Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Post 1

Back to it, work was never over. Recently Patricia was on a bit of spree, ever since she had a phrik mine all she could think about was cranking out armor and other equipment for the masses. She rather enjoyed it and it was a fun hobby to pass the time, so it was time to get back to business, and business was good.

"Waldo can you grab me an MRE from the kitchen?" Patricia asked kindly on her comm link to get assistance.

"Right away Miss G." Waldo responded.

Walking back to her office she was ready to get to work on a new mining operation. Zeek aka Colossal Mining Droid Thirty-six was plugged into the charging bay and would be given the go ahead to start powering up. Patricia sat at her desk and activated the holo table. Images of available assets and droids popped up and the woman was ready to get going.

"Alright Zeek, wake up." the woman moved her hand into the holo images and tapped on Zeek's icon.

The droid in the charging bay let out a puff of steam as it shuttered to life and began to crawl its way outside into the heat of the planet's surface.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Get trekking boo." Patricia said as she worked the table.

Her hands grabbed Zeek's icon and pointed it towards the Hot Box along the digital map of waypoint markers and lights, she sat back and would wait for the machine to start the kilometer long walk through hell to get the phrik. Patricia sighed and her stomach growled a bit, and she really wondered why was she here? Shouldn't she be trying to get her life back together?

"Food's up." Waldo said as he knocked on the woman's door and stepped in.

"Sit down Waldo, have a chat." Patricia said in response.

The droid outside let out a mechanical roar and began the movement to the mountain range. Volcanic ash with blazing hot winds lashed against its metallic skin and the droid kept moving forward to get the job done.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Taking the MRE Patricia sighed and looked over to Waldo as he sat down across from her, the images on the holo table covered each other's faces but that didn't matter. Patricia just wanted someone to talk to. Opening up the bag she put its contents on the side and went for the main meal and spoon.

"Do you think I'm greedy?" Patricia said as she opened up the bag.

"No of course not Patricia, why would you think that?" Waldo asked back.

"Well here I am working rather than trying to get things together you know? I feel sidetracked by my need to be something better."

Outside the mining droid hit the phrik rich mountain range and looked up at the large rock formations. It was time to start climbing and getting into position. The droid took its massive legs and started to climb up the side of the mountain, more violent flesh scorching winds whipped against it and sand blasted some of its paint off, but the droid kept going, it had a function to perform. And right now that function was start mining phrik and get it back to the facility.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Patricia, when that business with Gen went down I chose to come with you rather than stay behind." Waldo said with a very somber tone.

"If you were a greedy person then why would I be following you into a life of crime? I've never committed a crime in my life yet here I am. Because I believe in you." Waldo said with a smile.

Patricia dipped her spoon into her main meal and began to eat rather tasteless and bland food that did the job of providing essential nutrients in the field, really it sucked but Patricia didn't have the time to go to the crew quarters. And before she could speak an image popped up on her screen asking to proceed with the dig, Zeek was in position and she had to approve the collection.

"I just don't know Waldo, I thought I put this life in the rear view. But here I am." Patricia sighed and looked over to her screen.

Approving the dig she looked back to Waldo and cupped her chin in her palm. Outside thirty six aimed it's drill at the Rock and began to push into the mountain side breaking up and loosening phrik ore, the massive drill sparked bright and hard and the phrik eventually gave way to it and the raw ore was breaking apart and falling down the steepness of the mountain. They had done this a million times and it was a simple process, knock the phrik down to the collection area and grab it to take it back to the base.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"I miss my kids Waldo, I miss my house and I honestly couldn't care about the billions. I mean even as a criminal on the run I'm still a millionaire, I'm still successful, do you think I'm afraid of just being a wife and mother?" the woman set aside her main meal and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm afraid my degree is in Business Administration and Accounting, I didn't really pay much attention in psych one o one." Waldo paused for a moment.

"So you're saying I should see a shrink?"

Outside the droid let out another metallic roar as the drill pulled out of the mountain and the robotic creature began to slam its massive arms into the mountain to frak the surface and cause loose stone to fall it's way off and roll down the mountain. The droid sent a notification back to the refinery for the next step of the process.

"I'm not saying see a doctor I just think you should tal-" there was a pinging noise on the table cutting the man off.

Patricia pressed a few buttons and proceeded with the next step which was gathering up phrik from the collection zone. Honestly she was happy she had these beasts, with smaller droids this could take hours but with the amount of ore this droid could break up she could move large amounts of phrik in short times.

