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Private For What It's Worth

Fiolette Fortan

By 863 ABY Fiolette had taken back her maiden name, she wrote to Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar personally to inform him that she was ready to discuss working for the New Imperial Order. She had signed it as Fiolette M. Fortan, and that she would wait for him at one of her casinos. Fiolette wore a business suit, heels with a t-shirt, she waited in the lobby while Dansen her protocol droid would wait for Tavlar at the docks. Dansen vom Autieg was his name and he would introduce himself as such, and happily, quietly lead the Imperator to where Ms. Fortan waited. Fiolette lit the black label cigarra and took comfort with the chemical rush that followed as she inhaled.
The casino in question was somewhere NIO and GA space with a fleet of ships preparing to escort it behind NIO Space. People walked around Fiolette, oblivious as to who she was and security kept a close eye on those who happened by. Fiolette made mention that Tavlar was welcomed to bring security but that it wasn't necessary. The amber-orange hues of the cigarra illuminated themselves as she took another drag. She stood there relaxed in her outfit, relaxed with herself, and any tension she may have held the last time the two spoke was gone. The bright lights of the lobby only captivated that feeling for Fiolette, the casinos, she scoffed quietly. The casinos were always a place to come and just get lost, there was something about what it offered. Entertainment, escapement, and fine dining, what more could anyone really want?
Sure, it was a lot to expect the Sovereign Imperator to peel himself away from war, but Fiolette could only wait to see if he had. Until then she continued to smoke the delightful cigarra that now hung between her fingers as she flicked ash into the ashtray and brought it up to her lips. A quick run of her hand through her hair to push the loose strands of red hair away from her eyes.


Fiolette Fortan




It'd been a long hard war since Irveric had last encounter Fiolette, then Raaf, on Prefsbelt IV. Her presence was enigmatic, ominious...all the while, all he knew was that he'd be encountering her again. The circumstances? That was the truest mystery. In all truth, he anticipated the Chair of Primo Victoria to be nothing but a thorn in his side if nothing at all, pontificating 'what could have been' while clinging to her union with the Dark Councilor Taeli Raaf.

Then that bond shattered, silent in the night. This would be the first of many consequences to an otherwise mundane event. Regardless, Irveric would be foolish not to reap the fruits of this misfortunate and thus, when Fortan summoned him, he answered.

He arrived to little escort or fanfare. Were they not a careful observer, they'd never suspect the Sovereign Imperator to have visited at all. He approached the newly liberated Fiolette Fortan in a more 'casual' attire, fitting for the setting and not the usual Imperial uniform far more fit for the military dictator he was. Though plain clothes COMPFORCE were never far, he had the illusion of being alone and unalarmed.

"I don't suppose you'd care to share would you?"
He inquired, taking ahold of the metal cannister set aside, holding the very brand of cigarra Fiolette drew from as he spoke up. Between two metallic, crimson fingers he drew one before sparking it alight.

"And how has the Galaxy been treating Miss Fortan?" He inquired, arching a brow to her as he takes in a long draw of the cigar.


Fiolette Fortan

Who would have been the wiser? Not a lot of people in the casino at least. Fiolette smiled toward the Sovereign Imperator as he approached, he cleaned up nicely she had to admit. "Not at all," her voice showed the relaxed state she had been in, "not at all." With a slight cant of her head she indicated a direction for the two to walk in. Fiolette had a mind to take him to one of the clubs there it would be crowded and there they could get lost and anyone looking for the pair would have to be very observant.
"The galaxy has treated this Fortan quite kindly in recent days," answered Fiolette, and then she looked at Irveric plainly, "and how has the galaxy treated you? Imperator Tavlar." A sly smile crossed her features briefly. Gone behind them the lobby disappeared they walked down a hall where people carried drinks, and sometimes each other as the hallway gave way to one of the many bustling gambling areas. "I had a few things that I wanted to discuss with you but I wanted them to be in private."
Fiolette walked comfortably through the floor, a woman who had found her freedom once more. She ascended a set of stairs that held a private drinking and entertaining area with curtains that could be drawn for a little more privacy. It rounded the casino partly with a lovely overlook of this particular gambling floor. Another set of stairs this time they were suspended from the ceiling and this time it led to where armed guards stood on one side and droids with crimson eyes stood on the other.
A pair of large Weequays nodded toward Fiolette and sidestepped to allow her and her guest to pass. The lights here were dimmer than everywhere else with neon lamps that gave off a cool glow. She gestured for the Imperator to have a seat, the small area had three couches to choose from and Fiolette sat in the middle where a coffee table kept the couches separated. Behind her was a large wall that displayed the casino's name and logo. Pillows littered the couches, and she held the cigarra in her mouth, she took a drag and savored the rush it brought.
Fiolette flicked off the ash into a tray that was supplied by a Keshiri woman who then disappeared behind a curtain off to the left between a pair of the sofas.






