╫ P O L Y N E U S ╫
For Those Below
It was an unspeakably hot day in the Polynean Village of Ridge. The flowers which lined higher class streets, within great ornate planters, were limp beneath the sun, and those with sense (and the money to do so) had taken an afternoon siesta in order to avoid it for a few hours. Not all were quite so fortunate, however, and the gutter rats of the lower quarter were simply forced to endure the rocketing temperatures. Even in the shade they baked, they might even have fought over the best spot if they weren't so sun-tired. Instead they lolled around like animals around a watering hole.
In that, Ridge was oddly quiet for once.
Even the market square held none but the most staunch merchants and servants. Niaami would know, as that was where she had hoped to find some petty fortune that afternoon. It was too dangerous, though, it was easy to blend into a crowd and much tougher when you were one of just a handful of people present. She groaned at the very sight of it. No credits meant no water, at least... No drinkable water. Not unless she braved the humid jungles in search of a river.
Ridge had its sources, of course, it was a midway point between Peak and Branch, that was the highest and the lowest points of Polyneus and fellow villages. There was a stream which came down from the snowy tops of the mountains, and became lost within the throws of the River village. But on devilishly warm days like these? Such a stream was more tightly guarded than usual, lest the water run out, and the village wells were running low.
Nobody would have much to spare for the likes of her, and any who did would be charging an arm and a leg.
After all, who knew how long this heatwave would last.