Mantic Dorn
Old school...
Truly a warm welcome to the faction! 
I just wanted to give any new member the tip to go and check out our home page from time to time.
Home page
We try to bring active threads up to date via the Republic news letter now and then so if you are interested you simply hit the "follow this faction button" and you are set
Also, if you want to get in on how the Republic functions OOC and IC you should read the faction structure information found here.
I just wanted to give any new member the tip to go and check out our home page from time to time.
Home page
We try to bring active threads up to date via the Republic news letter now and then so if you are interested you simply hit the "follow this faction button" and you are set
Also, if you want to get in on how the Republic functions OOC and IC you should read the faction structure information found here.