Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Force user vs non Force user

*Force user uses Force crush*

*Non Force user unable to move, their insides are destroyed, killing them*


I know some RP sites ban moves like Force crush or choke used on NFUs, perhaps I missed it in the rules.

Anyway, thoughts? How does a NFU fight a powerful FU? Is it fair for a FU to just up and use Force choke or crush on an NFU?

I would agree that duels are more about crafting a good story than who wins or loses, but if a Force user is faced with a skilled and dangerous NFU, why wouldn't they resort to a quick Force choke or crush? In fact it would be out of character for many Force users to not do so.


As a writer, you are in control of your character. Even if somebody performs an otherwise lethal move, you can wiggle your way through it. If the other writer is doing illogical stuff, you can contact them or just not RP with them anymore.

It's not difficult.

Also, Force Choke and other crazy abilities are something I've not seen being used a lot here. And even if they are used and that causes any problems, writers either work it out between them or let an RPJ do that.

So, NFUs just have to be clever and come up with techniques to win a duel against a FU. Random circumstances and opportunities are also very good ways for NFUs to win.
Well for one force crush, choke, and even a grip on your character can be broken by using a jetpack to shoot yourself out of the view of said person doing the ability as most users need line of sight to use such abilities. There have been a few cases in both Legends and Canon where people can do it without LOS but those are far and few between. Another way is to do something to break their concentration dropping grenades at their feet, shooting them. Anyone can resist the instinct to grab at their throats during a force choke so simply shoot the FU doing it to you and break their concentration.

Ysalamir come to mind as FU's can't effect the person inside the barrier. You could be force dead which makes you immune to direct applications of the force except Force Lightning. A NFU has plenty of ways to fight a FU, especially if they're geared for it. Just have to be smarter than the FU you're fighting and have a plan.
I will admit there was a certainly epic duel I once read on another Star Wars RP site where the current Mand'alor completely rekt a Sith Lord/Jedi Master. I think it was reking the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, though it was a long time ago.

Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
As a Force User, I feel like it's way too easy to just say 'and then I used some sort of Force powers' as an out. Or perhaps you can use some very powerful artifact to justify being able to level most of a city. I can't blame NFUs for not being keen on us.

You can certainly contact an RP judge. But I feel like we should be policing ourselves on an individual basis. Ask yourself if the characters your own is based off could do what you just wrote. Be honest and ask yourself too if it's just a case of tit-for-tat.

Think about the other writer too. Would this be something that made them roll their eyes? Or would it make them want to sink their teeth into this chance at a good story. It's pretty hard to write well and I know maybe 1-2/10 of my posts are actually good.

It's so much easier to wave your hand and say 'well my talisman of hand-wavium means I can withstand a nuke'. It's the easy trap of instant gratification. If the actions taken by the other character make sense, what can you do to make a reply that makes sense too. Hard but worth doing because you get to sit back and say 'that was a solid post I just made'.
Force Choke and Crush are standard attacks for Sio since she specialises in TK. But the way I write it they require her to see her opponent. Moreover, they require focus and concentration. She's not gonna be able to crush a PC's windpipe in one post.

Besides, how much damage a character takes is up to the writer, and it's up to you whether your char dies.

On a more practical level, there are several Companies that manufacture and sell gear that's supposed to give NFUs an edge against Force-users and allow them to engage them on more equal terms. Firemane Industries, Vanir Technologies, ArmaTech and Akure Exekutive Interstellar come to mind. Bolters, disruptors, sonic weapons and shatterguns are rather useful against space wizards. One of the selling points of the Mandalorians is that they're an NFU-dominated faction whose warriors can keep up with Force wizards and successfully fight them.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I've played both sides of the field pretty heavily, but over the last year or so I've really favored NFU and honestly it all really doesn't matter.

Yeah the force is great and all, but it's really about cleverness. Even force choke or crush can be countered by a clever NFU, like Sio said you can't just crush someone in one single action(not the least because its against board rules) but even Vader needed a few times to do it. In that time you can draw a blaster and shoot a few times, throw a grenade, do half a dozen different things that get you out. I've beaten plenty of Masters with NFU on Chaos.

It also helps that we have the Factory here. There are literally dozens of gadgets people have created that even the playing field.
Just like an NFUs skills and equipment, the Force isn't a "get out of jail free card" for PvP.

It's all just a matter of respecting the other writer and focusing on the story, and not just how awesome you and your head-tails are (though they really are. Have you felt these things? Like silk...)

I always try and keep in mind what my character's particular strengths and weaknesses, and bring those into the story. For example, this character is a Makashi duelest and thus has greater difficulty when faced with opponents who use blasters or rifles as opposed to lightsabers/vibroblades. So if I'm opposite a writer using a bladed weapon of any kind, I'm likely to play up Zak's strengths. If Zak's fighting a Mandalorian who is duel wielding blasters, like Sabine, I'm more likely to be doing a lot of running.
In the past, I've found there to be a plethora of items and tricks that work really well against FUs. Blasters set to stun can't be deflected by a lightsaber and must be dodged, making concentration difficult. Sonic weapons same deal. I love non-lethal grenades like glop and cryo grenades for going after FUs too. And as stated above, Chaos has the unique bonus of being a place where new tech is welcome and possible to develop.

For me when I write NFUs (or untrained FS), I like to make sure I give them a learning curve- first time a FU tries to beat them up? Probably gonna get their butts kicked. But then they *learn*.

And that learning is the most fun.
I personally enjoy teaching my character things that don't consist of force abilities for the sake of coming into contact with NFU's.

Such as hand to hand combat and in the future, archery.

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