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Mission Force Dead | TAC, Hypergate Σ-Kresh Jedi Temple

Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone


Force Dead
Hypergate Σ-Kresh Jedi Temple
Tags: Open


An anomaly has overtaken the halls of an ancient structure on the moon of Hurikane.

Hypergate Σ-Kresh has served as one of many outposts for Force Users in the Outer Rim, maintained by efforts of the Jedi Order and open to those of the TAC's Aquillian Rangers. Something bizarre has overcome the ancient Temple, however, as those dwelling within the old monastery have suddenly found themselves incapable of utilizing the Force. Upon further inspection, the area around the Temple has been determined to have become Force Dead, with expert philosophers and Force experts unsure of the cause. TAC command has deemed the source of such an anomaly a matter of priority, seeing it as an answer to the Sith Order and the Inquisitorious. Allies have been dispatched to enter the depths of the Temple to locate the source, gathering in the lobby of the structure....

"Bizarre... the Force doesn't flow through this space whatsoever."

Phy muttered to herself as she drifted about the lobby in thought, requiring her backup repulsors to maintain her preferred state of levitation. Not long ago had she finished her stent with the Exploration Corps and returned home to Jasper Kai'el, yet here things were already exciting again. The thought of venturing into an ancient catacomb and locating some ancient relic was certainly grandiose, allusions to the old age of Romance and Exploration no doubt. What a good novel it would make. Had she not an obligation to assisting the research, Phy might very well find herself locked away in her study to scribble out thousands of rough drafts.

Perhaps another time.

For now her attention had to shift back to the task at hand. A narrow passageway had been uncovered, hidden behind a large stone. Before the party lay a seemingly endless staircase into the depths of the Temple, their age dating back to a time one may never truly fathom. Her crystaline core all but shivered with anticipation, the receptors of her emotion displaying such subtly on her mechanical face.

What could even be down there?



Force Dead
Hypergate Σ-Kresh Jedi Temple
Tag: Phy Phy
"One thing's for sure, those staircases can't be up to code." Anthony joked, his way of trying to ease the tension. "I'd ride a wave down if I had the Force, but that's not an option right now. Everyone watch your step."

The stairs down were tretcherous for sure, but Anthony always had Erika if things went south. Even without it's Forceful abilities, she was still a well made fireaxe that he could use as a climbing tool if need be...


Braze had joined the mission, walking into the Force-dead temple with a strange sense of familiarity. The void pressed against him, numbing, unnatural, but somehow known. "Feels familiar...unnatural, but familiar," he remarked, his voice cutting through the tense air as he followed Phy down the treacherous staircase.

He kept a sharp eye on her, recalling the lessons he'd learned from Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas on how to manage in a Force-dead zone. The absence of the Force didn't leave him helpless, but it was disorienting. He'd adapted, knowing from his encounters with Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order just how dangerous places like this could be, especially for those like him.

Still, the cold silence of the Force around him left him uneasy. He padded after Phy, his movements steady despite the void, determined to see what lay at the heart of the temple.
Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone

Hypergate Σ-Kresh Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun


Droid Body

"One thing's for sure, those staircases can't be up to code."

"I don't imagine inspectors made it their objective to regularly examine them," Phy noted, floating down the staircase.

Her eyes shifted back to Braze for a moment, assessing his current status. He seemed strangely prepared yet uncomfortable at the same time; two conflicting states of mind wrapped into one. Of course, that was what she could gather from analyzing his facial structure. That was only so reliable, much less than feeling through the Force.

"Are you doing okay?" the shard asked.

Her eyes would drift back towards the depths of the staircase for a moment.

"Air quality seems stable," she noted. "No change in chemical makeup. You all should find no difficulty breathing for the time being."


Tag: Phy Phy Braze Braze

"Thank the Force for that. It's been ages since I've had to crack out my respirator. Need to get that thing looked at..."

Anthony's eyes slowly scanned the staircase as they descended, the man drawing his cryo-pistol and keeping it level. Whatever was down there, he wanted to be ready for it.



TAGS: Phy Phy


Braze offered a small smile to Phy. "I'm fine, but I'm more worried about you," he said, his tone casual but genuine. "If you don't mind me asking, how heavy is your... uh, chassis?" He glanced at her frame, uncertain if he could lift her if it ever came to that. He knew droid bodies often packed more weight than their size let on, and it was something he'd rather be prepared for than surprised by later.
  • Love
Reactions: Phy
Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone

Hypergate Σ-Kresh Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun


Droid Body

"I'm fine, but I'm more worried about you," he said, his tone casual but genuine. "If you don't mind me asking, how heavy is your... uh, chassis?"

"Lighter than you would expect," Phy insisted, continuing to drift down the stairs. "I would not be concerned-"

Then there was a crack. A loud one. As Phy turned her head back, her photoreceptor eyes adjusting to the shifting light, a shiver of anticipation hit her crystalline core. The walls had begun to peel, folding in on themselves and progressively moving towards them. The walls of the staircase were collapsing. The shard increased the power output from her core, causing the accessory on her chest to glow brighter. She turned to her allies.

"We need to move, now!"

She would be fine, but they certainly wouldn't.


Tag: Phy Phy Braze Braze

"Chit!" He called out, as he began running. Lucky him, his training as a firefighter gave him the experience of climbing stairs rather quickly, but he could only move so fast without the Force.

So he found a new way. The Pelt Armor had integrated repuslor boots, and now he was gonna put them to the test. Flicking them on, he slid down the stairs like he was on skies, skating down as fast as his own momentum would take him.



TAGS: Phy Phy Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun


At the sound of the crack, Braze's instincts took over. He vaulted over a crumbling section of the stairs, landing hard. But his foot hit debris on the landing, sending him tumbling forward and down the remaining steps. He crashed, rolling over the uneven ground with a sharp grunt. Pain flared through his knee as he came to a stop at the bottom. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself up, testing the leg. It throbbed fiercely. He squinted back up with a frown wondering how it was they might get out.​

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