Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Mother Mandalore...

Polkov Kravinof

It is I, the Mandalorian Bear, Polkov Kravinof! Here to teach you children a lesson about the might of Mandalore.

Polkov Kravinof

Someone's got to keep these nutjobs entertained in someway or another, so they usually bicker amongst themselves.
Well-Known Member
Wow... this... is.... disturbing. Tef, it's Kaine's underlings... all of them.... STOP THE MADNESS!!!! (no let it continue![shut up you who ask you?{I did! No let the underlings speak....} You're retarded dude] Yeah seriously, and what's up with you and saying retarded? Just mean man, just mean) >.> ...... <.< I didn't say nothin'


Et in Arcadia Ego
To put a unique spin on things what If this recent arrival to your ranks was a Mandalorian Political Officer, like a Commisar or a Mommisar whatever.

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