Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For the foreseeable future

Factory Judge
This post won't surprise some of you. I haven't been as active as I would have liked. I really tried to do my part with my characters and to keep working with everything. Sadly, I have lost my muse for this site. Chaos has been my home for almost 4 years. off and on I would return from school, work and even hard times with being in a car wreck that I could have quite literally ended in.

Sadly, I must go for a while. I see that there are many people who are throwing salt and getting all "victimized" over threads, and OOC actions and other stupid stuff. I enjoyed my time here. Had fun with every writer and tried to have a good outlook. Its just my muse has died.

I will be leaving the site for the foreseeable future. I can't promise that I will be back, or that tomorrow I will take these words and shove them back into my mouth.

For those of you who I offended, or made you feel insignificant, I apologize. My intentions were not to break people down. For those who will see me leaving, I am sorry for having to drop threads and leave potential stories. With work, games coming out, and having a woman now in my life who makes me feel that kind of special, I have a lot on my plate.

I hope to see you guys in the future, and maybe we can RP again then.

Have a Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
Siriwook wondered why the death of a mule would be so upsetting. Yes, she's done the work all these years to get you where you want to go and carry all your stuff and plow your fields, but you could get another mule. Or was this one somehow special? We could rebuild her--we had the technology. We could make the next mule immortal, full of pistons and circuits and steam. Robomule, we could call her.

Then she re-read the post. Oh, muse.... Was your muse sick? People were always yelling at Siriwook to use headphones for her muse sick. Who knew what was required for muse dead? It wasn't long after, Siriwook realized amusement... something else.
Factory Judge
[member="Siriwook"], No clue what your post was about...

[member="Joza Perl"], Agreed. It was fun to RP with you and talk to you on site/skype. I will have to RP with you again. *enjoy your special clothing line. ;) *

Ponyboy Reynolds

[member="Darren Shaw"],

Though I haven't roleplayed with you much, it's always junk to see a member leave. I hope you have a good break from this site, don't stress over the little things either.

Take your time in coming back if you want....

And as always

Stay gold

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