Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
It was brought up on the Terminus Imperium Faction Advert that some were having trouble reading it due to the color and the font chosen. While I had gone back through and selected a new font, I've not received a reply if it was easier to read or not. This poll is to judge which is the easiest font and text color on the eyes so that it is easiest to read and does not strain the eyes.
Please Choose one of the following.
..:: Test 1 ::..
..:: Test 2 ::..
..:: Test 3 ::..
..:: Test 4 ::..
..:: Test 5 ::..
If you feel that one of the above fonts is okay and not the color or vice versa, please let me know so I can take it into consideration. I would very much prefer being able to produce something that everyone is not hurting their eyes attempting to ready.