Nikola Ticon
Angel from Hell
Jedi Temple
To the best of Nikola's knowledge, there were never more than one or two Ticons in the galaxy at any one point in time. The family was simply too fractured, each member too much of a vagabond to even consider being in one location at relatively the same time. It was a rare event for him to speak with his older sister for more than a few broken conversations via the holocomm, and even then the exchanges were kept brief due to the busy lives they both led. But apparently there was another sibling younger than him that had just recently made their presence known, a younger sister he hadn't been aware of until very recently. Maybe family wasn't quite as distant as he had first thought.Until this lost sister decided to show her face, however, he would remain in the training grounds, an area of the Sullust Temple that had grown to be a second home for him. It was better than wasting away idle hours in his quarters, and at least here he was not only allowed but expected to burn off any excess energy constructively. Running was a pastime he had taken to in the previous few weeks, as it helped to both clear his mind and keep him fit when he wasn't otherwise training with his Master or fighting for the Alliance. Besides, he was doing something productive, and that was all that mattered, in his mind. Still, even he had his limits. This is boring.
His circuit of the running track available slowed, and he conceded himself to the showers, emerging with damp hair and, once again, nothing with which to occupy his time. Waiting sufficed well enough, and so he planted himself by the entrance to the Temple, able to watch most anyone come and go within the biodome. When one looked past the toxic, unbreathable air and the volcanoes that dotted the planet, Sullust really wasn't that bad of a locale to call home. Granted, he would always prefer being out in the open to being confined with any space, regardless of how large it really was, but beggars couldn't be choosers. So long as he had nothing to do and nowhere to go, he would remain here. Hopefully it wouldn't bore his sister too much.
Tabitha. That was her name. Unlike the others within the family she had stuck around their homeplanet of Corellia until its eventual destruction. To the best of his knowledge she wasn't Force sensitive either, and more than likely didn't take too kindly to the harsh reality his older sister no doubt reminded her of. For all intents and purposes she was a civilian when compared to the rest of the family, unable to defend herself and unwise to the greater dangers that inhabited the galaxy. Ample time spent with the other two Ticons would grant her a different sort of outlook, and hopefully bring some kind of reality into her life. Of course, he would go about things a bit differently than his older sister. But she had to show up first.
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