It wasn't that the underworld was so foreign to Irveric, he'd been in and around those of lesser morality and care of the law, only the currency and the amount they traded in was spades higher here than it was in Garang. A man of his stature, position, ideology...he didn't anticipate these sorts of crowds would care for him. Even if gambling was never overtly banned in New Imperial space, after all, there were certain respites that had to exist in order for the rigidness of Imperial rule to continue on its peaceful course.

He was content for her to take the lead as he tucked the cigar between his lips, drinking in the sweetened herbal smoke as he followed along, his lone organic guy scanning his surroundings in innate curiousity. These were far different grounds than what he was ever used to after all. Were it not the battlefield, Ravelin or one of the few personal enclaves he utilized to shelter himself the former two.

He sat himself on one of the couches next to her own, leaning himself back into the cushioning as he leaned his cybernetic arm along the back of the furniture, peering to her with narrowed eyes as he looked over her through the dim neon flouresence.

"Well- you had my attention...and now you have my presence, where no one can disturb us. If things were going too well I don't anticipate you'd be reach out to me, lest I'm mistaken. Regardless, whatever it is you have to say, you have my ear, Miss Fortan." He offers and soon enough he takes another pull from the cigara.


Fiolette Fortan

Fiolette took a long drag of her cigarra and held the smoke in for a moment longer. She released the smoke slowly and turned her attention to the Sovereign Imperator, "indeed, our conversation isn't meant for those who are enjoying their time here." She tipped the ashes of her cigarra off into the ash tray. "I wanted to discuss my entrance into the New Imperial Order, or perhaps integration might be a better word." Years of standing by all in the name of love had done the Imperial wrong, and wounded Fiolette's own pride in the process.
"As I'm sure the news has reached you by now, my chains are broken and I am free of my Sith shackles," added Fiolette whilst the cigarra was brought back to her lips. The calm aura that it brought her, relaxed the Galidraani in a way that she just couldn't obtain in the past. "That is of course, if you will have me in the New Imperial Order."
"You clean up nice, by the way," complimented Fiolette toward the Sovereign Imperator, Irveric Tavlar. She set her cigarra down on the ash tray and watched a moment as the smoke wafted upward. She then called over the Keshiri and ordered a drink, "and if you want anything to drink, Nendra here can get that for you." Nendra the Keshiri who wore a short skirt and halter top as her uniform.





Different shades than the conversation they'd had in New Avalonia. Where Fiolette once seemed forlorn to be sat at the sidelines of the Third Imperial Civil War, clasping herself behind her personal satisfaction over her duty. He understood the struggle, after all he probably would've rose his arms in defiance far earlier...but it would've been far more futile than the valiant effort he'd been able to mount now.

"And so I've heard. You shouldn't be too surprised that news reaches me rather quickly. It is known, your own personal schism that is." Which meant she was brought before him and those goals of personal satisfaction and duty aligned at the dawning of the Iron Sun. She very simply, very overtly, offered all of the assets of Fiolette Fortan to be added to his host, alongside the several other worlds of Imperials, Mandalorians and renegade Jedi which now marched to the cause of the New Imperial Order.

"I'd not ever turn you away, a sentiment I'd hoped I'd gotten across the last we'd met. However...I'm not so naïve to believe it'd be a seamless transfer." Irveric remarks, taking a draw from his cigar before speaking up once more, eyeing her with narrowed vision.

