Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For scores and several years ago...

It's been the better part of a decade since I've made my own entry into a forum Introductions thread. I herald from MEU (Mass Effect Universe) and that has been the majority of my rp experience, dabbled prior to that on forum based rp but that was the bulk of it.

Play tabletop rpgs of a sunday with the lads in the arvo, work 40 hour weeks and in case the lingo didn't give it away I'm from the land down under, Straya'!

Alas, since internet use is heavily restricted (and probably monitored) at work I probably won't be able to access this site while at work but ironically I can still access discord via web browser so depending on how hectic the day gets I'll still be able to get in touch daily, responses may be severely brief though within work hours, fair warning. :p

Could go on a long spiel of my interests, dimensions and the like but then it'd sound like what I imagine a tinder profile would look like and ant no body (least not me) got time for dat.

Looking forward to getting my proverbial feet wet in the star wars universe, yeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaw!

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