Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For want of a salesperson (Open)

Droids were notoriously bad at a multitude of things, and this included selling products. This was something Jeff considered. It had been a couple of days since his duel with HK-36, and right now he was in the Human Replica Droid 2.0 body. It was only a temporary thing though until he got an idea of a suitable body to provide him the maximum protection possible. Granted the Echani components in the body would provide some protection against light-sabers, but really this would be more suitable for someone he'd make. A brother perhaps. Yes. A younger brother who could hold his own to some degree in combat would come in handy as the public face of the company. Tatooine was a world that was hot and arid, dusty and damaging to droids to be on. When he had a chance, he'd relocate Fort Suvian to a more hospitable environment with more people on it.

And far less sand. Yes. There was a brilliant idea on his part. But back to his earlier thought. What he needed was a salesperson. Perhaps a Zeltron if he got get one, or a similar species. That should help boost sales, and really? He needed the credits. Any future projects could use an inflow of currency anyway, and that would help him a whole lot later down the line to better understand humanity. Inside Fort Suvian he walked through the halls of the place, until he came to the main entrance where he took a seat. Something should happen today.

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