"Even if lashing back at the Sith Eternal is all that truly sates'd not have me believe that, so might be the material cost for the loyalty of Fiolette Fortan?" He inquired, arching a brow before offering a low laugh to her compliment. He'd been told the same several times before, or at the very least, every time he'd equipped himself in something other than his military garb. His current status as Imperator certainly helped, at least, that was what he accredited to the sudden surgence of compliments that ever headed his way.

"Most appreciated, I'd say the same of yourself but of course, I've never seen you subside your beauty for anything at all." He compliments in return, remarking to the occasion where she dressed to her aesthetic note all the same even in an active war zone.

"Retsa, leave the bottle if you will, thank you." He requested to the Keshiri.

"No surprise to see any of her kind in this space, after the Keshiri Empire in-exile set roots on 'Mantell...or, attempted to, they aren't so uncommon in that sector. I am right to assume that her and everyone else under your employment are in fact...paid, yes? This Empire is to serve her as it does you or me." Slavery had been abolished in New Imperial space since the New Imperial victory at Dubrillion, though it was a choice which Irveric morally abided by and agreed with, it was used largely as a political tool to encourage rebellion in the already faltering Oversector 1 of the Sith Empire, as well as bury anything resembling a Sith policy as a lead up to Operation Kyber Dark, which fully scraped clean any of what remained of Apostle influence in the New Imperial government.


Fiolette Fortan

Forlorn indeed, relented to stay on the sidelines of the war. Kept away by a love so unfair but a love that neither party need bother with anymore. Fiolette sat upon the couch comfortable in the ambiance of the casino. "Of course, I'd be more surprised if such word hadn't reached your ears," admitted the Imperial whilst she took a sip of her brandy. It was all well and good now that time had passed, the Galidraani considered it something of an honor to have bedded a Sith for such a time. "Well, that is a comfort to hear," Fiolette commented feeling reassured of her measures or rather the measures she wished to take.
"No, of course not, and I am glad that you believe this for it is quite true," there was no part of her that wished to conquest in the name of yet another nation. However, when it came to striking back at the Sith, now then that's where the game truly came alive for her. She laughed a little more although it was still light when she had complimented him. Fiolette noted how he eyed her with a narrowed gaze and she wouldn't count it against his person after all she'd be just as skeptical. Vanity is a sin, and it was one that the Imperial woman was well aware of she listened to the Imperator and waited until he had finished speaking to address his questions one by one.
Fiolette gave a nod of acknowledgment and relaxed on the couch, "all my employees are well cared for, paid, with benefits of health care, child care, and the like." A moment as Fiolette matter-of-factly added, "to do so otherwise would fly in the face of my heritage, Imperator." Galidraani aristocracy took pride - well the good of the aristocracy - took pride in caring for their servants or in this case employees. "I can provide my own materials, ships, guns, walkers, and the like even personnel."
"My cost so to speak is not for myself, but rather for my homeworld," began Fiolette who then leaned over to pick up her cigarra she took a moment to enjoy the amber-orange hues that glowed as air passed it by, "Galidraan is currently a very unhappy subject of the Sith Eternal, and wishes to be free of it." She placed the cigarra between her lips and drew in its poisonous taste, "for you see..." Fiolette exhaled and watched the smoke dissipate into the air. "While I might be able to aid them in their endeavor I cannot promise them their Imperial freedom."
"Your nation however can provide that to them," concluded Fiolette for on the matter of material aid she could provide, but on the matter of governance and continued freedom from the Sith she could not promise her people, at least with her own means alone. "This need not be... Right this moment but rather something to be held until it is appropriate to cash it in."

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He leaned back into his own seat adjacent to her, sucking in a draw of his cigara as he nodded along with what she said. It was pure vengeance, as far as Irveric could read it, with a nationalistic slant by the way of Galidraan. He'd indulge her, after all, he was in reality, the man with the leverage. As much as she could take her fleet and assets off to the Unknown Regions where her comrades in the First Order dwelled, they would not see the retribution against the Sith which she sought. The New Imperial Order's ambitions aligned perfectly.

