Amilthi Camlenn
Meditation Junkie
The sun was nearing the serrated horizon of Deneba's mountains and the air was perceptibly cooling, a change in atmosphere that Amilthi found most welcome. She had been walking for hours through the dusty, mountainous desert until now, finally, she stood on a ridge from which Mount Meru and the Enclave could be spotted. She had had to persuade a freighter pilot on Tatooine to make a slight detour and drop her off on Deneba for a modest fee, and had found it prudent to have him land in safe distance from the Enclave. While its existence was not an extremely well-kept secret, she nevertheless did not know the practice its current occupants kept in this regard and did not wish to interfere.
Exhausting though it was, Amilthi was very much enjoying the hike in anticipation of the satisfaction she would receive at its end. She estimated that it would take another two hours to reach the Enclave. After brushing a streak of hair out of her face that sweat had glued there, she made her way onward down from the ridge.
It was already dark when Amilthi stood before the gates of the Jedi Enclave on Deneba, tired, sweaty, and dusty, but almost elated. She was dressed in clothes of coarse fabric, a pale lavender skirt, a beige tunic, and a roomy grey coat with a hood, and carrying nothing but a simply cloth bag hung over her shoulders. She might have been a simple beggar but for the quiet confidence that was evident in the way she carried herself.
She had primarily come here to petition the Jedi of this Enclave to be allowed access to their archives, thought it might be better not to speak of what precisely she was on a search for. That would be a revelation not apt to inspire trust. But her visit also bore the potential for something more. What little she had heard of this group of Jedi was encouraging, for while, as so often, war was ravaging other regions of the galaxy, this order was reputed to be supported by a young and steadfastly neutral realm and was said to seek no violent confrontations. There were other rumours too, of course, which had it that they did so only for lack of resources and were trying to build a fleet with which to become an influence in galactic politics. Sadly, in history's light, such rumours were not as ludicrously implausible as she would have liked them to be, and Amilthi was not one to confuse that which she would have preferred with that which was. Should such talk, however, reveal itself to be unfounded, this might well come be the beginning of a new phase of Amilthi's life. All by herself, there was all too little she could do to improve the world.
She stood for a minute, catching her breath, before eventually she knocked, her touch resonating in the massive gates.
Exhausting though it was, Amilthi was very much enjoying the hike in anticipation of the satisfaction she would receive at its end. She estimated that it would take another two hours to reach the Enclave. After brushing a streak of hair out of her face that sweat had glued there, she made her way onward down from the ridge.
It was already dark when Amilthi stood before the gates of the Jedi Enclave on Deneba, tired, sweaty, and dusty, but almost elated. She was dressed in clothes of coarse fabric, a pale lavender skirt, a beige tunic, and a roomy grey coat with a hood, and carrying nothing but a simply cloth bag hung over her shoulders. She might have been a simple beggar but for the quiet confidence that was evident in the way she carried herself.
She had primarily come here to petition the Jedi of this Enclave to be allowed access to their archives, thought it might be better not to speak of what precisely she was on a search for. That would be a revelation not apt to inspire trust. But her visit also bore the potential for something more. What little she had heard of this group of Jedi was encouraging, for while, as so often, war was ravaging other regions of the galaxy, this order was reputed to be supported by a young and steadfastly neutral realm and was said to seek no violent confrontations. There were other rumours too, of course, which had it that they did so only for lack of resources and were trying to build a fleet with which to become an influence in galactic politics. Sadly, in history's light, such rumours were not as ludicrously implausible as she would have liked them to be, and Amilthi was not one to confuse that which she would have preferred with that which was. Should such talk, however, reveal itself to be unfounded, this might well come be the beginning of a new phase of Amilthi's life. All by herself, there was all too little she could do to improve the world.
She stood for a minute, catching her breath, before eventually she knocked, her touch resonating in the massive gates.
[member="Teynara Jeralyr"]