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LFG Force Theorists, Scholars and Consular-types.

Caedyn Arenais

I'm looking for threads with Force Users, who focus on the Force itself (Think Consular-Types), and the ideologies of other Force Groups.

Of course, Jedi are included in this, but Caedyn is seeking to understand the Will of the Force better. Call it a spiritual journey of growth, rather than one focusing on duty. He's been a long-time Jedi Guardian type with a Je'daii foundation of training in his early days and is by no means inexperienced but seeking to shape his worldviews further.

I am however hoping to move him away from the Guardian Path. As a Force User, Caedyn prioritizes the Will of the Force above all else. How to interpret the Force, what this looks like to various people and what it means for Force Users will differ from writer to writer but I believe there's always something to be learned in the sharing of views, given an open mind. This is the approach I am giving to Caedyn in the hope of further expanding on his ideologies and theoretical skillset.

I also love to have those philosophical conversations, especially the uncomfortable sort that explores discourse among Force Users and their practices. So if that's a bit of you, then an added bonus :)

TL;DR: Let's talk about Force Theory and advanced Practices.
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Hey Caedyn,

Taiia was created literally for this purpose, to deep dive into metaphysical concepts of the force by understanding multiple disciplines. She has trained with Jedi, Sith, Jed’aii, Nightsisters. Her overall view of the force is that by its very nature it is neutral, how it used is what determine good or evil. She is also a firm believer in the guidance of the cosmic force. I am just back from a long LOA so I would love to write.

Caedyn Arenais

Hey Caedyn,

Taiia was created literally for this purpose, to deep dive into metaphysical concepts of the force by understanding multiple disciplines. She has trained with Jedi, Sith, Jed’aii, Nightsisters. Her overall view of the force is that by its very nature it is neutral, how it used is what determine good or evil. She is also a firm believer in the guidance of the cosmic force. I am just back from a long LOA so I would love to write.

I would love to share a thread together, and it sounds like there's a great deal that she could share with Caedyn :) Thank you for the offer!

Where would she be located nowadays, for us to get started?
I would love to share a thread together, and it sounds like there's a great deal that she could share with Caedyn :) Thank you for the offer!

Where would she be located nowadays, for us to get started?

Odessen, shes in the process of actually building an academy right now for this very purpose. Feel free to DM if you want to plan it out.

Caedyn Arenais

Heya! I think Elias would fit this bill pretty nicely :) He loves teaching with the RJC because of the varied Force sects and traditions that meld and blend

Always happy to thread with a member of the Rimward Trade League! Sounds like a good time to me.

Where would Elias be wishing to meet?
Revealing Fire of Life
Caedyn Arenais

Shani uses swords in combat - and does the work of a Shadow, but her stronger skillsets and her philosophy is very much more of the Consular-type and that would likely be her "class" if you were to give her one., especially given her origins in the Ashlan Crusade. Definitely would be some room for interesting interactions between them

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

Shani uses swords in combat - and does the work of a Shadow, but her stronger skillsets and her philosophy is very much more of the Consular-type and that would likely be her "class" if you were to give her one., especially given her origins in the Ashlan Crusade. Definitely would be some room for interesting interactions between them

The Ashlan Crusade will definitely provide a point of view that may differ from Caedyn's values and beliefs, precisely the sort of content that this LFG was meant to encourage. I'm very curious to see whether the impressions that I have been given, are anything close to the experiences of members/characters within the faction. I'm certainly interested to write together!

Caedyn Arenais Dagobah usually, right about the temple.

Dagobah sounds good then. I'm getting a number of responses now so I'll prioritize you, Tiland and Shani next.

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