Daughter of Fen
*Takes a deep breath to begin rant....*
OK guys, I thinks its time you admit you you all have a problem.
First thing you need to take on board is that these closures areTEMPORARY!!!
I don't think any of you appreciate how much work goes into going through all of your submissions. So let me throw some numbers at you.
There are 62 pages of Tech that has been approved.
That's nearly 2000 items.
There are 28 pages of approved Starships.
That's about 1000 different ships.
So, that's about 3000 items for you to use in roleplay. That doesn't even count the canon stuff.
Then look at these:
Space Stations
That's not even half of the stuff you can find on Wookieepedia.
Now tell me how the TEMPORARY factory closure is 'repressing your creativity' because really? If you can't find something in there to use then you are either being very lazy, or you just want to outdo everyone else with some unrealistic tech.
The factory was created so people could create props for their roleplaying, but I can guarantee you that at least 60% of the stuff that's been passed through the factory hasn't been used as a prop, or has only been used once. It stopped being about props and started being about who's got the biggest and the best.
Roleplaying is not about the tech, its not about seeing if you can beat that guys who has all those amazing force powers with this one thingymajig that you made, because 'Kark you man, I'm amazing!'
Its about WRITING. Its about making a STORY, its about INTERACTING NICELY with other people and ENJOYING the plots that come together with those people.
Please, for the love of God, get a grip of yourselves. Go write something with other people using tech that is already avaialble and let the staff have their breathing space, because they damn well deserve it.
*End rant.*