Force Skills of Kaida Taldir:
Alter Environment (cryomancy and aeromancy focused).
Telekinesis (Force Push, Throw, Grip, Wound, Kill, Choke).
Force Shield
Force Healing
Protection Bubble
Force Cloak - Bends light to render self invisible
Art of the Small
Kaida's skill set is very specific and focused upon the elements. As a cryomancer she can theoretically drain people of their heat, freeze their blood, lungs, brains or spinal cords, though that takes lots of concentration. Likewise she can manipulate water molecules to summon sharp ice shards out of thin air, create icestorms, small blizzards and flash floods, though the radius of those is obviously limited since she is no master, the same applies to creating raging whirlwinds.
Knows how to use a sarix, though her skills with it and with a lightsabre are basic. It seems none of my characters are great duellists. Proficient in the use of ranged weapons such as the bolter and blaster rifles.