Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For th-- Sorry, wrong universe. Hello!

Warhammer 40,000
Three or more of my profile pictures are the portraits of characters in the game EVE Online
Yea, that's about all the ones I know of, just thought I'd give credit where it's due.

Name's... Well, you call call me Nikita. John Kronus is simply my character name.

I am somewhat good at detailed roleplays, but dont count on me to go past four to five lines casually.

Yes, I do draw from other franchises to supplement the lack of looks I want from Star Wars.

Out of Character, I'm a decent person, so I've been told, anyways.

It is worth noting that I have Level 1 Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Nothing major, just an inability to micro-manage. If I'm in a big battle on multiple fronts, I include all fronts in one response to work around this, so many of my responses in events will be long-winded.

[member="John Kronus"]
Welcome to Chaos! If you ever need to run something through the Codex (in Codex you can create new planets, locations, NPCs and species) I'm your man! If you like Warhammer, you'll be pleased to find out I've adapted the Orks into Star Wars. Check them out, they're called the Urko on here!!

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Know this adept, for your journey has been long and you are to be trusted as few will ever be. Psykers represent Humanity's future, the ideal creature into which mankind will evolve; a more powerful, more intelligent and more capable life form. As yet this race is weak, its members lacking the mental strength needed to face the dangers of the psychic universe. Were the new race of psykers permitted to develop free and unprotected, the whole of Humanity would soon be destroyed. We few who are privy to this truth have guarded it selflessly for nigh on four millennia, since the end of the great schism from which our order was born. It is our sole concern, for the very future of our race depends upon us, and us alone.​
Greetings and welcome to Chaos.​
With as many 40 k fans as we have, we could start a 40k based RP lol

Connor Harrison

[member="John Kronus"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, and just shout if you need help at anytime.


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