Old Tusk
Malachor. Jakkor remembered hearing things about Malachor from his temple days. It was a forbidden world no jedi was ever supposed to go there,for reasons he didn't know why. Now he was taking his children with permission from his Wife to explore the planet. He wanted to teach them about the Sith and the dangers of the Dark Side,and he couldn't think of a better place than the forbidden world.
Within hours the Outlander had landed on the surface,which looked to have no signs of life,and it looked like it was glassed. As he stepped off the landing ramp he could see the ruins of a dome,and a pyramid shape in the distance.
[member="Xiarr Sair"]
[member="Natalia Kess"]
[member="Viktoria Kess"]
[member="Lilla Kess"]
[member="Anasztazia Kess"]
Within hours the Outlander had landed on the surface,which looked to have no signs of life,and it looked like it was glassed. As he stepped off the landing ramp he could see the ruins of a dome,and a pyramid shape in the distance.
[member="Xiarr Sair"]
[member="Natalia Kess"]
[member="Viktoria Kess"]
[member="Lilla Kess"]
[member="Anasztazia Kess"]