"You were saying?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"I was just saying I think you should talk to your loved ones, there's a lot of people who love you and want the best for you." Waldo said as he crossed his legs.

Patricia pondered over that for a bit, she reached into the MRE bag and grabbed the dessert. Taking the pound cake she opened up the bag and took a bite of the sweet cake that had just a hint of flavor. She chewed for a moment as she thought then spoke after swallowing.

"So you're saying I should talk to Jarven?"

The droid slid itself down the mountain and hit the bottom with a loud thud. Volcanos erupted and ash storms blew through the area that was the Hot Box, the place was quite literally hell and that wasn't going to stop good ole Zeek. Now at the bottom the cargo hold of the droid opened up and started to grab pieces of phrik and bringing them up into it with mechanical arms.

The phrik ore was loading up and soon it would be time to head back to camp and deposit it. They had finished up this week's batch of refined ore now it was time to start the process again.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Jarven, Zenva, whoever you can trust. Definitely not the people you work with in the syndicate though." Waldo said in response.

"Also I think it's time to reunite the family, everything seems to be blowing over." Waldo gestured over to Patricia and hoped she would see things his way.

The woman took another bite of the pound cake and her appetite began to turn from the subject at hand. Lately the kids had been staying with her sister and the man was right, the kids needed their parents and she needed to be there for them as a mother not just a provider. So sighing she decided maybe it was time to just focus on her projects and being a mother.

"I'll see what I can do. Going to have to find a new place to live." Patricia said then went to check on the droid.

Thirty six was outside doing what he did best, gathering up the phrik ore and after a few more minutes everything had been gathered up and was set to be shipped out towards the refinery. The droid grumbled and groaned as its body hoisted its own massive weight up and began to turn to face the refinery. It was time to head back and dump the ore in the loading bay.

So with a few massive steps forward the droid started its way towards the facility where the cycle would begin anew.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Let's put a pin in this for now. It looks like Zeek is coming back with the phrik and I want to be there to sign off and weigh." Patricia said as she stood up and cleared her throat.

"Ready to go?" Miss Blonde said as she changed her voice and straightened her coat.

"Yes Miss Blonde." Waldo stood up and walked over to the door and held it open.

The woman smiled and walked out ti begin pacing down the halls towards the phrik unloading bay, she was quite eager to get this next batch of phrik going and maybe even do another personal project. She had been in an armor mood lately and she was feeling creating something a little cheaper this time around, you couldn't make a masterpiece every time and this seemed like a good way to start spreading out phrik and getting more objects to help her out.

Miss Blonde rounded the corner and entered the unloading bay to see thirty six taking the rock ore and laying on the ground with horribly loud thuds and smacks that banged off of the metal walls. The bot groaned and Miss Blonde would get the repair crews to clean up the droid and repair anything that was broken.

"Rodger darling! How much are we netting today for this week's refining process?" the woman asked kindly.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Around eight hundred pounds by the looks of it, little light this week due to first shift weekend off." a human man in thick glasses said over to Blonde and Waldo.

"Excellent! Cart it up and send it over to the refinery! I want us ahead of schedule since we will be producing a bit less." Patricia looked over to the droids and snapped her fingers at them and waved her hand at the phrik deposit.

The droids jumped up and started to use their augmented strength to lift each massive stone up and place it in hover carts. Each piece of phrik was gathered up and thrown into a cart where they were pushed down into the refinery. It would be a long week but they were going to get through the phrik and be able to craft something great with it.

Blonde on the other hand had the idea of making some pretty decent armor, people always ate that crap up and she did enjoy making it for the populace.

"Please sign here." A droid said to blonde as he lifted up a data pad that needed an E signature.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Miss Blonde finished signing and was relieved to let this go into the hands of her workers, she had other matters to attend to at the moment like deciding where this phrik was going to go or how it was going to be used. Really she just wanted to finish this all up and be done with it but maybe another auction was in order, the black ties could use more crap and she already recently crafted some armor recently.

"Waldo I'm headed to my office, take my calls and if they are important I'll take them." Miss Blonde waved her hand and made sure the refinery team was ready to go.

The woman walked down the halls and turned into her office to sit down in her cushy chair. She was certain that this day wasn't over, there were always people looking to pop up and ask for phrik, and those people had to pay.

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