By 863 ABY Fiolette had taken back her maiden name, she wrote to
Irveric Tavlar
personally to inform him that she was ready to discuss working for the New Imperial Order. She had signed it as Fiolette M. Fortan, and that she would wait for him at one of her casinos. Fiolette wore a business suit, heels with a t-shirt, she waited in the lobby while Dansen her protocol droid would wait for Tavlar at the docks. Dansen vom Autieg was his name and he would introduce himself as such, and happily, quietly lead the Imperator to where Ms. Fortan waited. Fiolette lit the black label cigarra and took comfort with the chemical rush that followed as she inhaled.

The casino in question was somewhere NIO and GA space with a fleet of ships preparing to escort it behind NIO Space. People walked around Fiolette, oblivious as to who she was and security kept a close eye on those who happened by. Fiolette made mention that Tavlar was welcomed to bring security but that it wasn't necessary. The amber-orange hues of the cigarra illuminated themselves as she took another drag. She stood there relaxed in her outfit, relaxed with herself, and any tension she may have held the last time the two spoke was gone. The bright lights of the lobby only captivated that feeling for Fiolette, the casinos, she scoffed quietly. The casinos were always a place to come and just get lost, there was something about what it offered. Entertainment, escapement, and fine dining, what more could anyone really want?
Sure, it was a lot to expect the Sovereign Imperator to peel himself away from war, but Fiolette could only wait to see if he had. Until then she continued to smoke the delightful cigarra that now hung between her fingers as she flicked ash into the ashtray and brought it up to her lips. A quick run of her hand through her hair to push the loose strands of red hair away from her eyes.