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Force Sight back to the Old Republic

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor


Classified Planet, Classified City, Meditation chamber.




Vyrassu sat on his knees, eyes closed focusing on the force. The room was circle, statues lined around the room, the room was rather dark with very low lighting. Jen'ari Empire banners laid hung around the walls. The sound of the chamber was creepy, a whisper of wind, sounds of ancient spirits echoing through the room barely heard. Vyrassu knew of the plan. He was going to use a spell to cast force sight upon certain Sith within his order. They were going to take a trip through the force back to nearly 5,000 years ago, to the old republic, to the events directly following the Great Hyperspace wars. Vyrassu had been there in person, he watched Naga Sadow failed with his Sith Empire and the republic attacked korriban. Vitiate took over but certain Sith chose not to follow him and fled to the planet where Vyrassu and his Empire currently reside. This WAS NOT Dromund Vatsu but a different planet in general. Now Vyrassu was going to take certain members of his Sith Order to see what he saw in person almost 5,000 years ago. This spell was going to affect the mind to a serious point. Hopefully they could handle this meditation trance Vyrassu was going to put them in.

Vyrassu felt them coming to the meditation chamber just as he had requested. This would be interesting. He felt the presence of [member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"] and [member="Darth Elra"] and [member="Kyrinov"] and [member="Jaron Lesan"] . Vyrassu would prepare to do the spell that would trance them all into force sight. Vyrassu could hear their footsteps as they entered the chamber. Vyrassu watched them come in and get on their knees to begin the meditation. Vyrassu explained the situation. His voice was deep, hollow and echoed.


I'm going to put you guys into a meditation trance using a spell, visually, mentally and in spirit we will be going back to the events that took place right after the hyperspace wars. Certain Sith went rogue and abandoned Vitiate and left to create their own Sith society here on this planet. How they thrived for 5,000 years. So when your ready we will begin.

Vyrassu looked and the room, his face hidden under his black mask, the eye holes glowing a reddish orange, his Hood up over his mask, all hiding his emotions that would possibly see on his face. Vyrassu remained calm and collective, but his body as a mass begin glowing a metallic red and black smoke begin emitting from his body showing his excessive power in the darkside being contained by his body. Vyrassu again closed his eyes to focus on the force.

Vyrassu begin the spell putting all members into a trance, the warp through time was intense, like seeing everything in the galaxy happening at once. Finally everything came into view, the republic had invaded korriban, Vitiate took control of the fleeting Sith. He was taking them to Nathema. Then everything went dark. Another view could be seen in everyone's mind. It was the planet they were on, problem was there was no electrical storms, but the planet was an overgrown jungle. Various Sith were gathered. One Sith stood before them all, he was giving a speech that a new Sith society will be built. Things went dark again but came back into view. A small city had been established, in the distance a high tower was seen with an orangeish red glow on top. And now the atmosphere had been cracked, overcast skies, constant rain and repeated thunder and lightning ripped through the skies.

Vyrassu looked down at his hand, it was see through and glowing red and blurry with waves. Vyrassu looked to his left and right to see the sith that were in the force sight with him. They also looked as he did. Vyrassu noticed sith walking towards them but kept walking right through them acting as they weren't there, but it makes sense since this is only a vision through the force. Vyrassu knew the plan, visit various spots on the planet, witness sith doing magic and rituals and spells that caused this planet to be blanketed in the darkside. Vyrassu looked to his fellow sith and nodded then started walking to go explore.

Jaron never understood why Vyrassu was including him in things that should have been left for those of his Empire. How Jaron wound up in the man’s inner circle was beyond him, but he had, and he would not scoff at it. First there was a job to do. Metus wanted him close as the Confederacy was considering the request for diplomatic conversations. Secondly, Jaron would never spurn an opportunity to see Dianah.

Their relationship had evolved quickly to that of lovers, and while there were many things that did not allow them the constant companionship they wanted, their bond ran deep. The force was at work, and Naron could see it.

He knelt as instructed, ensuring his place next to Dianah. Even if this was not a time for a reunion Narin had whispered in her ear there would be a lengthy one when this gathering was over. There was little to be said in exchange before Vyrassu spoke. His face was always hidden behind his mask, and Jaron was curious as to what it looked like.

Jaron was dressed in Dianah’s favorite color, black of course, and waited for the trance to begin.

Farseeing, it also looked into the past as it did the future. Jaron was experienced with these visions. The past was always what was and the future never certain. His mind went immediately to his own vision, and he reached to squeeze Dianah’s hand, but as the vision was just that, his hand passed through hers.

“It seems we are going on an adventure. Let’s see what it is we are to discover here,” Jaron said to his companions as he followed the Dark Lord.

[member=“Dianah Vi’Dreya”], [member="Kyrinov"], [member="Darth Elra"], [member="Darth Vyrassu"]

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