alliance.
Before any of this however, the Shipyards were and still are to this day, best known for thier production of the Bulwark Class Star Battlecruiser during the Clone Wars, on behalf the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Soon after the war, the Techno Union was reorganized by the Galactic Republic's successor, the Empire, into a puppet state before being completely nationalized. As such, Foerost Shipyard fell under the direct control of the Imperial Navy Mich as it's cousins, Kuat and Fondor.
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