"Galidraan will see its freedom and with such, its incorporation into our Imperial state. Our war does not end until the Sith are broken. They are threat to the existence of any true Empire, they only wish to see it warped it into a vessel for their own vices and sins."
Irveric remarks, nodding once, the cigara kissing his lips once more as he drew in the sweetened herb.

"I hope you don't mind if I pry- as to what occured between you and Raaf that drew you so violently apart? I can only assume it was some form of neglect. Whatever it was, a grave mistake on her part to slight a woman as beautiful and dangerous as yourself- still, I have my curiousity." Irveric inquires.


Fiolette Fortan

The question that was surely on everyone's mind, how did Taeli and Fiolette come to an end? She smiled as Irveric complimented her and then drew on the cigara once more. Fio looked at the ashed tip of the cigara as she exhaled the smoke, a finger tapped the ash into the tray and her azure gaze focused on the Imperator's. "Neglect, would be an understatement," began the Galidraani, "in a word, power."
"I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything else, from a Sith, however; I knew of Sith capable of making time for their families. The Pavanos for starters, but alas, Taeli could not see past her own ambitions and as beautiful and as intelligent as she is. She seems to lack the emotional intelligence to understand the needs of her spouse." Fiolette exhaled, there was more, "add to this, she treated our second daughter as if the girl didn't exist."
"Our second daughter is not gifted with the Force, and thus never could garner the same affections from Taeli that our oldest always had," and it broke Fiolette's heart. "Taeli continued to spend more time away from home, and our bed grew colder - our love colder still. She treated me like a stranger some days, so, now she's simply somebody I used to know." And then there was the second drag, as Fiolette concluded her explanation and looked over at the Imperator.
"I do thank you for the compliment by the way," there in laid a cheeky smile on the woman's face. "Although, I have something of a personal favor to ask but it is not for me directly, it is for my son."





Neglect. That sentiment struck far too close for comfort with Irveric as he’d been partial to much of the same. Not by choice, whether it be his or the part of his lover, Lyra. Their arena was a demanding one of them both, it was simply difficult to carve the time to properly maintain the bond. Such was life of the Imperator.

What struck him was the nature of how Taeli outright abolished their non force sensitive daughter from her care and attention. Ever vindicating for Irveric. If a Sith did not see their own kin as viable because they lacked the gift of the Force, how were they supposed to look favorably on their subjects? He nodded along with her sentiment, preferring the cigara over providing what little input he could in agreement before she spoke up of her son.

“Is that so? What is the nature of your request then?” He inquired the arch of a brow.


Fiolette Fortan

"My son is sensitive to the Force, however; I wish for this connection to be severed, for now," careful on how she spoke Fiolette proceeded with caution, "I want him to make the choice for himself, on how he wishes to use his abilities." There was one more thing, "and by making the choice for himself he must also be out of his mother's influence through the Force until he's eighteen." Fiolette placed the cigarra on an ashtray and sat up straight against the sofa.
"My favor is thus, aid in severing his connection from the Force."
The sounds of the casino continued around them, the merriment, the drunkenness, and overall jovial atmosphere with a side of recklessness on the part of the guests and patrons. The secured area around the Imperator and Fiolette remained quite than the rest, "and in exchange I would owe you a favor, to be called upon when you have need of me."
A quid pro quo, something for something - and favors were always in season.




Not what he imagined to be the sole condition to Fiolette's defection to the New Order, but the condition seemed simple enough to abide by, though he had no means of severing one from the Force without nullifying their presence within it completely, making them Force Death through the means of the prototypes in Project RUUSAN and the Adekon Nanogenes.

He could only hope one of his closer confidants would know the means.

"This can be arranged, the Lord Executor, Rurik Fel Rurik Fel may be able to do what you require or at the very least, point you in the right direction. He is far more knowledgeable in the arcane esoterics of the Force than I am. His office may be contacted through the same channels as my own...or you can request his summons in Fortress Imperator proper. Bastion." Irveric iterates.

"Regardless...I think we should be able to will done what it is you require, Miss Fortan. So then the final terms are the liberation of Galidraan and your son severed from his connection to the Force? And I assume a vast majority of your corporate interests still lie in the First Order? Not that've quarrel with this, they've been amicable with the New Order to this point, I don't anticipate that changing."
Irveric states.


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