Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
The Galaxy was changing. The Galaxy had changed. In a single night billions had disappeared and now at the end of it all, the Galaxy still remained in turmoil and chaos. An entire world had been split, and now only half of it remained, whilst the other half was that of an entirely alien world from whom knew where. All that was clear was that what ever had happened to Corellia, it was now a twin of Malachor V, mirroring its destruction at the end of the Mandalorian Wars.
Still, there was the possibility that there were those whom remained on the broken world, those few trying to find a new means of surviving. Much like those handful of Alderaanians though that remained in the Galaxy after its destruction hundreds of years ago, there were still those spread out across the galaxy. That did not matter though, for there was a new purpose in travelling to this broken world.
Dropping out of hyperspace, the Hera came into view of the world, and in tow were a handful of GR-75s and Lambda class Shuttles. Standing quietly on the bridge looking out over the broken world was the newly crowned Duchess of Avidon. Crossing her arms over her chest, she sighed heavily at the thought of those whom had been trapped on the half of the world that had gone missing. Were they still alive? Were they now lost in some unknown galaxy?
"Do It."
The Duchess spoke, following it with a soft nod of her head as the communications officer turned from her. Stepping forward, her arms fell to her side, her hand brushing at the air before she remembered that her Nexu had found itself a little hole on Avidon and was awaiting its kittens now. Allowing a small smirk to cross her lips, she kept her focus forward as she spoke.
"Are the men ready Colonel?"
She didn't need an answer from him, she knew the answer. The shuttles and cargo carriers were there for a reason. They were to offer aid to those Corellians that desired it, while at the same time she had an ulterior motive. There was half of an alien world before her, and she wanted to know what was on it. Even if all they came back with was a bit of metal, she would be happy to know that it was nothing more than a husk. Still, the thought of it being there and she not doing anything about it would vex her.
As she stood there silently, a message was beginning to be broadcast to the remnants of Corellia. The communications officer pushing it upon anything that could pick up the signal and transmit it.
"This is the Avidonian Dominion. The Duchess Magrath, Autarch of the Avidonian Dominion has brought supplies, and transport. The Avidonian Dominion is offering safe haven in its territory to any refugees wishing for a new life. It is also offering safe passage to any world desired."