Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forest Feast [Open]


Aerin is hungry. She hungers for meat. The food she had discovered in the wider galaxy throughout her travels was not palatable to her, most of the time she did not recognise what laid on her plate, but she ate it out of necessity. The results of which varied, some of the time, it was fine, most of the time the food had her scurrying for the bathroom.

She decided to do something about it. So she went back to the forest she first visited here on Exocron, she had noticed a creature similar to one on Midvinter. Although the male did not hold the antlers grand like the stags of her home planet and the females somewhat smaller, they would provide a good meal of freshy succulent meat. And Aerin went hunting. She is not one for hunting for sport, in fact she hates the idea of it.

Walking into the mess hall, with the fill over her shoulder she walked to the kitchen and placed the animal on the bench. She gave instructions to the chef to prepare it. "I desire the pelt after you have skinned it, thank you", she said.

Leaving the kitchen, Aerin will wait for the meal to arrive. Taking a seat by a large window, she sat and looked out across the view before her.
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

The Sith Princess was in the mess hall, people watching. It was something she did when she had down time. The things she learned about people. Most of them were boring, just zealots obsessed with their gods. But some had more experiences that were interesting.

Crystal turned around upon sensing an unfamiliar presence entering the room and hitting the door heavily. She blinked. Was that an animal? And it was a woman carrying it? Interesting. Then she took it to the kitchen. That was certainly unusual.

She watched the woman return to the mess hall and take a seat by the window. Crystal decided to introduce herself.

A moment later, she was standing to the side of the red haired woman. "Pardon my intrusion, I just wanted to welcome you to the Temple." She offered a smile. "I'm Crystal."

She felt the air move around her feet, tickling at her skin just under the hem of her leather trousers. Aerin's head turned as the blonde woman approached her table, she now recognised this event, the force telling her things, whispers on the wind as she used to call it, which for her still fitted. Aerin returned the smile and stood up.

"Thank you for the welcome", she said with a slight bow of her head. "The Temple is an .. interesting place. I am Aerin Firebrand, please join me". she offered as she took her seat once more.
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

Crystal nodded in agreement and took the offered seat. "It most certainly is. I spend much of my free time right here in the mess hall. It is interesting to watch others eat, think and interact with others of clearly similar faith and interest."

She pointed over to a older woman eating alone. "That one is very lonely, and arrived not too long ago. I trust that she won't be lonely for long." The Sith Princess smiled.

"The Gods work in mysterious ways." By the Gods, she meant the Force, but she would carry on with the ruse in any event. "And they smile on you. You hear their whispers, I can tell. Have you begun training with the Gods?"

Crystal liked to talk, but she also liked to cut to the chase and not beat around the bush. She also enjoyed testing people in her own ways. The Sith Princess was truly a follower of Hali, you know, if they actually existed.

Her eyes only flicked to the lonely woman the girl spoke of. Aerin held no concern for her and her loneliness, much could have past that had brought the women to this point in her life, and for all she knew it could be her own doing. If one does not take control of ones path, whether events in ones life are good or bad, then suffer the consequences of it and do not sit and wallow in self pity. She had no time for people that do this, weak and dramatic .. sucking the life from others in order to make themselves feel .. something .. if only for a short time.

"Gods", she smiled, her attention now back with the girl sitting opposite to her. What she had observed so far in her time among the Moross was a facade. It reminded her of the Court of High King Beorlund in the capital of Midvinter. The Cheiftains and lessers jockeying and maneuvering for position to win his favour, intrigue and deceits to gain a step further in power, political marriages to secure allegiances, one of which Aerin had escaped. "They do indeed", she added, not buying any of this for a moment, but she will play their game.

"I have began training and I hope to find more with time". Training with one of the Gods, no, he is simply a man.
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

Crystal smirked. She could tell that this one was not like her other apprentices. That wasn't good or bad, just different. But it was refreshing to speak with someone that had a firm grasp on reality.

"What have you learned thus far, and what are you hoping to learn?" She inquired of the Red Haired woman. The Sith Princess was already training two apprentices, and they could use some new competition, to keep them learning and adapting.

It was Aerin's turn to grin, her eyes met the woman across from her and regarded her for a moment. "I have learned nothing, and .. if you refer to skills of force use. I am a blank canvas", she said, which was not entirely true as Aerin had come to realise that she had been using the force all her life. Totally unaware had she become gifted in some aspects of it. Those of which she would keep to herself and not remove her advantage to anyone. True enough that she did not possess other skills much more advanced or that she is not aware of.

"Master [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] has agreed to be my Master, however what I do require is to find someone to teach me the forms in lightsaber combat", she said. Aerin knew well enough how to hold a blade, she is a Shieldmaiden of Midvinter after all and had walked the battle field against rival clans, not to mention the Vinterbound.

"Do you happen to know a good Smith?", she asked.
Learned nothing? Crystal wasn't buying that. Aerin was however, right about the canvas being blank. She was not yet set in her ways, so she was indeed trainable. "I don't think that is entirely true. You've likely been using the Force since before you could walk. You may not have realized it though."

"Excellent. He is a fine teacher and Master. You'll learn a lot from him. I am happy to fill in the gaps if you wish. Once you've grasped the very basics, come and see me and I'll get you started with a lightsaber crash course." The Princess smiled. "But first, you must grasp telekinesis, and enhancements."

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

She began to smell the roast meat coming from the kitchen and her head turned toward the kitchen door, she hoped soon the meal would arrive. As she did so she smiled, not because of the this but the words of [member="Crystal"]. She nodded her head in agreement.

"I am aware now that the skills I do posses are products of the force, it explains a lot", she said as yes now she truly put a name to it. "Much I know already, but there is still much to learn".

"You speak of enhancements and ... telekinesis? please explain these elements, if you will".
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

Crystal noted Aerin's pleasure at the smell of her meat cooking. The Sith Princess always liked to hear that her apprentices always had more to learn. Even after more than four hundred years, Crystal was still learning. It was a life long endeavor, and not one she intended to quit at any point. In fact, she was soon going to have to collaborate with her ex husband in a new endeavor.

"You can use the Force to increase your speed, and stamina, and to jump higher, among other things. And telekinesis, well that's the ability to move objects with your mind. Like this."

Crystal smirked, and the chair underneath Aerin began to rise off the floor, just a couple inches or so. She let it hover for just a moment, because it was likely to draw attention and rattle the red haired woman. "Of course you'll want to start smaller than that."

A look of seer surprise came over her face, as her chair began to lift off the ground. Her hands reached for the seat and held on, but she began to laugh softly. Nothing like a good demonstration to get the blood pumping and now Aerin wanted to know the skill of this. Her eyes locked on [member="Crystal"] and her smiled widened.

"I think I want to start bigger then that", she replied now wanting it more. The comment was more of an indication of her ambitions rather then ability and probably gave away more then Aerin wished. No matter, there is more to come.

"Thank you for your instruction, I have learned more then you realise with your kindness", she said genuinely.
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

Crystal grinned. "Bigger things will come. You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you run. You have a fine master that will instruct you on these things and much more. I have no doubts that I will see you again very soon."

She got up from her seat. "Enjoy the spoils of your hard work. I will see you again." She left Aerin to her meal and headed out of the mess hall.

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