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Force Specialists?


Well-Known Member
So I know of a few IC, and in the books etc. I know I'm not close to knowing all of them, so I needed your guys help. Do you remember any Force Specific people? For example @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] is a powerful telekinetic. I know that Darth Bane's apprentice was also but can't remember in what feild.

Also who thinks Force Speed would be a good specialty? I mean to really master it? I would like to have my character be a specialist but have to decide on what.
Well-Known Member
You can specialize in however you want.

Me though? My specailty's lay in Telepathic abilities. My character is one who provides ample distractions and can go unnoticed when he wants to. Essentially, he's eventually going to turn into the next great Illusionist. (This guy looks to become a God; a long, horrible, and difficult nearly impossible task. But it shall be a good, loooooong time before Jhar ever reach's anything akin to God-hood)


Cira is a Disciple of Twilight. Her specialty lies in cloak of shadow, phase, illusions, and being able to hide her Force signature in it's entirety. She's meh so so with everything else. Her genetics as a half Shi'ido make her more apt to telepathy though.
Ti'Cira's specialty is that of Altering her Environment; that is controlling and altering the environmental factors around her. IE Plant surge, Tempest, Shaping of water and air, and weather.

She has no aptitude for mind tricks, illusions, or anything that has to do with "lying" persay, as she herself hates deceit. Her one token move is to at least be able to move within the shadows, but she is still relearning things after her mindwipe.

It comes and goes.
Darren is a mix of a few. Hes excellent with blades of all kinds and he uses speed to his advantage. He is pretty good in the force (no where near shorm) and hes okay with anything else

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I had a character called Je'gan Olra'en, Darth Shule, who was a mentalism/illusion specialist (which reminds me, promised someone I would transfer him as a spirit in a holocron). Terrible at telekinesis and healing, decent at energy manipulation, pure defense on lightsabre combat.

Utterly awesome at illusions. :D

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Torn said:
Also who thinks Force Speed would be a good specialty? I mean to really master it? I would like to have my character be a specialist but have to decide on what.
Add Force Jump (it's closely related) and you'd have the foundation for a really cool character. Maybe in terms of the lightsabre you could fight like Yoda.
Ashin Varanin said:
I had a character called Je'gan Olra'en, Darth Shule, who was a mentalism/illusion specialist (which reminds me, promised someone I would transfer him as a spirit in a holocron). Terrible at telekinesis and healing, decent at energy manipulation, pure defense on lightsabre combat.

Utterly awesome at illusions. :D
So he's the Chris Angel of the SWRP.Net Universe? Got it.


Well-Known Member
In the end I would like to have him be so fast, that when he does that whole "shits hitting the fan time to get serious" moment that he could perceive the world around him slower, in direct relations to his enhanced speed. Like how when a telekinetic does that gather force, then explode. I want Torn to gather energy, and nearly vanish he's moving so fast. Would he use this against PC's? Most likely not often. But I just think it would be cool to haveshort bursts of untouchable speed. I like the idea of Force Jump as well...that's gonna be Torn. Thanks for the input yu guys.

Ps. Keep up the posts though, iwould still like to learn more.

Nohemi Allaneh

Order of the White Current
Ashin Varanin said:
I had a character called Je'gan Olra'en, Darth Shule, who was a mentalism/illusion specialist (which reminds me, promised someone I would transfer him as a spirit in a holocron). Terrible at telekinesis and healing, decent at energy manipulation, pure defense on lightsabre combat.

Utterly awesome at illusions. :D
@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Indeed. Well versed in the White Current as well. ;)
Zaiden said:
In the end I would like to have him be so fast, that when he does that whole "shits hitting the fan time to get serious" moment that he could perceive the world around him slower, in direct relations to his enhanced speed. Like how when a telekinetic does that gather force, then explode. I want Torn to gather energy, and nearly vanish he's moving so fast. Would he use this against PC's? Most likely not often. But I just think it would be cool to haveshort bursts of untouchable speed. I like the idea of Force Jump as well...that's gonna be Torn. Thanks for the input yu guys. Ps. Keep up the posts though, iwould still like to learn more.

Problem with this is joints can only take so much movement so quickly. While the force can enhance things, there would still be a threshold where the body just could not deal with it anymore.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Nohemi Allaneh"]

Nohemi Allaneh said:
Like when was shule supposed to have died? Compared to training me xD /handwaves Should be figured out... somehow.. or maybe I'm just sleepy

Oh that? Yeah, he's been quiet for about ten years, but he's only been dead (this time) for less than one. After all, Tahira.

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