Location: Ord Tiddell, Stone Mite Tavern
Old habits die hard. Aristeia wasn't sure what that line actually meant, but it sounded very interesting, mostly the dying part. Her time in the Empire had proven that it's people lacked the finer understandings of culture, and given how little of a buzz her revelation had stirred, she was in desperate need of some sort of validation. It was all a sort of game for her, assuming another identity, find an inconspicuous planet, and play the part; leaving the fools none the wiser as to who she was. She had done this before, while living under the eyes of her mother, and it never failed to amuse her. Her new persona for today, was a down on her luck stone miner by the name of Azula, holding out for hope that one day she would make it big; a goal that Aristeia herself felt rather strongly about. Sitting at the bar, the figure of a six foot five snow white haired woman drew attention, but not the sort the Ari was hoping for. She could do without the cat calling, but she knew how to stand up for herself if someone couldn't take a hint. The last man who had tried to make a move on her had the misfortune of catching a case of hysteria, and thankfully that was the only person she had to make an example of. Though, as nice as her illusions were, she enjoyed conversation with real people. Talks with illusions were boring after all, she was the one doing all the talking.
Ordering a Bespin Fizz, 'Azula' sat at the bar, fiddling with her drink as she awaited some sort of cue from the universe.